Thursday, August 30, 2012

Episode Review: August 30th, 2012

Arnav is flirting with Khushi when NK drops in.  He tells her to thank him for bringing Arnav to the function but she says she will only thank him when Arnav dances and puts a bit a mehendi on.  Arnav says no way and leaves, leaving Khushi upset.  Buaji tries to get NK to put mehendi on and talk about his marriage but he successfully escapes from her.  Mamiji tries to get Dadi to meet Garima but it still doesn't work as the dance begins.  Everyone begins dancing as Khushi tries to look for Arnav who is standing at the side.  He notices her blouse string is loose and motions her to come with him. 

He goes to take her hand but she shows him that she has mehendi on, so he grabs her waist and pulls her close to him.  He turns her around and tightens the blouse string, making Khushi realize why he called her over.  He then attempts to kiss her but she walks away.  When she turns around, he shows her that he applied a small drop of mehendi on his hand and the two share a hug.  She rejoins the dance and NK and Akash drag him onto the stage to join in on the dance as well.  Mamiji again attempts to have Garima and Dadi meet.  Everyone is enjoying the celebrations, dancing; even the entire family who is pleased to see Arnav dancing as well.  Arnav ends up bumping into Shyam and just as he turns around, the lights go out, sending the entire house into darkness with no one able to see anything.  Dadi and Garima meet in the dark, with Garima apologizing for not being present in the earlier functions.  Shyam is able to escape and takes Anjali's shoes with him.  As Akash checks on the light, Arnav checks to make sure Anjali and Khushi are alright.  Just as the light reappears, Garima vanishes from Dadi's site and everyone is okay.  Anjali still looks worried but reassures Arnav that she's okay.  The celebrations resume and Khushi and NK successfully get Arnav to rejoin the dance.  Anjali calls up Shyam who informs her that he will have to leave as things are getting to close. 

Anjali tries to call Shyam again but he is not picking up.  Anjali sees that her shoe is missing and goes to look for it while upstairs, Shyam hides her shoe underneath the bed, trying to think of a way to get her to come into the room.  Shyam sees that Anjali is by the poolside, making it his plan much easier.  He turns on a light and stands behind the closed curtains.  Anjali sees a shadow by her room and thinks that Shyam may be in her room, so she goes to check.

What worked:

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: Anjali turning off the lights to protect Shyam from being seen.

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