Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon - Season 3 -> August 22nd, 2017 Recap


The sangeet is now underway, with Mika Singh being the special musical guest. Throughout the performance, we see Indrani start to put her next plan into action. She hands something to worker (which Murli sees) and instructs Kajol to carry out a task as well. Advay notices that Chandni looks was too calm and comfortable that something must be up. He instructs Murli to find out if anything is going on. We then see Kajol pouring a powder into a drink. Before Shilpa can stop it, she's stopped and taken away. On the other hand, Murli tries to track down the servant he saw as see Advay about to drink something. Fearing something is in it, he tries to warn him but is unable to get to him as PP drags him off. Luckily, he hands touches Advay's shoulder stopping him right away. Feeling as she has to do this herself, Indrani grabs herself a drink and congratulates Advay on his win. They cheers and drink, with Advay ingesting the mysterious powder.

Just as he thinks everything is going his way, things are about to take a turn. Suddenly, he starts to feel dizzy....he can't keep his balance and his vision is blurry. Advay has just been given a sedative, which is quickly taking effect. As the family watches Advay pass out, she declares the Chandni will now get married to PP. Seeing him in his current state, Chandni wants to help Advay but Indrani refuses and tells her to go with PP. When she doesn't move, he takes hold of her hand and walks her out as she and an unconscious Advay stare at each other. Soon, each family member also follows behind.

Advay is soon able to regain consciousness and slowly makes his way to the door. He's still dizzy and his balance isn't quite there, but he's conscious. Then, Indrani breaks a bottle on the back of his head; knocking him out. She's not taking any chances with him. When Advay regains full consciousness, he notices that everyone has left and sets out to search for them. He goes to the temple, feeling they've gone there, but there's nowhere to be seen. There is one person that's there....Chandni's father. He tells Advay that he can find everyone at the old mansion.

At the old mansion, Chandni is all dressed for the wedding. She still doesn't want to marry PP but knows she has to in order to help her mother. As she's lead to the mandap, Advay arrives on the scene. Shocked that he's been able to find them, Indrani order goons upon him. There's anger and determination in his eyes and nothing is going to stand in his way of him and his ultimate mission.

Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon - Season 3 -> August 21st, 2017 Recap


To help PP escape, Chandni suggest he use the window in the store (that is apparently hidden) and gives him the keys to access it. Once out, he's to go get the police immediately. Furious at what's happening, Indrani heads to her room but she's surprised to see Advay sitting there, calmly reading. They spend some time taunting each other and looks like Advay has a bit of an upper hand. He tells Indrani that she has to make sure Chandni is ready for the haldi ceremony or else they'll be kicked out of the house. When Chandni arrives to her mother's room, she's told exactly that, with Indrani looking defeated.

Preparations are quickly made and Chandni is dressed for the ceremony. PP still hasn't returned with the cops and she's beginning to get nervous. With no choice, she proceeds to the main hall. Once everyone is there, Advay begins the haldi ceremony, wanting to apply the haldi on Chandni first. As his hand slowly approaches her face, she begins to become even more nervous. Right before he can apply the haldi onto her cheek, she knocks the plate of haldi out of Advay's hand and onto the floor, spattering it all over him. She declares to him that he will not touch her and that this ceremony will only happen with the person that God has destined her to be with (in this case, she's thinking of Dev). Advay is fuming but Chandni quietly retreats to her room.

There, she's talking to the rock with Dev's name on it. She knows if he was there, Advay would have never tried anything like this with her. Suddenly, Advay enters her room. Scared, she backs away from him but ends up backed up against a wall. As Advay stands right in front of her, he tells her that the ceremony isn't over until haldi is applied to her too. Very carefully, he rubs his cheek against hers, applying the haldi that was on his cheek onto hers. She's shocked and unable to move, but he congratulates her on completing another ceremony.

Back at the house, the cops have arrived and have found the house locked from the outside. They break the lock and in walks PP with the police commissioner. He points out Advay and the commissioner walks up to him. Surprisingly, he doesn't arrest him. In fact, the two hug and the officer congratulates him on his wedding. Advay introduces the commissioner as his best friend and the house is shocked. This plan's a bust too.

