Saturday, August 19, 2017

Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon - Season 3 -> August 17th, 2017 Recap


Chandni gives the woman some medicine to give to the baby and asks her to be careful not to feed it almonds. As she bids the child goodbye, she tries to calm it down from crying. All the while, Advay is in the distance watching, even overhearing her trying to get the baby to call her "mom". After handing over the child, Chandni is overcome with emotion. It's here where we flash back to when Mama had entered the room earlier that night. We learn that the child is Meghna's, who in fact has no idea that her child is still alive. Even more so, Indrani has no idea of this child either. As she heads back to her room, she's confronted by Advay who asks where she was. She makes up a lie to cover her tracks and he goes along with them. She then thanks him for bringing her home safely. He cuts her off mid sentence, not wanting to hear anymore of her and walks away.

The next morning, Chandni goes to Indrani and tells her she has something very important to tell her. She admits that she doesn't want to get married to PP. Despite giving him many tries, she does not like him and always feels uncomfortable around him. Indrani is fuming at this but keeps her composure and agrees to Chandni's decision. Just then, a few local men arrive at the house demanding the money they loaned Indrani. She pleads to them to give her a couple more days but they refuse, pushing her to the ground. Upon seeing this, Chandni comes to her defense, telling the men they will receive their money in 3 days. Indrani questions Chandni on her statement and wonders where they will arrange for the funds. Just then, PP enters and states that he will repay all of their debts. After all, he's going to be their son-in-law. Before Indrani can break the news that the wedding is off, Chandni immediately stops her. She knows how important this relationship is so she's going to go through with it, whether she's comfortable with it or not.

Later that day, Murli provides Advay an update on the orphanage info. He was correct.....Chandni's name is listed as a parent to the baby. As Advay goes through the documents, he's upset. Just when he thought he's figured her out something new comes along. Through all this, Nani asks him an important question: if he hates her so much, why does any of this affect him. Advay is unable to come up with an answer and Nani asks him to search for that answer. It could provide him with the peace he's looking for. However, Advay is stubborn. No matter what, he still despises Chandni as much as he did the moment she told that lie.

Before getting ready for the engagement, Chandni reassures her mother that everything will be ok. She even gives her a plate of noodles before heading out. Indrani is sick to her stomach. Pretending to play nice mother is becoming very tiring and she can't wait until Chandni is out of her life. As she tosses the noodles in the garbage, Chandni witnesses this from a distance.....and you can feel the pain in her eyes. Mama is honest with Chandni; Indrani does not love her and will always think of her as her step daughter. Chandni knows fact she accepts it. Yet, she accepts Indrani as her mother regardless. She's confident that despite all the hate and negative feelings, Indrani will accept her whole-heartedly as her daughter. Mama is taken aback by her confidence and perseverance but there's nothing else he can do to convince her otherwise.

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