Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Episdoe Review: August 7th, 2012

Arnav and Nani are shocked to see Dadi in the house.  Arnav flashes back to the day of his sister's wedding (the most common flashback).  He then approaches Dadi, takes her blessings and then gives her a hug.  Nani goes up to her and also gives her a hug.  She says that Mami must have introduced everyone to her and states that they have two new family members.  She introduces Payal as Akash's wife and then she introduces Khushi.  She tells Khushi to come and take Dadi's blessings with Arnav and the Dadi wonders why.  Nani says that Khushi is Arnav's wife and she is shocked to hear that.  As they take Dadi's blessings, she moves away from Khushi and only gives Arnav her blessings.  She then walks away upset and Nani tells Arnav not to worry as she will talk to her.

Nani goes to Dadi's room and they begin to talk.  Dadi asks why she was not informed of anything.  She says that she did not know that Anjali is pregnant, no one is answering as to where Shyam is and she didn't even know that Arnav got married.  Upset, Nani asks her why she is asking all these questions all of a sudden since after the incident, she left the kids in Nani's care.  Dadi does not want to talk about the incident as it reminds her of that women but Nani says that they cannot ignore it.  Anything that is happening in their lives is because of that incident; they are facing the consequences of it.  Khushi enters her room to find Arnav just staring at the pool.  She attempts to talk to Arnav and tells him that maybe the Dadi does not like her, she might have done or said something to upset her or the Dadi did not know of their wedding and that's why she's upset.  Arnav sees that she sits on the bed and goes over to talk to her.  He tells her that the way in which they got married is not her fault and she should not blame herself.  He also tells her that Dadi is and had always been like this.  She only sees things from her angle and doesn't approve when people see things differently.  Khushi asks him if there is anything else that's bothering him as she senses that there is something else.  When he leaves without giving an answer, Khushi says to herself that sometimes she feels very close to him and then she'll feel like a stranger.  Nani and Dadi continue to discuss the issue of the past.  Dadi wants to know why she was not told about Arnav's wedding and Nani says that she didn't know that Arnav was getting married.  Dadi asks Nani how this is possible and Arnav states that he told no one of his wedding and that no one was present either.  Dadi asks Arnav why he made this decision, without informing anyone or taking anyone's permission.  Arnav asks Dadi what right she has to ask him these questions after she left them all years ago.  She says that she has the right since she is his father's mother.  Arnav tells Dadi that he does not like anyone taking his father's name in the house.  Khushi is downstairs talking with Payal.  Payal tells hr not to be disheartened with Dadi's treatment of her.  NK too consoles her and tells her not to worry.  Payal suggest she go and speak to Dadi to clear up the misunderstanding.

Khushi heads upstairs to apologize to Dadi and Mami says that they are sending the prey right into the lion's den.  Dadi continues to question Arnav on his decisions and choices.  She starts to tell him something when she sees Khushi about to enter her room.  She puts her hand up, stopping her from entering.  Arnav sees this and goes to stand right beside her.  He tells Dadi that he will listen from here as he feels that where his wife cannot go, he too has no place.  Nani is happy that he is standing by his wife and Khushi looks at him shocked. 

What worked: The conversation between Nani and Dadi.  This conversation gives us a glimpse into the past of the family.  We find out that everything that has transpired in the Raizada house is due to some incident which the Dadi refuses to talk about.  With the Dadi there, let's see if we find out more about Arnav's past and why is constantly haunts him, even to this day.

 What didn't work: Where is Akash?  I would have liked to see Akash during Dadi's introduction and how she would have treated him and Payal.

Highlight:  Arnav standing by his wife.  Take a bow Arnav; that is what we call a true husband.  Ever since he fell in love with Khushi, Arnav has changed.  Today, he turned away from his grandmother and stood by his wife.  The fact that he did this was amazing as in the past, he would never stand by Khushi, unless he was proven wrong.  Day by day, Arnav is proving to Khushi that he is the prince of her dreams and can be the husband she's always wanted.  With Arnav standing by Khushi through every hurdle, their relationship will continue to grow stronger and stronger.

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