Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Week of June 11 - 15, 2012 Recap

Week of June 11 - 15, 2012 Recap

As Arnav tries to get a look at the Boss's face, he is attacked by the other goons.  They tie his hands around his back and place a black cloth bag over his head and continue to beat him.  He then trips over and ends up falling to the floor, right by the Boss's feet.  He is then dragged off and we finally get to see who is behind Arnav's kidnapping, otherwise known as the Boss.  It is none other than Shyam.  We then get glimpses of Shyam's orders to his men, including taking him from the airport, sending a test message to Khushi's phone, getting him to call the phone landline when they are about to call the police and even during and after Arnav's escape.  We also see that Arnav has another will which states that if he dies of unnatural causes, all the money and property will go into a trust, meaning Shyam can't kill him.  In addition, Shyam knows that Khushi is the girl who had escaped with him and that she knows Arnav has been kidnapped.  Back at the RM, Khushi ponders over how Arnav was so close by yet her nor Mami could do anything to save him.  Anjali walks into her room, handing her a blanket as the monsoon season is about to begin.  She notices that Khushi still misses Arnav and comes up with an idea to cheer her up.  Her, Payal and Nani all dress up in Arnav's suits and recite poetry to her to cheer her up.  This makes Khushi miss Arnav more and makes an excuse of going to the mandir.  At the mandir, she seeks forgiveness from Devi Mayya for promising never to talk to her again.  She tells Devi Mayya that whatever punishment should be given should be given to her and asks her not to punish Arnav.  She asks Devi Mayya for help in locating Arnav and asks to give her a sign or a path that will lead her to finding Arnav.  The priest gives her a chundri that has Devi Mayya's blessing.  Shyam has returned to the RM and is talking to Anjali in riddles.  When Khushi returns home, she offers both Anjali and Shyam the prashad from the mandir.  When she goes to give Shyam the prashad, the chundri falls off the plate and onto the floor.  As Khushi bends down to pick up the chundri she notices something on Shyam's shoes.

Khushi is shocked as to what she sees on Shyam's shoes.  After she picks up the chundri, Shyam gets a phone call and leaves. NK is busy on his laptop when Akash walks in. He asks what NK is up to and he replies that he is talking to his date. He informs Akash that for his date, he wants to go as an Indian, not as a foreigner so Akash suggest he wear a kurta pajama.  Khushi is pacing around the poolside thinking about the stain she saw on Shyam's shoes.  She doesn't know if it's blood but she has a feeling that it is related to Arnav.  So she sneaks into Shyam's room and with a cotton swab, takes a sample of the stain.  When Shyam's phone starts to ring, she quickly tries to leave his room only to be caught by him.  When he questions her as to what she was doing in his room, she replies that she does not want to speak to him and then leaves.  Khushi then takes the cotton swab to a clinic to get it tested and the doctor says that it is in fact a blood stain.  She asks them to check the blood group and they tell her that it is O negative.  Back at the RM, Khushi talks to Anjali about her pregnancy.  She causally brings up the topic of blood groups which causes Anjali to tell her that her blood group is AB positive.  She then guesses that Arnav must be the same since they are brother sister. However, Anjali tells her that Arnav is O negative.  Khushi then reflects on all the information she received that day, from what she saw on Shyam's shoes to what she learned at the clinic to what Anjali told her.  She is definitely sure that Shyam is behind Arnav's kidnapping and decides to confront Shyam.  She goes to his room to confront him however, when she turns him around, she finds that it is NK in his room.  Shocked on seeing NK, she runs from there.  NK follows her and questions her on what she said.  She tries to avoid the question but NK tells her that she can't lie and insists she tell him the truth.  She tells NK about Arnav's kidnapping, how her and Mami were being followed, the threatening phone and them being so close to saving him.  NK thinks that Khushi may have a misunderstanding as Shyam could not do such a thing.  Khushi tries to convince NK to believe in her.  To do this, Khushi tells NK to do something specific in order to prove she is telling the truth.

