Monday, August 27, 2012

Episode Review: August 27th, 2012

Arnav arrives at the restaurant and Khushi arrives right behind him, dressed in black leaving him speechless.  She informs the waiter about her reservation but is then told that she came a day too early.  Arnav suggest they go somewhere else but instead, she sweet talks the waiter into giving them a table.  Arnav pulls out a chair for her but instead of sitting on it, she pulls out a chair for him.  She then attempts to order off the menu, as Arnav asks her what she is doing.  Just then, Shyam and Anjali too enter the restaurant and make their way to their table, almost being seen by Arnav and Khushi.

Khushi tells Arnav that she is being him, since he is being her; by abiding by the marriage traditions, going to the temple, etc.  After they receive their order, Khushi takes a bite and does not like what she tasted.  She ends up saying that she placed a wrong order but Arnav fixes it by adding salt.  He again asks her what she is doing and she states that she wanted to do something for him as he has been doing so many things for her.  He then calls over a waiter, who hands them two glasses of wine.  He asks her to drink the wine, using her KKGSR tone, and she hesitantly takes a sip.  Realizing she likes it, she gulps it down and gets the waiter to refill her cup.  She then finds out it wasn't wine but a non-alcoholic drink.  Arnav tells her that he would never make her do anything that she didn't want to and that he loves her for who she is and that she should not change.  She is happy hearing this and has one more surprise for him.  A champaign bottle is brought and she attempts to open the bottle.  Unfortunately, the cork hits another diner, breaking their glasses.  Seeing her upset, Arnav cheers her up by imitating her to explain what she was trying to do all evening and what actually happened.  It ends up cheering her up and the two enjoy the rest of their evening.  Shyam hands Anjali a present for their baby and she is happy to see that it is a small bangle.  When it drops on the floor, Shyam goes to pick it up and notices Arnav and Khushi at the same restaurant.

Shyam hides behind the table as Arnav and Khushi leave the restaurant.  He informs Anjali about the two being here and she two turns her back so they don't see her.  Shyam waits until the coast is clear before returning to his seat and calms a very nervous Anjali down.  He reassures her they didn't see them and promises to be at the baby shower tomorrow.  The next day, NK instructs the electricians to decorate the house with more lights.  One of the electrician asks another one where the other lights are and he points to a pile.  It is then revealed that this person is Shyam.

What worked: N/A

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: Arnav and Khushi's date.  Arnav and Khushi's first date follows the pattern of everything else that has occurred since they met; nothing going right.  From her working for him to their Nanital trip to their multiple interrupted kisses, nothing seems to go the way it's plan, and this date is no less.  From the reservation to ordering the food to the champaign bottle, nothing went as plan for Khushi but it sure brought a smile to Arnav's face.  Their first date compliments them perfectly, odd and strange with nothing going right but cute and sweet and very enjoyable to watch.  During their date, Arnav pointed out to Khushi that he loves her for the way she is; strange, odd and very talkative.  A highlight within their date has to be when he imitates her to cheer her up.  It was absolutely cute adorable.  Arnav has really loosen up since we first met him and if anyone told him he'd be making jokes like this, he'd think you we're trying to make jokes.

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