Friday, August 17, 2012

Episode Review: August 17th, 2012

After Arnav tells Dadi about Khushi's past, she decides not to meet Garima that night but will instead meet her tomorrow during the shagun.  Buaji is cleaning up as Dadi is stopping by while Garima looks terrified.  Khushi answers the phone and tells them it was Arnav.  Before she can finish, Garima makes an excuse of not feeling well and tells Buaji to handle Dadi but Khushi tells her that Arnav called to say they won't come over tonight but will meet her tomorrow.  Garima is relieved but Buaji and Khushi ask her if she is okay.  The next day, everyone at the Raizada house is getting things ready for the shagun.  Arnav is upstairs getting ready and talking to Khushi via bluetooth.  When he says that he's coming to see her, she tells him that he is not allowed to, as per ritual but Arnav does not care.  When he gets downstairs, Dadi tells him that he can't come with them during the shagun as it is against the rituals, even though Akash went to every ritual of his.  At the Gupta house, Buaji is getting things ready and Garima makes an excuse to get Babuji's medication in order to leave the house and Buaji warns her that they should do anything that should upset the Dadi.  As the family arrives, Garima spots the Dadi and quickly hides from her sights.

Buaji welcomes the Raizada family into the house but there is a bit of tension between Buaji and Dadi.  NK tries to lighten the mood but Dadi just wants the rituals to go smoothly.  After meeting her father, Payal asks where Garima is and Buaji informs her that she went to get Babuji's medication, which angers Dadi.  Buaji tries to explain why she left but Dadi just seems more infuriated.  Khushi comes in with chai and greets everyone.  Nani asks her to take a seat and Dadi asks her if her mother is coming back or not.

Buaji suggest they start with the shagun ceremony as the muraat is good right now.  The shagun ceremony starts with Mami, then Anjali and then Payal, each giving her gifts.  Dadi then states that the next day will be the roka ceremony and that after the haldi ceremony, both Arnav and Khushi cannot see each other until the wedding day.  Just then, Arnav comes in, saying that he has come at the right time.  Everyone is shocked to see him and when Dadi tells him that he is not suppose to be there, he points out to her that he has come after the shagun has be given and that there is still time until the haldi, so technically he isn't breaking any rituals.  He tells Khushi he wants to speak to her in private, surprising the family.  He takes her hand and leads her to her room, causing the Dadi to be visibly upset with his behaviour.  In her room, she is upset at Arnav for coming here as it caused Dadi to become more upset.  When he asks who would stop him from coming, she says Arnav Singh Raizada.  Before he can mention her full name (KKGSR) she places her hand on his mouth and tells him that there is still time until she becomes Singh Raizada.  She explains to him that tomorrow is the roka ceremony where they will exchange rings with each other.  She explains the meaning of the roka, stating that the ring is placed on the ring finger which is directly connected to the heart and once done, she will be his.  He then asks her if she is not his already and she says that she is his.  Suddenly she realizes what she said and Arnav looks at her with a naughty smile.

What worked: The Dadi being upset when things did not go her way.  She did not want Arnav to come during the shagun, he came anyways.  She wanted to meet Garima but she wasn't there.  She didn't like Arnav's behaviour but couldn't do anything about it.  The more and more Dadi tries to get her way and fails, the more angry she gets and the audience is entertained.  Dadi has returned to the house after 14 years and expects everyone to follow her orders.  Frankly, she does not have a right to expect everyone to follow her order since she's been gone for 14 years and had no contact with them.  Watching Dadi become upset when things don't go her way is like watching Shyam's plans go down the drain; entertaining.

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: Arnav coming to meet Khushi anyways.  Leave it to Arnav Singh Raizada to find a way to do anything.  He did make a very good argument though and was smart enough to use Dadi's own words against her.  This is a man in love; so in love that he wants to see his wife every waking moment.  It'll be interesting to see how Arnav keeps in contact with her after the haldi ceremony or if he'll try to see her again.

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