Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Episode Review: August 28th, 2012

Shyam is seen doing something with the electrical wires before attaching them to the box.  As the electricians are putting up the lights, NK notices a weird red wire and asks Arnav what type of wire it is.  Arnav too is suspicious of the unknown wire and he begins to unravel its path to see where its coming from.  Shyam arrives there and notices what Arnav is doing.  He remembers that the wire is connected to the hidden camera so he quickly climbs onto a ladder and disconnects the camera from the wire just in time.  At the Gupta house, Garima seems worried but Buaji tells her not to worry as everything will be okay.  Garima decides to finally meet Dadi for the sake and Payal and Khushi's happiness.

Shyam begins to work on something near the staircase, avoiding Arnav, as he talks to the electricians about the wiring.  When Shyam disappears, Arnav tries to locate the electrician he saw there.  Shyam enters Anjali's room and hides a box underneath her bed, leaving just before Arnav arrives.  When he enters, Arnav asks Anjali if anyone had come into her room and makes a call to have all the electrician's Ids checked, just for safety.  As he leaves, Anjali wishes that Shyam could have been present today.  Garima, Buaji and Khushi arrive at the Raizada mansion.  Garima requests to meet Dadi and Mamiji leads them towards her.  Khushi on the other hand is looking for Arnav but can't find him.  As NK takes Arnav upstairs, he suddenly stops as he senses Khushi.  When he turns around, the two end up seeing each other.  When NK asks how he knew Khushi had come, she says that they just know.  Arnav then begins to tease her by saying there is something on her face but soon realizes he was just playing with her.  She then joins Garima and Buaji as they go meet Dadi who is seating Anjali for the baby shower.  Before they can meet her, Dadi leaves from there, giving Garima a sigh of relief.  Payal too tries to get Garima to meet Dadi but the same outcome also occurs so they decide to meet her after.  Upstairs, NK plans a movie for him, Akash and Arnav to watch as the ladies function occurs downstairs.  Bored, Arnav calls up Khushi and again begins to tease her about her nose and how to hang up the phone.  She decides to take the opportunity to get even with him and hands the phone to Buaji.  Arnav hands his phone to NK, saying it's a girl who wants to talk to him, but informs Akash that it's Buaji.  NK and Buaji attempt to have a weird conversation and NK realizes who he is talking to.

Anjali's baby shower begins, with the women presenting her with gifts and wishing her the best.  One of the women ask her about her husband and how he hasn't crashed her baby shower yet.  On hearing this, Anjali begins to look upset while the rest of the family look tense.  Khushi goes to get Anjali water and Dadi tells Nani that they should bring Shyam back right now as it will put an end to everyone's gossip.  At that time, Arnav comes downstairs and tells Dadi that Shyam will never return to the house.

What worked: The pace of the episode.  Over the past two weeks, Arnav and Khushi's remarriage seems to be going a little too fast, compared to how they dragged their contract wedding for so long.  Today's episode finally slowed things down and gave us a little bit of everything; comedy, drama, romance and suspense.  This pace works as it allows for us to get a better picture of what is going on and allows for the stories to be fully told, with much better depth and detail.  The current tracks should continue to go at this pace as it will keep the story going much stronger then if things sped up.

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight:  Arnav's phone prank on NK.  The bromance between NK-Akash-Arnav is absolutely amazing.  The three of them work so well on screen together; with NK being so out there, Akash being more composed and Arnav being more witty and uptight.  Karen, Akshay and Barun share a great rapport off screen and that can visibly be seen on screen.  The best part was how Arnav handed NK the phone and then casually sat down to watch the entertainment unfold.  Who said Arnav Singh Raizada doesn't know how to pull a prank.

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