Monday, August 20, 2012

Episode Review: August 20th, 2012

Khushi realizes what she just said and feels a bit taken aback and later leaves the room.  Outside, Buaji is telling Anjali that she wants to tie a raksha daga on Arnav before the roka ceremony tomorrow but Anjali tells her that Arnav does not believe in all of this.  All the while, Arnav is listening.  The family gets up to leave and NK states that they will all see them tomorrow for the roka ceremony.  After leaving, Buaji talks to Khushi about wanting to tie the raksha daga on Arnav and Khushi too says the same thing as Anjali.  Khushi points out that Arnav loves and respects them a lot and they should make him do something he is not comfortable doing.  Arnav listens in as Buaji teases Khushi about being in love with Arnav.  He comes back in asking for his phone and him and Khushi say their goodbyes. 

Garima finally returns home and Buaji and Khushi ask her why she was out for so long as Dadi was constantly asking for her.  Nervous, Garima says that she couldn't find the medicine so she had to go somewhere further.  She asks if everything went okay and Buaji says yes.  She also informs her of the roka ceremony tomorrow and Garima again becomes nervous and panicky and rushes into the room to give Babuji his medicines.  Arnav can't seem to sleep so he decides to call Khushi but realizes that she too must be asleep.  Khushi on the other hand is wide awake and places a picture of Arnav over Salman Khan's picture.  After staring at the moon, she begins talking to the poster, asking for Arnav's picture to smile now and he telepathically complies.  The next day, everyone is arriving to the Raizada house for the roka ceremony.  Buaji and Khushi arrive and Dadi questions them on why her parents have not come.  Everyone gathers around and Arnav takes Khushi's hand and leads her to the pink stage set-up.  Arnav then tells her to stand to his right, in order to follow the rituals.  Arnav then tells her what is going to happen and everyone is looking at him shocked.  They all are surprised that he knows about all the rituals and what to do.  As Buaji puts a tikka on Arnav, he tells she's forgetting one more thing.  He puts out his right hand and tells her to tie the raksha daga, which makes her very happy.  Khushi can't believe that Arnav is following all of the rituals and he pinches her to prove she's not dreaming.  All this is being watched on CCTV by Shyam in a secluded location.  Arnav and Khushi then exchange rings and Arnav tells Khushi that they've completed this ritual before.  He tells her about the time he bandaged her finger in front of the mandir and states to her that she's been his since then.  Just then, people with dhols come in and music begins to play, with the family joining in to dance.  Shyam takes this opportunity to sneak into Anjali's room to do something.  After watching her dance, Arnav takes Khushi's hand and leads her upstairs.

Buaji is trying to talk to the Dadi but she continues to complain about her parents not being here.  Akash tells Dadi that the function would be too stressful for Babuji and that he suggested they stay home and rest.  Arnav leads Khushi to the poolside and corners her to a wall.  She asks what he is doing and says that he is just looking at her since he won't be able to see her after the haldi.  Khushi says that Anjali may come by and Arnav kisses her on the forehead, saying let her come.  She then says Dadi may come and he again kisses her on her cheek, saying let her come.  She then says Buaji may come and he kisses her on her other cheek, saying let her come.  As he is about to kiss her on the lips, she says Aman's phone may come, to which he responds "let it come" and then "what".  She jokes around that Aman may need something and Arnav tells Khushi that she should write a book, "100 ways to ruin romantic moments by Khushi Kumari Gupta" and she chimes in with Singh Raizada.

What worked: All the cute Arshi moments.  Whether it was them saying goodbye, their evening telepathic conversation or him pinching her, it was all cute.  Looking back a year ago, who would have ever thought that these two would ever have a decent conversation without yelling at each other, let alone fall in love.  Speaking of love, ever since Arnav fell in love, he has changed his behaviour not only towards Khushi, but also towards his family, from agreeing to do all the rituals for the wedding to allowing Buaji to tie the raksha daga on him.

What didn't work: The pace of the story.  It seems like the story is moving really fast and I don't really mind it.  However, it would be nice if they took their time with Arnav and Khushi's wedding since it is the one things the fans want to see.

Highlight: Arnav and Khushi's poolside romance.  Arnav in love = naughty Arnav.  Arnav has a new hobby nowadays, romancing his wife any chance he gets.  We saw the return of the flirtatious and naughty Arnav, with the way he kissed her cheeks and dared to ask anyone to bother them.  Though leave to Khushi to be the mood killer, reminding him of their most infamous interruption; that phone of his.  Throughout it all, it is by far one of the best romantic scenes of the show.

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