Later, Advay gives Chandni something to apply after the haldi. She's having none of it with him and tries to walk away until he tells her to stop running from her destiny. He reminds her that he stated a while back that he was her destiny; whether it was good, bad, happy, sad, easy or difficult.....he was her's. She reminds him that he hasn't won anything yet....in fact she's not going to give up. She's going to keep fighting as long as she can. When he sees Indrani approach, he quietly leaves. Indrani tells Chandni that they should play along with Advay's game. Once Advay believes that everything is going to his plan, that's when she'll strike with her retaliation. With this, she tells her to get ready for the sangeet. Indrani already has started to plan her next attack.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon - Season 3 -> August 18th, 2017 Recap


The engagement ceremony is about to start. Everyone is dressed to their finest and the house is decked out for the festivities. PP takes Chandni's hand and is about to place the ring on her finger when Advay calls out Chandni's name. Indrani is happy Advay could make the function but just then, he walks up to the podium, pushes PP aside and faces Chandni. When she questions him on what he's doing, he tells her that he's fullfilling his promise to her; that he would be the only one she'd marry. He then takes her hand and in front of everyone, places a ring on her ring finger. Everyone is stunned.

Indrani demands to know why Advay just took such a big step and he tells her it's because he and Chandni are in love. Since the day he saw her, he knew he wanted to marry and because of this, it led him to being in the house. Indrani points out that Chandni is currently marrying PP as she's conducted all the rituals with him so far, however Advay is quick to point out the obvious. PP hasn't done any of the rituals with Chandni. In fact, it was Advay who put the chundari over her, sat with her on the swing and carried her up the stairs with a diya. So technically, she's marrying him. Chandni asks Advay not to lie or defame her family but he continues with his well concocted story. Sadly, all the proof; though fake; is working towards his advantage. Chandni continues to plead with him to stop but he puts this back on her. She left him no choice so he had to take this step. She tells him that she'd rather die than marry him and can't believe that he's trying to force this one her in her own house. Upon hearing this, Advay is quick to point out that the house technically belongs to him.....even allowing everyone to stay there after he bought it. What was once her maternal home will now become her in-laws.

Chandni threatens to walk out of the house and Advay allows her to try. To her surprise, the doors are locked....all of them. Advay has put everyone under house arrest. No one is to leave until the wedding is done and order Murli and the workers to start prepping for the haldi ceremony. Indrani, furious at Advay, lets him know that he's crossed his limits. She threatens him to stop what he's doing but when he asks "what it is she's going to do", she unfortunately has nothing to say and heads to her room. Advay tells Chandni to get ready for the haldi ceremony as the wedding will take place that night.

PP and his mother are furious at Indrani for not being able to see what Advay was up to. Though mad, they all agree that Advay is their common enemy. Chandni tries to clear her name in front of Indrani but she's in no mood to listen. Chandni states that if Advay is doing all of this because of her, then she will put an end to it all. She tells PP to call the police commissioner while she herself makes a few phone calls too. Advay notices Chandni trying to make a call, but it looks like she's unable to get any signal. He lets her in on a little secret....she can try all she want but no one is making any calls from the house. He's put phone jammers in so they're now isolated from the outside world. Chandni admits that even though the odds are stacked against her, there is still one window open.

Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon - Season 3 -> August 17th, 2017 Recap


Chandni gives the woman some medicine to give to the baby and asks her to be careful not to feed it almonds. As she bids the child goodbye, she tries to calm it down from crying. All the while, Advay is in the distance watching, even overhearing her trying to get the baby to call her "mom". After handing over the child, Chandni is overcome with emotion. It's here where we flash back to when Mama had entered the room earlier that night. We learn that the child is Meghna's, who in fact has no idea that her child is still alive. Even more so, Indrani has no idea of this child either. As she heads back to her room, she's confronted by Advay who asks where she was. She makes up a lie to cover her tracks and he goes along with them. She then thanks him for bringing her home safely. He cuts her off mid sentence, not wanting to hear anymore of her and walks away.

