Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Week of June 25 - 29, 2012 Recap

Week of June 25 - 29, 2012 Recap

Password....who wants to throw up?
Once Khushi is able to calm Mami down, NK decides to go spy on Shyam.  He sees that Shyam is about to put the USB key (pen drive) into his laptop so NK returns to his room.  He tells Khushi to turn on the laptop as Shyam is about to use the USB and that he placed a small camera in his room so they can see what his password is.  As they watch Shyam type in his password, both NK and Khushi are shocked as to what it is "I LOVE YOU KHUSHI".  Even more shocking, the password is also voice activated.  Seeing this, NK is shocked and surprised so he questions Khushi on the issue.  She doesn't want to talk about it but mentions how she hates it when he tries to talk or touch her.  NK realizes that Shyam has bad intentions towards Khushi but she tells him to leave it alone as they have to keep it quiet for Anjali's sake.  In order to get the voice activation from Shyam, Khushi pretends to be sad and crying in her room.  Shyam enters and tries to comfort her, all the while, NK watches closely from behind the curtains.  Shyam says to Khushi "I Love You Khushi" and she records it on her phone.  As soon as he leaves, she falls to the ground crying.

Before the sun rises tomorrow, I will be gone
After Shyam leaves Khushi's room, he bumps into Anjali who questions him on why he was in her room.  He makes an excuse of looking for his phone.  NK consoles Khushi as she feels disgusted at what she had to do and doesn't like the fact that she has stooped so low.  However, NK reminds her that whatever they are doing, they are doing it to find Arnav.  NK goes to get the USB key and remove the camera from the room and tells Khushi to meet him in his room.  As Khushi leaves, she bumps into Anjali from behind and apologises.  Anjali snaps at her telling her to watch where she is walking and that she should not do anything for which she has to apologise for.  NK and Khushi begin to see whats on the USB key.  NK sees that Khushi is upset so he cheers her up by telling her the story of why he calls Arnav "Nanav".  They find  a soft copy of Arnav's Will papers on the USB key.  The Will states that he leaves all his property to Shyam.  Khushi soon realizes that these were the papers she got Arnav to sign in order to get Shyam's help for proving her innocence.  She then blames herself for putting Arnav's life in danger.  Back at the warehouse, Arnav seems to be missing and the kidnapper quickly searches for him.  Once he finds him, Arnav taunts him on how scared he seemed when he thought he ran away.  Arnav then tells him that before the sun rises the next day, he will run away.  Khushi is talking to Devi Mayya and saying that she is to blame for all the problems Arnav has right now.  She says that she only cared for herself and not about what would happen to Arnav.  NK tells her not to worry and then asks what to do next.   Payal and Akash attend an office party.  Akash snaps at Payal for doing things that she is not comfortable doing just to impress him as he already has enough to worry about.  The next morning, Mami insists on still being part of the investigation and decides to carry out the investigation on her own. Khushi decides to speak with Shyam and tells him that the best way to hurt Arnav would be for him to leave Anjali.

There's nothing you can do to stop me
As Khushi asks Shyam to do this, Mami overhears the conversation and is shocked at what she hears.  Shyam agrees to divorce Anjali for Khushi's sake.  Upset that the two are planning to hurt Anjali, Mami decides to go and tell Anjali what she just heard.  Apparently, Anjali is at the mandir for a pooja in Shyam's name so Mami heads off to the mandir.  Back at the warehouse, Arnav is seen doing push ups while the goons approach him.  He taunts them that only 3 of them came and asks for them to bring the rest of their men.  He again taunts the kidnapper and his men in his ASR style, stating the fact that it wouldn't matter how many people they brought, Arnav Singh Raizada will escape tonight.  Frightened by the threat, the kidnapper decides to inform the Boss.  Back at the house, NK and Khushi are discussing their next step.  They plan to get Shyam to sign his own Will papers, transferring everything to Anjali's name.  At a point, Khushi wonders if they are doing the right thing but then remembers seeing how Arnav was taken away and says that she will do anything to get him back. Mami reaches the mandir and calls Anjali to get her to come down.  Unfortunately she is in a pooja so Mami slowly climbs up the steps. Mami finds Anjali after the pooja and proceeds to tell her that she overheard Khushi asking Shyam to divorce Anjali.  At first, Anjali is shocked but then thinks Mami is just joking or has heard wrong.  When she asks what Shyam said in response, Mami proceeds to tell her, while a shocked and dizzy look appears on Anjali's face. Khushi hands Shyam the papers and he asks her if she is rushing things. She questions him on whether he has changed his mind, which he denies.  As Shyam begins to read the papers, Khushi snatches them away stating that all he is doing is wasting her time as he does not trust.  He takes the papers back and signs them, without reading them.

