Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Episdoe Review: August 8th, 2012

As Khushi looks at Arnav, shocked to see him standing by her, the Dadi states that she will no longer continue what she was saying.  Arnav says ok and begins to leave from there.  He then stops for a second, takes Khushi's hand and walks away, leaving the Dadi shocked.  NK and Payal spot Khushi and Arnav walking up the stairs, hand in hand.  They think something must have gone wrong and feel that it was probably a bad idea to send Khushi to Dadi's room.  Nani asks Dadi what problem she has with Khushi and why she is treating her in that way.  Dadi does not answer but has a very angry look on her face.  Later that evening as Arnav and Khushi are sleeping, Arnav dreams about the flashback of his sister's wedding.  He wakes up suddenly and Khushi asks if he's okay.  He says he's fine and steps outside by the pool to get some fresh air.  Khushi feels that there is something else that is bothering him.  She is about to approach him when she thinks of an idea to cheer him up.  She plays music on her phone and then does small little things to cheer him up.  Unfortunately, it does not work and he walks off.  Khushi tells him that she did not mean to hurt him and only did what she did to cheer him up.  Just then, Arnav tells her that when he was 14 years old, his mother committed suicide.  Khushi is shocked to hear this.  She approaches Arnav and gives him a hug, comforting him for the pain he's had to endure.

The next morning, Khushiis watching Arnav as he sleeps.  She feels bad for the pain he's kept inside of him and promises to be there when he needs her.  Just then, he starts to wake up and Khushi looks away.  As Arnav gets up, Khushi continues to watch him, to only look away just as he looks back.  He then asks her why she is looking at him in that way and she gives him one of her cute remarks.  Downstairs, there are preparations going on for the upcoming pooja.  HP tells Anjali that he could not find something she needed so Khushi tells Anjali that she will find it for her.  Anjali tells her that it is their mother's conch shell.  Before leaving, Khushi gives Anjali a hug, while Arnav looks on.  As she goes upstairs to look for the conch, Arnav playfully blocks her way before letting her pass.  Payal and Nani are talking right before the Dadi comes by.  She reminds Payal to make sure the decorations are done correctly for tomorrow's pooja.  Arnav informs Anjali that he is going out to a meeting and just as he leaves, Dadi again asks about the whereabouts of Shyam.  Arnav asks Nani why she hasn't told Dadi the truth about Shyam and Nani explains to him that she will tell her when the time is right. Khushi is looking through the stuff in the storage room for the conch shell.  She comes across it in a large box.  As she puts the box away, a picture album falls out and she picks it up.  As she looks through the photos, she sees they're of Arnav's family.  Just then, Dadi comes in and is furious with her for touching her son and daughter-in-law's things.  She comes downstairs and tells everyone what Khushi was doing.  Anjali tells Dadi that she had sent Khushi to look for the conch shell.  Khushi tries to explain herself but the Dadi cuts her off until Arnav interrupts her.

Arnav tells Dadi so what if Khushi had seen the family photos.  He tells her that she can go anywhere, look at anything and do anything she wants as she is the daughter-in-law of the family.  Dadi states that Khushi may be the daughter-in-law but she is the Dadi of the house and as the elder, has some rights.  Arnav says that everyone in the house respects her a lot but he again repeats what he said to her yesterday.  He reminds her that Khushi is his wife and that she can go anywhere she wants and do anything she wants, leaving Khushi surprised.  Arnav then retreats upstairs, leaving Dadi not very pleased.

What worked: The Dadi's animosity towards Khushi.  Over the past three episodes, we've seen that the Dadi does not seem to like Khushi, but the reason is unknown.  The more animosity the Dadi holds towards Khushi, the more the audience wants to know exactly why.  Hopefully, he writers will do justice to the reason for the animosity and not make it a reason for people to lash out at them.

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: Arnav telling Khushi about what happened to his mother.  Arnav has been carrying this around for the last 14 years and it's been eating at him every single day.  Being able to share this with someone else, someone very close to you, helps to lessen the grief and make it easier to handle.  The fact that he shared this very personal part of him with her shows how integral Khushi has become in his life that he actually wants to share something with someone else.  Khushi has always cared for Arnav, no matter how he treated her and after knowing about what happened to his mother, she is definitely going to be by his side to help him finally come to terms with what happened.

What do you think the highlight of the episode was?

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