Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Episode Review: July 2nd, 2012

IPKKND Episode Review: July 2nd, 2012

Shyam and Khushi continue their confrontation.  Shyam reveals to Khushi that he did indeed kidnapped Arnav and would have killed him too if it weren't for the will.  He ends up revealing his plans to her, including the plan to kill him right now in a so called accident.  Shyam demands to know from Khushi why she did what she did.  Why did she use and manipulate him.  Khushi replies that whatever she did, she did for her husband because she immensely loves him and that as long as she is alive, nothing will happen to him.  Inside, Arnav continues to fight the goons as he makes his way out of the warehouse.  Once outside, he hears Khushi's scream and spots her.  Relieved to see her, he fights his way through the goons to get to her.  Shyam, shocked that Arnav is alive, drags Khushi to a car and takes off with her.  Arnav quickly follows behind in a jeep, with the goons behind him on bikes.  The chase is on as one after the other, everyone is following each other.  Shyam stops the car and drags Khushi out.  He says that since everything she did was for Arnav, Arnav would pay the price for that.  Shyam then states that if he can't have his love, then no one can.  As he leaves, Khushi is seen lying on the road, tied up and he mouth gagged.  Arnav continues to search for Khushi while Khushi struggles to get free.  As he drives, he sees her lying on the ground and swerves to avoid hitting her.  As he is about to untie her, the goons show up and proceed to fight him.  Khushi is able to free herself, giving Arnav the willpower to take on the goons.  The head goon then puts a gun to her head, which causes Arnav to allow the goons to beat him up.  Khushi is able to free herself from the goon but he ends up grabbing her, causing her to lose her balance and fall off the cliff.  Arnav witnesses this and beats up the goons.  Once the goons are gone, he proceeds to search for Khushi and calls out her name.

Overall, the episode was great, with suspense, action and drama.  Great performances by Barun, Sanaya and Abhaas.  Abhaas really showed Shyam evil side and how low he can stoop while Barun's return came with a bang.  So far, the story is moving at a great pace, in comparison to the previous weeks.

What worked: The pace of the episode was amazing.  There was no more stalling or dragging.  The episode ran on adrenaline and kept audiences to the edge of their seat. 

What didn't work: The excessive fighting.  There seemed to be a lot of Arnav fighting the goons constantly; I counted at least 4 times in one episode.  The fighting sequences seemed to be the filler parts for the episode. Less fighting sequences and a more exciting, suspenseful chase sequence would have been a bit better.

Episode Highlight: Khushi falling off the cliff.  The look on Arnav's face as she fell off the cliff was amazing.  There was a combination of fear, guilt and sadness.  On multiple occasions throughout the show, whether it was him chasing the ambulance or her saying she was returning to Lucknow, Arnav has had this fear of losing Khushi and that was shown clearly in the episode.  His flashbacks showcased his innermost feelings and made him realise that Khushi is the one thing that mattered to him the most.

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