Friday, August 3, 2012

Episode Review: August 3rd, 2012

As Khushi searches the house for Anjali, she is unable to find her.  Instead of worrying the others, she decides to first look for her on her own and then inform the other if she can't find her.  She goes outside and begins to search for Anjali to find her standing by a tree, talking to someone.  Khushi calls out to Anjali and approaches her, glad that she found her safe and sound.  Anjali seems worried and shocked to see Khushi there and tries to avoid answering why she was there.  As they leave to return home, Khushi turns around to the spot where she found Anjali and wonders who she was talking to.

Khushi returns home from searching for Anjali and is glad that no one found out about her being missing.  Just then, Arnav spots her and begins to yell at her, asking her where she went and that he;s been waiting for her.  Khushi replies that she was here the whole time and follows him to their room.  She enters the room to find it pitch dark and makes a comment about it.  Arnav then proceeds to complain  about wearing the kurta and calling NK's idea stupid.  While arguing whether the idea was stupid or not, Khushi accidently blurts out that it was here idea and he tells her that he knew all along.  He kisses her on her forehead and tells her that he only wore the kurta for this long to see her smile.  He then turns the lights on and she is shocked to see a bunch of presents on the bed.  Remembering how he made her pack the gifts before, she asks him if she has to repack these present too and he jokingly says yes.  She begins to unpack the gifts one by one, only to be surprised by their contents: chana, a Salman Khan poster (to which she happily approves of), jalebi, gol gappas and a pearl necklace.  On seeing the necklace, she remembers her dream of Arnav giving her the necklace and she begins to tear up.  Arnav wipes her tears away and the two share a hug.  The next morning, she wakes up to find him sitting on the couch staring at her.  They continue to stare at each other, even as she gets up.  He begins to come closer to her until they are disturbed by a knock at the door.  It's Nani and she seems very worried and wants to speak to Arnav immediately.  As he leaves, he tells Khushi that their conversation is not over yet.  Nani tells Arnav that she received a phone call from the Aashram and that "she" is not there and has been missing for 2 days.  Nani says that they never should have left "her" there, especially after the incident 14 years ago.  Arnav says that he tried a lot to bring "her" back and tells Nani not to worry as he will find "her".  Akash is in his room getting dressed and talking to Mami.  It is revealed that the "person" is Arnav's dadi and that she refused to come with her own grandson.  Mami states that his dadi was a dangerous women back then and now that she has escaped, she is even more afraid.  Akash tells her not to worry and at this time, Payal walks in.  She asks them what they are talking about and Akash tells her that some things just aren't meant to be told.

Anjali is sitting by the mandir area, arranging the pooja trays.  She wonders where her tray is and Khushi comes there with it.  She tells Anjali that she had come by her room last night to give it to her.  Khushi begins to talk to Anjali and Anjali tells her that she does not want to talk about what happened in the past.  She tells her that the past overshadows your future and that she wants to have a fresh new start.  She then thanks Khushi for getting Arnav to wear the kurta, telling her that the moment she saw him in it, she knew it was Khushi's idea.  As she leaves, Khushi smiles at Devi Mayya.

What worked: Anjali telling Khushi that she wants a fresh new start.  It good to see that after everything that has happened in her life, Anjali wants to start afresh.  She said it herself, "the past overshadows your present and future".  Instead of dwelling on the past and what happened, she wants to move on with her life. Yes, she may not be facing the truth of what has happened or is trying to understand why it happened, but for a women in her condition, it would be better for her to look towards the future at this time.  Once she's in a good place and her mental and emotional state are stable, she can begin to face the fact of what happened and try to make sense of it.
What didn't work: Akash telling Payal that some things just aren't told.  I still think there is some tension between these two but I don't understand where that tension is coming from.  Payal promised Akash that she would no longer keeps secrets from him, no matter how big or small they are.  They both also agreed to start afresh and rebuild their relationship.  When Akash said those words to her, I felt that it was like a double standard.  She has to be honest with him but he does not have to tell her everything.  I know that the matter may be quite personal but he could have said that he would tell her when the time was right, instead of saying what he said.

Highlight: Arnav gifts to Khushi.  He presented her with five presents; five very simple and inexpensive presents.  Arnav's gifts show us that he is learning how to please his wife.  She is not the type who like expensive things or extravegent surprises.  She's simple, she's down to Earth and she's quite strange.  Arnav knows what she likes and what brings a smile on her face, even though he doesn't understand why.  The scene was absolutely adorable as it shows that as long as Arnav can bring a smile on Khushi's face, that's all it will take to bring a smile onto his face too.

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