NK goes into Shyam's room to return the shoes he borrowed.  When returning them, he notices a red stain and asks Shyam what that may be.  Shyam thinks it may be Arnav's blood so he brushes the question off.  NK starts to become suspicious.  When he offers to clean the shoe for him, Shyam abruptly says he will do it himself, which cause NK to be even more suspicious of his actions.  After NK leaves, he and Khushi proceed to spy on Shyam and see him vigorously trying to clean the stain.  NK finally believes Khushi.  The two then talk of how to expose his truth.  NK is informed of the fact that Mami knows about the kidnapping but doesn't know Shyam is behind it.  NK points out that they must be very careful around what Shyam says, does and goes.  Nani then comes in to inform them about a Haven puja for the next day.  The next day, NK and Khushi spy on Shyam and Anjali.  Shyam is about to leave for work when Anjali question him about SK Travels.  He makes an excuse saying that he wanted to take a trip with her before the baby came (and she believes him).  She prevents him from going to work and makes him stay for the puja.  NK tells Khushi he will check out the briefcase and Khushi tells him the combination number.  She later informs Mami that NK knows everything but doesn't tell her that Shyam is behind the whole plan.  Mami is glad that NK is now on board as she has a sprained ankle.  During the Haven puja, Khushi question NK about the briefcase.  He tells her that he couldn't open it as this one needed a key and he tried looking for it.  Khushi leaves from the Haven and goes to Shyam's room to search for the key.  While searching, see is startled by Payal who questions her.  She realises Khushi might be looking for her earring and hands it to her.  While putting her earring on, Khushi spots the key under the rug.

Glad to have found the key, she opens Shyam's briefcase and begins to search through it.  She finds an envelope that says SK Travels and is shocked to find Arnav's passport and boarding pass in there.  Khushi returns to the puja with the passport and boarding pass hidden in her dupatta.  She shows NK what she found and says it proves Shyam is behind the kidnapping.  She wants to expose him then and there but NK tells her to calm down and that they should not take any step that they may regret later.  When the puja finishes, everyone gets up to do the aarti.  Shyam makes an excuse of getting an important phone call and needing papers from his briefcase in order to leave but Anjali stops him.  During the aarti, Khushi angrily stares at Shyam putting the pieces together of how he is the one behind Arnav's kidnapping.  NK notices this and gestures Khushi to remain calm.  Khushi then leaves the aarti to return the passport and boarding pass to the briefcase before Shyam notices they are missing.  Shyam then gets a phone call and begins to head up the stairs.  NK calls out Khushi's name to warn her that Shyam is coming up behind her.  She starts to walk back down the stairs and fakes getting a sprain in order to stop Shyam from going upstairs.  At this time, she hands NK the passport and boarding pass to return to the briefcase, while she tries to stall Shyam.  NK heads upstairs to return them. When Shyam gets another phone, Khushi screams out in pain in order to get his attention and it works.  Khushi continues to stall Shyam, giving NK time to search for the briefcase and return the papers.  He finally locates the briefcase and returns the papers but as he starts coming back, he realises that he took the key with him so he goes back to return it.  At this time, Shyam gets another phone call and heads upstairs.  Just as NK is about to leave, he sees Shyam coming.  In order to not get caught, he hides behind curtains by the poolside, overhearing Shyam's conversation.  Shyam wants the travel agency to make it look like Arnav went to Scotland on his passport.  NK closely watches Shyam, looking for an opportunity to escape and he is successful.  NK then tells Khushi everything he saw and heard.  Together, they try to think of a way to expose Shyam.  The next day, as Shyam leaves for work, Khushi goes to ask Anjali for something.  She wants 2 lakhs to donate to a school for girls that is by BUaji's house.  Shyam overhears the conversation and wonders what Khushi really needs the money for as there is no school by Buaji's that he knows about.

Khushi takes the money and goes to give it to a man. Shyam follows her and eavesdrops on her conversation.  She tells the man that he will get the rest of the money once the work is done.  Khushi goes to leave and she spots Shyam.  Shyam follows her home and begins to question her on why she gave the guy the money.  Khushi refuses to answer until Shyam repeats a part of her conversation.  She tells Shyam that she wants Arnav's signature in order to get his money, property, business, etc.  She tells Shyam that she wants to ruin Arnav after he destroyed her life.  She also mentions that Arnav is kidnapped which surprises Shyam.  The next day, Shyam is interrogating the kidnapper.  He takes the kidnapper's phone and throws it into a room, which happens to be where Arnav is being kept.  Seeing the phone, Arnav puts it back together and makes a phone call to Khushi.  He apologises to her for hurting her earlier (the hut scene) and that he only wanted to protect her.  She tries to figure out where Arnav is but the only thing she can hear are train sounds and temple bells.  She goes on to tell Arnav that Shyam is behind the whole plan but unfortunately he does not hear this and they lose the connection.  Shyam on the other hand has set a trap.  He wants to see if Khushi truly hates Arnav and to test that, he wants to see if Khushi will tell him about this phone call.  She later gets a phone call from Mr. Roy, Arnav's lawyer, stating that there are some property papers that need signing.  She notes down the address and proceeds to leave, making an excuse that she has to see the trustees of the school she donated money to.

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