Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Episode Review: July 31st, 2012

Khushi is shocked to see Arnav there.  He says he came in through the window and Khushi wonders why he took the trouble to come all the way there if he needed anything.  He says that all he needs is sleep and he tells her to go to sleep.  Ecstatic, she immediately falls asleep on the chair, much to Arnav's surprise.  He carries he to her room where he places her on her bed.  As he tries to leave, she grabs his hand and tucks it under her cheek.  Unable to leave, Arnav lays down next to her and falls asleep.  In the morning, Arnav is surprised on how she sleeps here as at the Raizada house she sleeps differently.  When he poses that question to her, she replies back on how she never asks why he holds her hand while sleeping.  He reminds her that 24 hours are not up yet and before leaving, tells her to go back to sleep.

At the Raizada house, Anjali is looking for Arnav but HP says that he went to Buaji's late last night.  Khushi is awoken by Arnav's call who tells her to go and open the front door.  She finds a man there who hands her the 24000 Rs for her 24 hours of work.  As she gloats to Arnav about earning this money on her own, he hangs up on her but she is glad that she has the rent money and that Buaji did not find out.  Just then, the landlord comes and asks for the rent.  Khushi hands him the 24000 Rs but the landlord says its only half the money.  The new owner of the company now charges for maintenance and has doubled the rent.  The landlord tells her she has to give him the money right now but Khushi first wants to meet this new owner.  She reaches the office and demands to meet the boss.  The secretary comes to tell her that the boss said that if she wants her rent lowered, she will have to go with him to his house.  Outraged at the boss's request, she storms into the boardroom and begins to yell at the boss telling him that she is married.  Before she can finish her sentence, the boss finishes it for her and turns around: it's Arnav Singh Raizada.  He tells everyone to leave and then Khushi asks what he is trying to get from this. He says that he wants her to come home but she still refuses.  So he says that he has no other choice and Buaji's house will be demolished.  Khushi tells him to go ahead and demolish the house and she begins to mess up the boardroom.  One of the office staff calls Khushi an item and upon hearing that, Arnav slaps the guys and says that she is his wife.  Nani and Anjali are talking and Anjali is preparing for Rakhi.  She reflects on her recent conversation with Arnav and tells Nani that she does not need anything as long as Arnav is always with her.  NK comes by and lightens the mood a bit by asking Anjali to also make him a friendship band.  Anjali tells him they are not friendship bands but Rakhi's and Nani and her continue to correct his Hindi.  Just then, Anjali gets a phone call but she disconnects it, leaving Nani and NK a bit suspicious.  Khushi is having a nightmare on what Arnav had said and wakes up to her Amma saying that there is no water, at 7:00 am.

Buaji, Amma and Babuji are getting ready to leave for a bit when they wonder if the water will be back in time.  Khushi tells them not to worry.  Before leaving, they tell Khushi to make sure she packs her things as she should return to the Raizada house.  Khushi turns on the TV hoping to find news on why there is no water when the power goes out.  She goes outside to fix the electricity box when she meets a neighbour who asks what she is doing.  Khushi is surprised to hear that the neighbours have both their electricity and water still on and only their house has been cut off.  Just then, she remembers Arnav's words and figures out this is his doing.

What worked: N/A

What didn't work: A standstill storyline.  We're still stuck on the Gupta house rent issue and it's becoming a bit dragging.  Yes, this is probably the best way to get Khushi to come home but they writers could have made it a bit more interesting or lengthen the 24 hour period.  I'd like to see Arnav try another tactic other then this to win her back.

Highlight: Their "adaats" (habits).  They both stated it perfectly, it's their habits.  It's Khushi's habit to run from Arnav, it's her habit to be selfless, it's her habit to want the happiness of others and it's her habit to hide the truth from her family.  It's Arnav's habit to constantly challenge her, it's his habit to care for her if she's hurt, it's his habit to yell, taunt and threaten her and it's his habit to do whatever it takes to get her back.  They may have their little habits while sleeping but they also have much larger, impactful habits too.

1 comment:


    THE Contract marriage issue should have been revealed during Khushi's stay at the Gupta's house (instead of introducing Daadi that b**** and home-wrecker who only wants control and authority) which I think would would have made Arnav humble down a little as he would have to answer questions from both families. Right now he is being a selfish, controlling and manipulative bastard!! Khushi SHOULD have exposed him in front of everyone!!
