Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Week of May 28 - June 1, 2012 Review

Week of May 28 - June 1, 2012 Review

This week starts  off with Shyam double checking his hiding place for the papers.  Apparently he hid the papers underneath the crib and covered them in cloth.  After constant phone calls and looking up information, Mami realises that Khushi may be right about Arnav not being in Scotland.  The reason: when she calls up Arnav's phone, the unreachable message is in Hindi, not in Scotish, pointing to the fact that he is still in India.  Khushi and Mami come together and compare notes.  Mami tells Khushi that she believes her and informs her that Arnav may actually still be in India because of the phone message (in Hindi).  Khushi informs Mami about not being able to see the security footage at the airport but tells her the address in where the videos are all kept.  Later that night, Mami and Khushi break into the airport security video warehouse in order to find the video of Arnav at the airport.  They hope the video will have some answers as to his current whereabouts.  They collect all the videos from that day and begin to scan through them, looking for Arnav.  They finally come across the video which shows Arnav walking through the airport.

As Khushi sees Arnav on the video, she begins to tear up as she is glad to have at least some glimpse of her husband.  Mami comforts Khushi but later turns her attention back to the video.  As they watch the video, they see four guys following him.  They then see these four men stop, approach and talk to Arnav.  After that, Arnav turns balk and walks with the four men, even walking out of the airport.  Soon, Mami and Khushi hear the security guard coming so they quickly escape from there, taking the video with them.  They return to the house and discuss what they saw on the video.  Mami decides she will sell her jewelry in order to come up with the ransom money (just in case).  Khushi says they should first wait and see what happens next.  She notices that the tape is broken but vows to fix it as she is certain that Arnav is in India, and possibly still in Delhi.  Back at the hideout, Arnav imagines seeing Khushi.  He is elated to see her but then realises its just a dream.  Realising he is missing her, Arnav flashbacks through some of the good times he spent with Khushi and even remembers some of the hurtful things he's done to her.  Aakash and Payal plan to see a movie later on in the day and plan to meet up at a cafe first.  Mami begins to questions some of the workers thinking they may have kidnapped Arnav.  When Mami tells Khushi that they need to find out the motive behind the kidnapping, Khushi begins to be suspicious of Shyam.  While he is in the bathroom, she reads through his messages and finds that he is giving someone 5 lacks.  She later overhears his phone conversation as he tells someone to meet him at a certain location later that night.

Khushi follows Shyam to his destination.  She hides behind and wall and attempts to listen to his conversation through a window.  When she falls, she runs and hides from the goons chasing her.  She is eventually caught and brought to Shyam.  He questions her as to what she is doing there.  She turns the question back at him and connects this to the "missing papers" fearing that if he got to know about her suspicion on him for Arnav's kidnapping, it may put him in more danger.  She then returns home where her and Mami discuss what to do next.  The next day, Arnav's medicine arrives at the house.  Mami tells Khushi that whoever has kidnapped Arnav does not want anything to happen to him and will make sure that he takes his medication.  They look up all the stores that sell the medication and decide to go to each of them to inquire and the most recent purchases of the medication, hoping to find some clues that will lead to Arnav.  Back at the hideout, Arnav is successful in breaking free of the ropes.

Khushi is on the phone with Mami talking about what each of them have found out from the shops.  At this time, one of the kidnappers pass by Khushi.  When she turns around, she sees the scorpion tattoo on his hand and remembers that this was the same tattoo on the hand of the person who approached Arnav in the video.  She begins to follow him and hides when he notices someone following him.  She is later struck on the back of her head by the man.  She later wakes up in an abandoned warehouse, realising the man has kidnapped her.  She leans against the wall, not knowing that Arnav is on the other end of the wall.  On the other end of the wall, Arnav starts to sense Khushi's presence.  Khushi also begins to sense Arnav's presence.  They both start to search for each other.  Khushi utters Arnav's name and Arnav overhears this.  At this time, Arnav begins screaming Khushi's name.  They realise that they at the same place, only separated by a wall.  They both climb up to a wired ventilator where they finally meet each other.  Thrilled to see each other, they intertwine their hands through the wire gate.  When the kidnapper returns to give Khushi food, her and Arnav return to their original position.  When the guy leaves, Arnav is upset at the fact that she put her life at risk in order to track him down.  Khushi is happy seeing Arnav angry at her and when asked about why she is laughing and smiling, she responds that its been so many days since she's heard him yell at her.  Arnav strings a rope through the wire gate in order to break it.  Just before he pulls, he asks Khushi on how she knew he was in danger.  She reflects back to his "I Love You" over the phone.

Just as Khushi is about to tell Arnav how she knew he was in danger, the kidnapper returns to see if Khushi had eaten.  Arnav and Khushi return to the original position so the kidnapper does not know what was going on.  The kidnapper tells Khushi to eat and he ends up getting Arnav's attention when he attempts to feed Khushi himself.  The kidnapper starts to harass Khushi and Arnav starts to become angry.  When he taunts Khushi about still being mad that he hit her, it enrages Arnav to the point that he breaks the wire gate with his own hands, climbs through the hole and starts to beat the kidnapper to pulp.  He stops only when Khushi asks him to and he turns to ask her if she is okay.  She then runs up to him, hugging him with all her might.  Arnav (finally) hugs her back and they are glad to be in each other's arms.  As they share their first real hug, they reminisce on some past memories.  Their hug is interrupted by a noise and the two flee the place.  They are followed by the other kidnappers with guns.  Together, Arnav and Khushi run and hide from the kidnappers.  They share another close moment as they hide behind a pile of boxes.  They continue to run from the thugs throughout the day and into the night.  They finally come across an abandoned hut and decide to take shelter in it.  As they enter, a blood stain from Khushi's hand is left on the door.

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