Thursday, August 16, 2012

Episode Review: August 16th, 2012

Arnav arrives at Khushi's house and is about to ring the bell when he realizes that it's too late and does not want to disturb them.  Khushi is standing by her room window when she gets a call from Arnav.  He says that she hasn't slept and then says that she looks beautiful in white, with her hair open.  She wonders how he knows this and when she turns around, she sees him.  He sits her down on the bed saying he wants to talk to her.  He reminds her of how they met, how because of him Payal's wedding was called off, how he made her life miserable in the office and how he had thought that she was having an affair with Shyam.  Khushi wonders why he is bringing up the past and he says that for every time that he has hurt her, he is very sorry.  Khushi tells him not to apologise as she knows that he loves her very much.  The two then share a hug.  Dadi is complaining to Nani on how Arnav is stubborn on his marriage to Khushi when she knows nothing about what kind of girl she is.  Nani defends Khushi saying that she is a very smart and intelligent girl for her age and her parents have raised her well.  On hearing her parents name, there is a shocked look on Dadi's face and she leaves the room.

Garima (Amma) is praying to Devi Mayya asking her what to do as she can't allow for Arnav and Khushi to get remarried after knowing who his grandmother is.  She looks very worried and Buaji comes by to console her.  Arnav then leaves Khushi's house and Buaji teases Khushi on the fact that Arnav came to meet her.  NK and Anjali are still up waiting for Arnav to return as Anjali does not want to lose this opportunity.  As Arnav enters, NK stops him and Anjali and him begin to question where he was.  He admits to being at Khushi's and Anjali teases Arnav about being in love.  When she starts coughing, he takes her upstairs to rest.  As he leaves her room, he overhears Nani asking Dadi why she left so angry and Dadi states that it's because Arnav is marrying the wrong girl.  Arnav comes in to defend Khuhsi and her family, but Dadi goes on to ask why she has not met her parents.  Arnav explains about her father's health and then agrees to take Dadi to meet Garima to put an end to the matter.

Arnav calls up Khushi and tells her that he is bringing Dadi over to meet Garima as he can no longer stand her and her family being insulted.  Khushi informs her mother and Buaji about Arnav bringing Dadi over that night to meet her parents and Garima looks terrified.  Buaji tells her not to worry as Arnav will handle everything.  As Arnav and Dadi as leaving, she begins to complain about the fact that she knows nothing about his wife.  Arnav states that he knows all he needs to know about her and that is enough for him.  He tells Dadi that Khushi is an orphan who was adopted by her aunt and uncle after her parents died in a car crash.  Dadi thinks this is a story but Arnav firmly states that it is the truth.

What worked: The curiosity and suspense on how Garima knows the Dadi.  The writers have done a good job in creating the suspense and curiosity over how Garima knows the Dadi.  This definitely keeps the audience glued to the TV as not only do they want to know the reason, but everyone wants to see how Arnav and Khuhsi react to the news.  There is a lot more drama ahead.

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight:  There were two highlights in this episode.  The first being Arnav's apology to Khushi for all the pain he has caused her.  Arnav has apologized to Khushi before for things that he has done, but today's apology from him truly was heartfelt and sincere.  He apologized for every bad thing he ever did to her and said to her and best of all, he meant every word of it.  His apology and her forgiveness symbolises the new beginning for their relationship and the building of support for one another.

The other one is Anjali and NK teasing him.  Anjali has waited an eternity to taunt and tease him on being in love after he countlessly said that there was no way he would ever fall in love.  Anjali was not going to let this moment escape her and I'm glad she didn't.  It was also refreshing to see Anjali as her old bubbly and cheerful self again, after everything that she has been through.

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