Thursday, August 9, 2012

Episdoe Review: August 9th, 2012

Anjali is looking through the photo album when Arnav walks in.  As she quickly tries to hide it, Arnav  asks her if she was looking at them.  He reminds her of her own words she used to tell him; try to forget about the past.  Together, they make a deal to help each other forget about the past, thinking it was all a bad dream, and move forward with their lives.  Downstairs, Khushi is telling Payal that the Dadi does not like her.  Even though Payal defends Khushi, she states that ever since she came here, the Dadi has been on her case.  Payal points out to her how Arnav is standing up for her and tells her that she is very lucky to have a husband life him.  Khushi leaves from their thinking about what her sister said.  She returns to their room where she gives him a hug.  As she begins to apologize, Arnav tells her that she doesn't need to do so.  Apparantly, she's apologizing for another reason; seeing him without clothes.  With Arnav confused, she shows him his baby picture.  He asks Khushi to return it but when she refuses to do so, he chases her through the room and they both end up falling on the bed, breaking it in the process.

They both burst out laughing at what has happened and he takes this opportunity to take back the picture.  Downstairs, Dadi is reflecting on what Arnav told her about how Khushi is free to do anything she pleases.  She then sees Mami and stops her.  She questions her as to where Shyam is and Mami tries to give excuses to get out of the situation.  Just then NK comes there and Mami is relieved, but he is frightened to see Dadi there.  Dadi begins to taunt him when NK misunderstands what she is saying Frustrated, she leaves.  Later that day, NK asks Nani about Radha-Krishna.  Akash and Nani tell him that Radha-Krishna were in love but never got married; not even saat pheres.  Khushi then remembers how her and Arnav got married.  Payal and Nani tell Khushi that without the pheres, a marriage is incomplete and without it, there is not marriage.  The family then see some men going up the stairs with bedroom furniture.  HP tells Mami that Arnav's bed broke and as Mami wonders what they could have possibly have done to break the bed they both try to hide their faces.  Just then Anjali gets a call and leaves to answer it.  As Khushi goes upstairs, Arnav surprises Khushi by giving her a wink.  He is then seen talking on his bluetooth when he sees a shadow.  He finds Anjali by the pool and after calming him down she is relieved herself.  Later that night, Khushi goes to talk to Arnav but he is still too busy talking on the phone.  He then takes a break from the call to ask Khushi what she wanted to talk about.  She tells him that her problem is that they are living together as husband and wife, which confuses Arnav as he tells her they are husband and wife.  She corrects him saying that they are only half married since they did not take saat pheres or do any of the other things that married couples do.  He asks her what rituals there are and she begins to list them from the roka ceremony to the suhaag raat.  He stops her and says she's intelligent and then agrees that they have to fulfill all the rituals.  He suggests they fulfill them backwards, starting with the suhaag raat, shocking Khushi.  He starts to have fun with this by teasing her on the fact that she wanted to fulfill the rituals but now has changed her mind.  He tells her that tomorrow will be their suhaag raat but she quickly leaves from there feeling shy.  The next morning, a luggage parcel arrives for Arnav and Dadi is upset that he does not use his father's name.

Arnav returns to his room, where he ends up waking Khushi up as he talks on the phone.  When he sees that Khushi has woken up, he takes the time to remind her that tonight is their suhaag raat and her heart starts to beat fast again.  Akash  finds Arnav for some signatures and notices that he is smiling.  He asks Arnav if everything is okay or if there is anything they should know about as he seems really happy.  Arnav replies that it's just a good day, leaving Akash puzzled.  In the kitchen, Khushi begins to asks Payal questions about pheres and suhaag raat.  Surprised at her questions, Payal asks Khushi what is going on with her as she is asking weird questions.  Payal admits to Khushi that before her suhaag raat, she was very scared, causing Khushi to ask her why.  After Payal leaves, Khushi admits that Payal has no idea how scared she is right now.

What worked: The cute Arshi moments.  From them breaking the bed to Arnav's wink to her complaining about what's wrong with their marriage, it was absolutely adorable to watch them.  Arshi as a couple have never been seen like this before and it was refreshing to watch them like this for a change.  It definitely gives a new dimension to the couple that is also tagged as being intense when it comes to romance.

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: Arnav suggesting they start fulfilling wedding rituals, starting with their suhaag raat.  Khushi opened up a can of worms here with this one and Arnav is going to love teasing her with it.  By far one of the highlights throughout the last few weeks.  Not only did we get to see Khushi's side of wanting to keep this marriage by fulfilling all the rituals, but we also saw Arnav's naughty side which is always fun to watch.

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