Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Mamiji: Not just "Hello Hi Bye Bye"

Mamiji: Not just "Hello Hi Bye Bye"

After watching yesterdays episode, I have a whole new respect for Mamiji.  Originally at first, I didn't like her character.  She was overdramatic, slightly annoying and was always so critical of Khushi and Payal's lifestyle, even forgetting what her lifestyle used to be before she got married.  After watching yesterday's episode, I have a whole new respect for her.  The character of Mamiji has several dimensions.  Yes, she can be harsh, critical, snobbish and overdramatic but there are times where she can also be a very caring, supportive and determined person.  Take yesterday's episode for example, the way she told Khushi that this was not a time to cry but instead a time to take care of herself and that together, they will definitely find Arnav was absolutely amazing.  I don't think I have ever seen Mamiji so strong and determined.  She is usually a colourful, out there character but recently they have that there is much to her then just "hello hi bye bye".

Over the last few weeks, we've seen a change in Mamiji as she helps Khushi in trying to track Arnav down. Whether it is through breaking into and airport video warehouse, making several phone calls or inquiring about medication purchases, Mamiji definitely shows her support to Khushi.  Not only that, but she was willing to even sell her jewelry to come up with the ransom money just for Arnav.  These acts definitely show depth in her character.  The writers have done a great job in showing depth to her character.  They have made her an out there, colourful person who is a lot smarter then she looks.  For example, when the unreachable message was said in Hindi, she was able to figure out that this is only possible if the person was still in India.  Her intelligence may not be presented on screen in the best way (sometimes having her trying to much or mixing up words) but her intelligence does shine through at the right moments.

Over the last few weeks, Mamiji has been spending quite a bit of time with Khushi and has been seen supporting her in her search for Arnav.  This is rare for the woman who used to make fun of her and her lifestyle and still calls her phati sari.  I would have never guessed that both Mamiji and Khushi would be able to work together and get along in a manner like this.  Somewhere within all this, I see a bit of Khushi in Mamiji.  Someone who is strong, determined, cares a lot about their family and is very confident of who she is.  I guess this is why Khushi gets along with Mamiji better then probably Payal does.  Both Mamiji and Khushi are different and unique people who embrace their uniqueness and live their lives the way they want to.

Overall, Mamiji is not all that you see.  On the outside, you see a colourful, critical and snobbish person but take the time to get to know her and spend time with her, you'll find that she is a very caring, compasionate and confident person.  She is definitely more than just her "hello hi bye bye" and I wait to see how the writers grow and develop her character with the upcoming storylines.  I'll agree with Mamiji on one thing, it's about time to "hello hi Arnav and bye bye those kidnappers".

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