The next morning, Chandni goes to Indrani and tells her she has something very important to tell her. She admits that she doesn't want to get married to PP. Despite giving him many tries, she does not like him and always feels uncomfortable around him. Indrani is fuming at this but keeps her composure and agrees to Chandni's decision. Just then, a few local men arrive at the house demanding the money they loaned Indrani. She pleads to them to give her a couple more days but they refuse, pushing her to the ground. Upon seeing this, Chandni comes to her defense, telling the men they will receive their money in 3 days. Indrani questions Chandni on her statement and wonders where they will arrange for the funds. Just then, PP enters and states that he will repay all of their debts. After all, he's going to be their son-in-law. Before Indrani can break the news that the wedding is off, Chandni immediately stops her. She knows how important this relationship is so she's going to go through with it, whether she's comfortable with it or not.

Later that day, Murli provides Advay an update on the orphanage info. He was correct.....Chandni's name is listed as a parent to the baby. As Advay goes through the documents, he's upset. Just when he thought he's figured her out something new comes along. Through all this, Nani asks him an important question: if he hates her so much, why does any of this affect him. Advay is unable to come up with an answer and Nani asks him to search for that answer. It could provide him with the peace he's looking for. However, Advay is stubborn. No matter what, he still despises Chandni as much as he did the moment she told that lie.

Before getting ready for the engagement, Chandni reassures her mother that everything will be ok. She even gives her a plate of noodles before heading out. Indrani is sick to her stomach. Pretending to play nice mother is becoming very tiring and she can't wait until Chandni is out of her life. As she tosses the noodles in the garbage, Chandni witnesses this from a distance.....and you can feel the pain in her eyes. Mama is honest with Chandni; Indrani does not love her and will always think of her as her step daughter. Chandni knows this....in fact she accepts it. Yet, she accepts Indrani as her mother regardless. She's confident that despite all the hate and negative feelings, Indrani will accept her whole-heartedly as her daughter. Mama is taken aback by her confidence and perseverance but there's nothing else he can do to convince her otherwise.

Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon - Season 3 -> August 16th, 2017 Recap


PP returns home and the girls and Veer want to know where Chandni is. Unable to give an answer, he makes an excuse blaming her leaving the party. Just then, Advay walks in carrying an unconscious Chandni and everyone is stunned. A doctor checks her out and tells Advay that she's suffering from PTSD. The events of the kidnapping have left a deep emotional scar in her that anytime she's reminded of those events, it triggers panic attacks. After hearing this, Advay is overcome with emotion. As he reflects on what the doctor has just told him, as well as what he learned from Chandni, he feels that he's misunderstood her. She's been through so much....she couldn't possibly be as evil as he's thought.

Chandni later regains consciousness and her sisters tell her that Advay brought her home. She wonders how he knew she was there and remembers that he had called her. We then see Mama yelling at Indrani for putting Chandni in that situation, knowing full well her situation. None of this affects Indrani until Mama brings up the fact that she got Chandni kidnapped. Indrani doesn't even flinch as she accepts that she was responsible behind it. She hired a goon to kidnapped Chandni but despite that, she was able to escape. What's even more surprising is that every time she tries to break Chandni, she seems to find an unknown strength and comes back each time.

In his room, Nani senses something different about Advay. He left as Advay but has returned as her cheeku. He tells her that me might have misjudged Chandni but isn't sure if he thinks she's innocent. What's for certain is that he has a lot to think about. Chandni, able to move again, heads to find her mother to see if she is ok. Indrani puts on a fake act of being in pain, being the main reason she wasn't able to receive her call. Hearing this, Chandni gives her mother an oil massage to help her feel better.

Later that evening, Chandni gets a surprising phone call. As she quietly sneaks out of the house to meet someone, Advay notices and quietly follows her. He sees her meeting a woman who happens to have a crying baby with her. The woman tells Chandni that the baby won't eat anything and won't stop crying. They secretly take the baby upstairs and hide in a deserted room, as Advay follows behind. As they hear someone coming, they quietly hide but thankfully it's just Mama that's found them. When Chandni questions the woman, she tells her that the baby is refusing to eat and since there is no record of parents at the orphanage, except for Chandni, she's the only person she can come to. They figure out that it's the almonds that are causing an allergic reaction but Chandni refuses to reveal how she knows this.

Unsure of what to make of what he's just saw, Advay orders Murli to go to the orphanage and find out all about the babies that were there in the last 2 years. Just when he thought he misunderstood Chandni, Advay feels his initial judgement was right. Only time and more information will tell.