Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Episode Review: August 15th, 2012

At the Gupta House, Buaji is scolding Khushi for what she and Arnav did and is disturbed by a knock on the door.  Thinking its Amma, she goes to open the door to find Dadi there.  Dadi says that since they couldn't talk properly at the Raizada house, she came here to talk to Buaji.  She asks Buaji is she thinks she's doing the right thing by getting Khushi and Arnav married again, especially after they lived together for 6 months without being properly married.  Dadi goes on to taunt and insult Khushi's character (going as far as hinting at the word prostitute) and her values saying that she would not want her grandson to marry a girl like this.  Upset at how Dadi is speaking to Khushi, Buaji reminds her that Khushi is not the only one to blame in the situation and that Arnav too must be held responsible.  She then says that if Dadi does want to get Arnav married to Khushi then she too will not agree to the marriage either.  Dadi then states that they should consider the marriage broken.  Throughout the conversation, Amma is seen hiding behind a wall after seeing Dadi in the house.

Dadi then leaves the house and Amma carefully tries to avoid her before going in.  Buaji begins to wonder what right Dadi has to come and insult them in their own house.  She then says that both Arnav and his Dadi are alike; arrogant and with attitude.  Khushi tells Buaji that Arnav is not like that but in fact he is a very nice person.  She tells her that he uses his anger to hide his pain and even tells her about how his mother died.  On hearing this, Amma comes into the house, slaps Khushi and orders her not to say another word before sending her off to her room.  Buaji wonders why Amma is so angry and asks her to sit down.  At the Raizaida house, everyone is preparing for the shagun tomorrow when Dadi arrives and tells them that the wedding is off.  She lies to everyone that Buaji had called off the wedding for some reason.  Hearing this, Arnav tells the family not to worry as he himself will speak to Buaji.  Arnav arrives at Buaji's house and demands to speak to Khushi.  Buaji does not allow him to but he goes to her room anyways.  Inside, he attempts to talk to Khushi and when he turns her around, he sees a slap mark on his face.  She hugs him and he asks her who slapped her.  She tells him that her family has the right to hit her if they please and Arnav has had enough of this and wants to set everything straight.  He tells Buaji and Amma that he and his family will come by tomorrow at 10 am with the shagun.  Buaji tells him she wanted that too had it not been for his Dadi coming to their house and insulting Khushi.  When Arnav returns home, he informs his family that they will go to Buaji's with the shagun tomorrow as the wedding is back on and tells everyone not to worry.  An upset Dadi begins to leave when Arnav tells her that he knows what she is trying to do and tells her that he doesn't care if she comes with them tomorrow or not.  He then departs from there.

Arnav is in his room remembering every bad thing he did to her, from forcing her to get married to how he treated her while they were married.  He also remembers how she took care of him and even risked her own life to save him.  He then says to himself that he has caused her a lot of pain and is fully responsible for all the pain in her life right now.  As he goes downstairs, he thinks he sees someone and goes to check but he does not find anything.  Shyam apparently has hid behind a pillar in the house.

What worked: The suspense building around why Dadi does not like Khushi and how Amma knows her.  The writers have created the suspense in a great way, keeping the audience glued to the screens.  The suspense is bringing in a new light to the show and will definitely bring a whole lot more drama as well.  I'm most eager to see how Amma knows the Dadi and what effect it has on Arnav and Khushi's relationship.  Arshi has been through a lot in the last 6 months and this new twist will bring more hardship their way.

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: Arnav feeling bad for all the pain he has caused Khushi.  This is truly the first time we have seen Arnav regret causing Khushi so much pain and heartache.  In the past, he has regretted calling her names, physically hurting her or making her do things but his realization today was the strongest I've seen.  He feels bad, he feels responsible, literally to the point that it's causing him pain.  The development in Arnav's character and his redemption thus far has been depicted well by the writers and the team.  Let's hope it continues in this way.

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