Thursday, August 2, 2012

Episode Review: August 1st, 2012

Furious, Khushi calls up Arnav and begins to yell at him at how dare he cut off their water and electricity.  When she states to him that she hasn't even had a cup of tea yet and Arnav asks her how she will make tea for him.  Scared that he may be around, Khushi warns him not to come to the house but it's too late.  Arnav comes out through the front door surprising Khushi.  When she starts to yell at him, he decides to taunt her on her current condition.  She refuses any help from him and is determined to get through it on her own.  She goes inside and begins to find small buckets of water.  Arnav continues to tease and taunt her asking her how she will sleep tonight without any light and without him to hold her hand.  Khushi ends up collecting enough water to cook dinner but Arnav purposely pushes it off the counter.  Realising he did this on purpose, Khushi is determined to not let it dampen her spirits.  Buaji comes across Anjali at the hospital.  Anjali is surprised to see Buaji there and asks about her health.  Khushi decides to fill some containers with water from the hand pump.  When she returns to the house, she sees the door is locked.

Angry, she asks Arnav how dare he lock her out of her own house and he tells her that since he's the landlord, he can lock up the house anytime he feels like it.  When she goes up to him, she drops the buckets of water.  As she wipes herself off, Arnav asks her how will she survive if she and her family have no house.  He then helps her wipe a drop of water from her neck.  When Khushi asks him why he is doing this, he tells her that she knows why.  He gives her another chance to come home with him or her and her family will end up on the street.  When she refuses, he gives her 2 hours to pack all their stuff and vacate their house.  As he gets in his car and is about to drive, he quickly stops as Khushi comes infront of his car.  He gets out to yell at her when she tells him that she can't see her family suffering because of her and agrees to return home with him.  She tells him to come pick her up in 2 hours.  Buaji and Anjali are having chai and Anjali continues to ask Buaji about her health and her BP.  Buaji then goes to meet Nani and Anjali remembers what Khushi and Arnav told her about Buaji's health.  She is upset that both Arnav and Khushi lied to her and wonders why the two of them are doing this to her.  Arnav comes back to the house to pick Khushi up.  When she doesn't come to the door, he calls the house phone.  Khushi is inside asleep and doesn't pick up the phone.  She only answers when he calls her mobile.  She tells him that she had to go with her family to the hospital and had no choice but to go.  She hangs up and is relieved to have him off her back to only be surprised to see him standing at her room door.  An angryy Arnav walks in and yells at Khushi for lying to him.  He tells her to come with him and she refuses.  He then sees a plaster on her foot.  She tells him that she fell and that she can't walk, meaning she can't go home with him.  When he asks her to look at him, she refuses to do so making Arnav a bit suspicious.  As he leaves, he kicks the door, pretending to get hurt, causing Khushi to get up and check on him.  She realizes that her act is caught and tries to make an excuse when he picks her up.  He says he is taking her home right now but she continues to say that she won't be able to walk.  He finishes her sentences by saying that she won't be able to walk for 10 days.  He puts her down and tells her that she is doing all of this because of the contract.

Arnav tells her that she wants to stay here for the remaining 10 days of the marriage in order to be free.  He asks her how she can just let this happen to their marriage.  Khushi then states that what they have is not a marriage but a deal and that after 10 days, there will no longer be the deal or anything else.  When he asks her if this is so easy for her, she says that it no longer has any meaning to her.  Arnav then states that they might as well end everything today.  He says they will wait for her family to come home and tell them the truth on why their marriage is ending.  He says that they should stop lying and playing these games and for a change just tell the truth.  Knowing this news will hurt her family, she asks what Arnav wants.  He says he wants her to come home and that he will pick her up tomorrow.

What worked: Anjali's statement about her brother.  After discovering Khushi's lie and realizing that her brother knew about it too, Anjali states that her Chote is no longer hers.  She demonstrates one very important thing with this statement: she is still very much insecure.  On the outside, Anjali looks like she is fine and is making progress, on the inside however the same cannot be said.  Anjali does have a point with the lies.  Even though the lies are being told in order to protect her, she does not like being lied to, especially after everything that has happened.  Discovering these lies make her feel more and more insecure about herself, her life and her importance in her brother's life.  So far, Daljeet has done an amazing job in portraying Anjali's reactions and progress throughout the track.

What didn't work: The length it took to get Khushi to return home.  This could have been done a lot quicker and if the writers were looking for a way to extend this part, it could have been done in a more  cleaner way.  It seemed a bit dragging with Khushi constantly saying no to going home when in the end, she was bound to go home.

Highlight: Arnav wanting to tell Khushi's family the truth.  Today, Arnav made Khushi realize one important thing in her plan: what will she do after 10 days.  After 10 days, their marriage contract will no longer be valid but what reason will she give to her family for returning home forever?  She's stuck in an interesting predicament which Arnav points out to her: she does not want to stay with him at the Raizada house and she can't tell her family exactly why she wants to return home.  Arnav pointed out to Khushi that it's time to stop telling lies and start telling the truth.  He made her realize that she can lie to her family up to this point but she won't be able to do that after 10 days.  Telling the truth would mean hurting her family which she is not willing to do but on the other hand, she does not want to return to the one place where she fears of getting her heart broken again.  We'll have to see where she chooses to stay in 10 days time.

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