Thursday, June 7, 2012

Week of June 4 - June 8, 2012 Review

Week of June 4 - June 8, 2012 Review

Arnav and Khushi decide to take shelter in a hut in an attempt to escape the goons.  While in the hut, Arnav and Khushi are able to spend some time with each other.  When Arnav sees that Khushi's dress is ripped, he asks her to change.  Arnav later asks her how she knew he was in danger.  She replies that when he called and told her "that thing" (which is the I Love You) she knew something was wrong.  Arnav is then mesmerized by Khushi in the sari.  They later spend some romantic moments with each other.  However, they are interrupted by the kidnappers outside when they realise that the two are hiding in the hut.  Arnav looks through the windows and sees that the kidnappers have surrounded the hut and have guns with them.  He tells Khushi that he will surrender himself to the kidnappers as it is him who they want, in order to save Khushi.  Khushi refuses to let Arnav go, so he hits her on the back of her head with a wooden stick.  Her then buries an unconscious Khushi in the hay to save her from the kidnappers and gives her a goodbye kiss on her forehead.  When the kidnappers enter, they question Arnav on the whereabouts of the other girl.  Arnav lies and says that he does not know where she went but they suspect that she escaped through the window.  They then take Arnav with them.  When Khushi wakes up, she remembers what happened the night before.  She rushes outside and begins screaming Arnav's name but there is no answer.  She returns to the hut and says to herself that Arnav sacrificed himself in order to protect her.

Khushi returns to the warehouse where her and Arnav where held hoping to find something there.  Unfortunately, the kidnappers changed their location.  She retrieves her purse and decides to return home before anyone realises that she is missing.  Back at the RM, Mami is busy calling up Khushi and is getting worried as she is not picking up her phone or calling.  She calls her Buaji's house to only find out that Khushi was never there.  Mami is about to tell everyone abut Arnav being kidnapped when Khushi walks in.  She also decides to tell everyone about Arnav's kidnapping until she gets a phone call stating that as long as she keeps her mouth shut, Arnav is safe and alive.  The minute she opens her mouth, she can consider him dead.  Scared for Arnav's life, Khushi makes up a lie that Arnav had called her up.  Payal and Akash attend an office party where Payal feels totally out of her element and very uncomfortable.  Apparently, Akash does not notice her feeling uncomfortable and out of place.   Khushi later confides in Mami about what actually happened the night before.  She informs Mami on how she was kidnapped, how she met Arnav, how they fled and how Arnav sacrificed himself in order to save Khushi.  Mami decides that they should definitely tell everyone about Arnav's kidnapping but Khushi then tells her about the threat she received over the phone concerning Arnav's life.  She breaks down in tears and Mami tells her that this is not a time to cry, but instead a time to take care of themselves.  She reminds Khushi that she atleast tried to save Arnav but now, the two of them will try and rescue Arnav together and will definitely bring him home.

Khushi and Mami wonder what to do and what next steps to take when Mami gets a mysterious phone call.  When she picks it up, there is no answer.  All the while, we see a mysterious person enter the house with a knife in hand.  The person makes their way to Khushi's room where they see Khushi and Mami talking.  They tap Mami on the shoulder and then proceed to stab her.  They get a look at this mysterious person and it happens to be NK.  It was all a prank just to scare them.  Mami takes him to meet everyone downstairs and he asks Khushi is she is alright as she didn't even correct his wrong Hindi.  Downstairs, NK meets everyone.  In order to get out of the house, Mami makes the excuse of wanting to go to the spa for a facial and that she is taking Khushi with her because she needs a facial too.  As the two leave, NK stops Khushi and gives her a late wedding present.  She opens it to find a heart locket necklace.  Inside the locket, she finds both her and Arnav's picture and is reminded of the time she spent with him the night before.  NK asks Khushi again if she really is okay as he feels that she is not her usual self.  She reassures him that she is ok and then leaves with Mami. Payal and Akash leave the office party and as a surprise, drives her to Buaji's house so they can see her family.  In private, Payal tells Buaji on how she feels that her and Akash are worlds apart and do not belong together (reflecting on the office party).  Khushi and Mami visit various tattoo stores in the city in order to find the tattoo design that was on the kidnappers hand.  After much searching, they find that exact tattoo design.

Khushi gets excited to find the exact tattoo design.  She distracts the shop owner and tells Mami that this is the exact tattoo the kidnapper had.  They write down the name of the person and their address and then depart from the store making and excuse that they will come back later.  Khushi suggest they go to the kidnapper's house but Mami does not like the idea, remembering the phone threat.  As they try to hail down a rikshaw, someone from above is attempting drop a board on them.  When sawdust keeps falling on Khushi's shoulder, she looks up to see that a board of wood is about to fall on the two of them.  She pulls Mami out of the way, just as the board comes down.  She later gets a call from the kidnappers stating that this was no accident and the next time, she may not be saved. At this point, Khushi decides that they should both hide in a nearby toy store.  Back at the Gupta house, Akash tells Buaji that he brought Payal here hoping to see her a little happy.  He says that he knew she didn''t enjoy the office party and just wanted to cheer her up.  Back at the toy store, Khushi and Mami hide from the goon who has entered the store following them. They are able to escape him and Khushi decides that they should still go by the kidnapper's house.  Mami is hesitant at first, considering the day's events, but later joins Khushi.  They reach the kidnapper's house and begin to search for any clues that could possibly lead to Arnav's whereabouts. Outside, the kidnapper gets a call from one of his men stating that Khushi may be at his house.  Khushi and Mami find an order bill and think that Arnav may be at that location.  However, the kidnapper comes in at the this time so the two hide underneath a table.  When they think he has left, they come out of hiding, only to find him still there.  He grabs Khushi and points a gun to her head.

Mami tries to help Khushi but she is pushed away by the kidnapper.  Using her quick wits, Mami grabs red mirchi powder and throws it in the kidnapper's face.  She then proceeds to hit him when she finds out that he actually hit Arnav.  Khushi and Mami flee from the house and decide to go the location written on the order bill.  They get to the location, which happens to be another warehouse, and hide behind a stack of boxes when they hear someone coming.  When they figure out that the kidnapper (who they just escaped from) has come here, they feel that Arnav definitely has to be here.  Khushi wants to go find Arnav but Mami reminds her that they themselves are unarmed and possibly outnumbered.  Arnav has apparently been blindfolded with his hands tied behind his back (again) but this time not on a chair.  He tries his best to free himself, trying to find something to cut the ropes with.  Arnav overhears that the Boss will be at the warehouse and also hears about a girl who is hell bent on tracking him down.  He begins to kick a concrete wall, hoping to break it.  He hopes Khushi hasn't come all the way here but when he senses her presence, he resumes to kick the wall.  The goons go to Arnav, who hasn't quit trying to escape, and attempt to fight him. Even with a blindfold and hands tied behind his back, Arnav is able to fight off the goons, until they place a cloth on his mouth, placing him unconscious.  The Boss arrives at the warehouse and gives orders to shift Arnav to a different location.  Mami and Khushi are unable to see the face, but do see the Bosses shoes.  As Arnav is carried off to be transported to another location, Khushi and Mami helplessly look on.  At the new location, Arnav awakes from his unconscious state.  He gets up to see that the kidnappers are talking to the Boss next door.  He pretends to act like he is still unconscious when they come to retrieve him.  He is brought infront of the Boss.  When Arnav realises that no one is looking, Arnav attacks the Boss, trying to get a look at the Boss's face.

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