Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Episode Review: August 14th, 2012

Khushi is thinking about what Arnav had just said to her and remembers the last time he was about to admit his feelings.  She looks at all the decorations in their room and then the wind blows, with "Tu hi bata mere rabbe" playing in the background.  While Khushi awaits Arnav's return, he is out taking a drive to calm himself done.  The next morning, Khushi wakes up on the recliner to find that all the decorations have been cleaned up.  She tries to find Arnav and thinks that he may be downstairs.  After changing, she heads downstairs where she greets Dadi, Nani, Mami and Anjali.  Dadi gives her an angry look and Khushi wonders what Dadi could be thinking at this moment.  She then goes into the kitchen to help Payal when Nani calls her back to the living room.  She asks Khushi how her marriage to Arnav occurred and Khushi tells her that they went to a mandir. 

Nani asks if a priest performed the ceremony and Khushi says no, they only did the sindoor and mangulsutra.  Nani points out to Khushi how she can call this a marriage as she and Arnav did not partake in any of the rituals.  Just then, Buaji walks in and Khushi asks her what she is doing there.  Dadi says she called her and informs Buaji that Khushi and Arnav are living together, inspite of not being properly married.  She tells her how they did not complete any of the rituals and Buaji is shocked.  She asks Khushi if this is true and she asks her for forgiveness.  Just as Buaji is about to slap her, Arnav stops her hand and tells her that he has not given anyone the right to raise their hand at his wife.  Dadi says that he cannot call Khushi his wife since they did not complete the proper rituals and Arnav reminds her that he does not believe in all of these rituals.  Dadi then questions Buaji on the values instilled in Khushi, asking her why a girl would compromise herself to live with a man, unmarried.  Buaji begins to drag Khushi out of the house while Arnav tries to stop them.  Anjali tells him that in spite of whatever is happening, he has to admit that he is wrong in this case.  Arnav then tells the family that in order for them to accept them as husband and wife, he is ready to remarry his wife with all the rituals and traditions.  Everyone except the Dadi are ecstatic on hearing this and the Dadi reluctantly agrees only if the two live separately until they are married. 

Khushi and Buaji leave but Khushi quickly returns to speak to Arnav.   She tells him that she wants to say something to him before leaving and says " hum bhi aap se I love you damn it."  Hearing this, Arnav smiles and watches as she leaves.  Just then, the scene shifts to someone watching all of this on CCTV footage; it's Shyam.  It's revealed he sent men to the house to install video cameras so he can keep an eye on the house.  He says that as long as he is alive, Arnav and Khushi's wedding will not happen.

What worked: The return of Shyam.  Everyone knew that Shyam wasn't gone forever and it's great to finally see him return.  He returns with one mission: to destroy Arnav and Khushi's happiness.  It is yet to be seen if Shyam has already spoken to Dadi and has been the one instigating her against Khushi.  With Shyam returning to cause havoc in Arshi's life, there is bound to be a lot of drama, tears and heartbreaks to come.  One thing is for sure, this time Shyam won't go down without a fight.

What didn't work: The family surprised that Arshi's wedding took place without rituals.  I'm surprised that it took the family 6 months to figure this out when it should have been obvious when they returned home from the temple.  They should have been questioned then or earlier during their marriage but it was completely overlooked.  The writing is a bit inconsistent here.

Highlight: "Hum bhi aap se, I love you damn it".  It was incredibly cute the way she said it and the smile that appeared on Arnav's face.  Khushi has finally admitted her feelings to Arnav and her doing this shows that she has forgiven him for what he's done, accepted him as her husband, accepted the fact that she has feelings for him and has finally, finally accepted their relationship.  This is a big step for her as every time she felt something for Arnav, she either ignored it or tried to forget about it.  The two have admitted they love each other and now the preparations for their upcoming wedding have begun however, there is bound to be a lot of drama in store for them.  Let's hope their love will prevail this time around.

1 comment:

  1. omg i said the same thing. did they really thing they did all the rituals in the few minutes they were gone?
