Friday, August 24, 2012

Episode Review: August 24th, 2012

Anjali is worried that someone will find Shyam so she leaves her room to help him get out.  She bumps into NK who tells her to return to her room to relax.  They see Dadi return upstairs and she retreats to her room with NK and Anjali looking on.  After NK escorts Anjali back to her room, she waits for him to leave before she leaves to help Shyam escape.  At the Gupta house, Payal calls up Khushi and the two begin to tease each other about their roles, post marriage.  She informs her that the mehendi ceremony will be held soon, along with Anjali's baby shower on the same day.  Khushi is happy to hear the news but tells Payal that Garima and Babuji won't be able to attend any more of the wedding functions as they are going away for his treatment.  Garima and Babuji are about to leave when the news channel announces that because of bad flooding, all the trains are cancelled.  Khushi is ecstatic that they will be there for her wedding and Garima tries to think of another way to leave town.

As the Dadi enters her room, she tells Shyam to be careful of his phone next time.  Shyam comes out from behind the curtains to face Dadi and takes her blessings, while Anjali looks on surprised.  Anjali is surprised that Dadi and Shyam know each other and he explains to her that no one other than Dadi would understand them.  Dadi explains to her that Shyam brought her here and told her that everything that happened was a misunderstanding and she is here to fix everything.  Anajli is super happy that they have someone on their side and Dadi goes to see if the coast is clear for him to leave.  As Shyam and Anjali share a hug, he says to himself that Dadi has only been brought here for his benefit in order to return to the house.  He says that he will do something big in order to get back in the house and it will be at that time that he will use Dadi to his advantage.  Khushi is in her room telling Devi Mayya that Arnav has done so much for her that she will do something for him.  As she is counting money, she calls him up and in a very "ASR" tone asks him what he is doing in 2 hours.  He says that he has a conference call but Khushi tells him to meet her at Purple Orchid in 2 hours.  After hanging up, she calls him again to make sure that he is coming.  At the Raizada house, Anjali is talking to Shyam and tells him she will meet him at Purple Orchid where the two can talk at peace.

Arnav returns to his and begins to look for something to wear when NK enters and begins to ask him questions.  He brushes NK off until he brings up the fact that Arnav does not have an outfit that is not the colour black and suggest, jokingly, he borrow one of NK's outfits.  After NK leaves, Arnav gets dressed and heads downstairs to where he finds Anjali too heading out.  She says that she is going to invite some people personally to the baby shower and he offers to drop her off personally as he does not want her going out alone at this time.  However, Dadi stops them saying that she is not going alone.

What worked: N/A

What didn't work: Two different tracks running at the same time.  Currently there are two different tracks running simultaneously on the show: Shyam's return and Garima and Dadi's past connection.  Both of these tracks are very strong but having them run at the same time takes the fun out of watching it.  With two very strong tracks running at the same time, it leaves viewers going back and forth to keep up to date with what is going and also prevents the story from reaching its full potential.  Hopefully, one of the tracks will be put on hold in order for the other track to get it's undivided attention from the writers.

Highlight: The revelation that Shyam and Dadi are working together.  As the audience, we all knew that Dadi was working with someone close to the house, which is why she returned and knew about what was going on.  Now that Anjali knows that, the three of them will team up to bring him back home.  What Anjali and Dadi don't know is that they are just pawns in Shyam's plan as he just wants to get back into to exact his revenge on Arnav and Khushi.  The time when Dadi and Anjali realize this will be absolutely amazing.

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