Wednesday, June 13, 2012

What Does Shyam Really Want?

What Does Shyam Really Want?

This is a question that I asked myself after watching Monday's episode.  We know that Shyam is behind Arnav's kidnapping and we even know the reason; he wants all the money and property.  Once Shyam had the signed Will papers, he hired some men to take Arnav from the airport and then hold him hostage.  I'm guessing that he wanted to kill Arnav that way he could execute the revised Will and take all the money and property but his plan was foiled when he found out that Arnav had another Will.  This Will stated that if Arnav died of unnatural causes, all the money would go into a trust.  Knowing all this, I'm left wondering as to what it is Shyam exactly wants with Arnav.  Why does he still have Arnav in confinement.

Yes, Shyam mainly wants the money and property but in order to get that, he would need Arnav to die of natural causes, which is not very easy.  If Arnav does die, it's going to be hard to prove that he died of natural causes, especially with all the bruises and beatings that he's taken. 

Is Shyam trying to figure out a way to get around or through Arnav's clause.  He already has his signature on the revised Will but getting him to sign away the clause will be a mighty task.

Does Shyam hope to win Khushi by keeping Arnav and her apart?  Does he really think she would come to him once he got all the money and property.  Khushi knows what kind of a person Shyam is and would never want to be with a person like that.

Also, what are Shyam's next plans for Arnav?  Does he plan on keeping him locked up?  Will he threaten Arnav in order to get him to do what he wants him to do?  Plus, how long can he keep Arnav locked up without having more people notice something is wrong.  Sooner or later, more and more people will start asking questions on his whereabouts and there are only so many excuses one can make.

Shyam definitely has more plans for Arnav but what those plans are will be interesting.  What will be more interesting are the repercussions of Shyam's actions.  Once Arnav is out of the kidnappers clutches and knows that Shyam was behind the whole plot, what will he do with him?  Will he finally expose him or will he keep quiet for his sister's happiness.  One thing is for sure, both men definitely have some unfinished business with each other.

This isn't over yet

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