The return of the Angry Young Man
Mami continues to tell Anjali what Shyam's response was to Khushi.  Upon hearing it, she is shocked but tells Mami that Shyam would never do anything like that to her.  Mami asks her if Shyam has been keeping his distance from her and she remembers the times she saw him with Khushi.  She continues to claim that Shyam could never do anything like that to her as he loves her.  At the warehouse, one of the goons is looking for Arnav, hoping that he has not escaped.  Arnav comes out from behind a pile of boxes and begins to strangle the goon with one hand and he passes out.  One down, two to go.  After that, the second goon comes in looking for the guy who went in before.  Arnav begin to strangle the goon under his arm and ends up breaking the guy's neck.  Two down, one to go.  At the Raizada house, Shyam hands Khushi back the papers.  Nani then walks in surprised to see the two talking but Shyam states that they were discussing about the school near Buaji's.  As Nani leaves, she notices that Khushi has not opened her present and insists that she does.  As she opens her gift, she finds a sari in it, which Shyam comments about.  Disgusted, she throws it on the recliner to see a paper stuck to the box.  She looks at the paper and sees it's an order bill.  Frustrated, she crumples it up to only see something written on the back: Laad Governor.  Khushi is ecstatic on seeing this as she knows it is from Arnav.  All the while, Shyam is attempting to tell her that he wants to take her somewhere tomorrow.  After he leaves, he says to himself that tomorrow will be Arnav's last day and he will get everything he wants.  As NK walks in the halls, HP returns the USB key (pen drive) back to him.  It falls on the floor as he tries to put it in his pocket and notices Shyam staring at him.  NK places his foot on the USB and makes an excuse of his leg falling asleep.  He then proceeds to Khushi's room where she shows him the note.  She informs him that she called up the place and feels that Arnav may be somewhere close there.  She also shows NK the papers Shyam signed and hands back the "divorce" papers to Khushi.  She takes those papers in her purse and her and NK begin to head out until they run into Nani.  When she asks where they are going, they make an excuse of having to get NK visa thing done and then go buy some stuff.  They are also questioned by Shyam where they give him a different excuse.  Shyam returns to Khushi's room and redials the last number she called to find out its a restaurant in the area she was going with NK.  Afraid, Shyam calls up the kidnapper to ask where they order food from and when he gives the name of the restaurant that Shyam just called, Shyam begins to fear that Khushi may know where Arnav is.

Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada
Shyam looks through Khushi's closet and notices that some of the signed papers are missing.  He then finds the pen drive and notices its and exact duplicate of the one he has.  He then remembers everything Khushi said to him and made him do and he is furious. Khushi and NK on the other hand successful locate the restaurant. They receive the address to two separate locations and decide to split up in order to look for Arnav faster.  At the mandir, Anjali continues to be in disbelief at the fact that her husband would divorce her and claims that Mami has probably misunderstood.   She tries calling up both Shyam and Khushi but is unable to reach either of them.  When they return home, Anjali is still in panic mode and is continuously trying to call Shyam.  When she asks Payal if there was anything going on between Shyam and Khushi, Payal ends up dropping a cup due to the shock. Back at the warehouse, some goons enter and start to look for the previous two who had gone in. Shyam then calls up the kidnappers and informs them to burn down the place, making it look like an accident.  He wants Arnav Singh Raizada dead.  Khushi reaches the warehouse location and begins to look around the area until she sees a jeep pull up.  The men go inside and the head goon questions Arnav.  When they leave without saying or doing anything, this confuses Arnav. The men take kerosene bottles and dowse Arnav and the place with kerosene.  As the head goons lights a match and throws it to the ground, it goes out, shocking and surprising Arnav.  They realise that water was in the bottles instead of kerosene and a proud Arnav knows that this is Khushi's doing.  He senses that Khushi must be around here and decides that he must get out now.  He fights with the goons as quickly as he can.  Outside, Khushi is calling up NK to inform him that the kidnappers are at her location.  However, her conversation is interrupted when Shyam takes her phone.  He confronts her on betraying him and she responds that he deserved what he got.

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