Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Episode Review: August 22nd, 2012

During the aarti, Garima senses something weird and turns around to see Dadi praying right behind her.  Anjali returns home to find that no one, including NK, are not home and won't be home for a while.  Taking the opportunity, she suggest HP to visit his family so she can be alone in the house.  Shocked that the Dadi is right behind, Garima quickly takes the aarti and leaves, leaving Khushi to wonder where she went.  She meets the family and Dadi again taunts them on the fact that she never has met her mother.  As Akash goes to get garlands, he spots Garima getting into a rickshaw.  Khushi calls Garima up and Garima tells her that she is returning home as she forgot to tell the nurse about the medicines.

As Dadi continues to taunt Khushi on her mother not being present, she also informs her that her meeting with Arnav will be successful as he came here just to meet her, as she had told him she was going to the mandir.  Payal tells Khushi that Arnav is waiting downstairs but before she can go he calls her up.  He asks her if her prayers are done, but Khushi tells him that because he came, Dadi became upset with her.  She then says that she will first do the Kuldevi pooja first, as it is part of the rituals.  Just as Akash is giving the priest the garland, he and the family witness Arnav coming up the temple steps.  Shocked at seeing him present in a mandir, he explains that he is here only to complete the rituals.  Arnav and Khushi both do the Kuldevi pooja, with Arnav copying what Khushi is doing.  Nani tells them if Anjali was here, she would have been ecstatic.  Since Arnav is doing all this for her, she feels that she too needs to do something for him.  As the families exit the mandir, Dadi again complains about how she has never met Garima yet and Arnav takes this as the opportunity to ask everyone to return home.  Back at the Raizada house, Anjali is seen in the kitchen preparing chai; two cups of it.  She offers the second cup to her guest; Shyam.

Shyam begins to sweet talk Anjali, calling her Rani Sahiba again.  Shyam tells her that he wanted to meet his wife at her house and she too wants nothing more than him by her side.  They then reflect on the times they secretly meet in and around the house, with Mami and Arnav almost catching them.  Shyam tells her that all he wants is his wife and child back and that's it. He's tired of all the snooping around and so is Anjali.  She hopes that Arnav will that everything that happened was just a misunderstanding and wishes that everything go back to the way it was.

What worked:  Dadi's determination to meet Garima.  Dadi is hell bent on meeting Garima, who too is hell bent on avoiding her.  Dadi is taking the opportunity of the various functions to try to meet Garima and when she doesn't, she uses that opportunity to insult Khushi.  Based on her behaviour, Dadi's determination to meet Garima definitely has something to do with confirming her own suspicion.  Dadi has her suspicion over Garima the moment she heard her name and wants to double check that suspicion.  The fact that Garima always happens to disappear or not be around, helps to confirm Dadi's preconceived suspicion.

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight:  Finding out that Anjali has been meeting up with Shyam.  Ever since Anjali has started going out on her own and acting weird, we all knew that she was meeting up with Shyam.  It was nice to see today why exactly she is choosing to do so.  We see that she still believes her husband to be innocent and that everything that happened was just a misunderstanding.  Instead of dealing with what has happened, she again has retreated back into her little bubble, blocking out anything that ruins her perfect world.  On the outside, she looks fine but on the inside she is still confused, hurting and messed up.  Shyam is taking full advantage of this and with his sweet talk and lawyer skills, is weaseling his way back into her life.  I'm really glad that Shyam has returned as his return will definitely bring more drama and tension to the show.  He definitely has a much bigger plan in store for Arnav and Khushi and what that plan is exactly is really worth the watch.

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