Thursday, July 27, 2017

Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon - Season 3 -> July 26th, 2017 Recap


PP's mother is furious at Chandni for throwing tea on them. Before anyone can answer, Chandni loses her balance again and her shoes come flying off, hitting both PP and his mother. As Indrani consoles her guest, Advay watches from afar as he feeds a flock of pigeons in the courtyard. He tells Murli he has something much bigger up his sleeve and that there is much more to come. Back in the living room, Kajal and Shagun are taunting Chandni for her behaviour, pointing out that even after everything that's happened to her she received such a good marriage proposal and blew it. Before they can say anything else, Indrani intervenes and prevents them from saying anything negative about her daughter. Whatever happened was an accident and not done on purpose. She requests Chandni to go apologize to PP and his mother to help mend fences and try to save this proposal.

Elsewhere in the house, PP and his mother are enjoying a relaxing spa while Murli is busy attempting to give him a massage. Chandni finds them and begins to apologize for everything that just recently happened, asking to be forgiven. Just then, Advay chimes in. Chandni realizes Advay's been listening in on her conversation; with him saying he has the right to since she'll be his wife soon. She can't take anymore of this "to-be-wife" stuff from him anymore and wants to know why he's constantly trying to woo her. When she asks to speak to PP (her to be husband) alone, Advay remains her that she is (indicating himself) and that he's all ears to hear what she has to say. As she tries to leave, he blocks her way and tells her that he'll set fire to whoever and whatever comes in between them. Chandni has had enough at this point and tell him to do anything he wishes, she no longer wants to listen to him. As he tries to warn her she continues calls out "PP" irritating Advay. He then takes out a lighter and throws it in PP'd direction, which causes him to catch fire. Unbeknowst to anyone else, the oil applied by Murli would catch fire but not burn the person so technically PP is safe.

Chandni rushes to help PP and put out the fire. As the family members arrive to see what the commotion is all about. His mother begins to yell at Chandni for her behaviour but PP tries to explain to her that he somehow caught on fire and that she was just helping him out. As no one listens to her, Chandni heads off in tears to confront Advay. She furious and has had enough of his games. She wants to know why he's been after her since day one, butting in everywhere from her house to her own life. She begs him to stay away from her and turns around to leave when Advay calls out to her. He attempts to threaten her if she doesn't listen to him but she doesn't care. He can take his threats and stick it....she's not afraid of him.

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