Saturday, September 1, 2012

Episode Review: August 31st, 2012

As Anjali continues to search for Shyam, the celebrations continue downstairs.  Everyone is still dancing when Khushi notices Anjali looking worried.  She approaches her and Anjali tells her she is okay and then proceeds upstairs to her room.  Buaji asks Khushi if she's seen Garima and she decides to look for her as everyone continues dancing.  As she enters her room, she steps on the broken glass, causing her immense pain as Shyam looks on from behind a corner.  Limping, she looks through her room to find him but is unsuccessful.  She then decides to leave, while Shyam is smirking as his plan is working.  While taking a dance break, Khushi gets a call from Garima who said she had to return home as the nurse told her the medicines ran out.  She explains this to Buaji and Dadi takes this as an opportunity to point out that she still hasn't met Garima.  NK gets the music to play again and everyone joins in on the song sequence of "Mehndi lagake rakhna" with Arnav and Khushi sharing a cute hug.  Anjali leaves her room in pain, trying to remove the glass pieces from her foot and look for Shyam.  As she approaches the stairs, Shyam looks on from the electrical box.  He remembers the live wire he left open and waits for her to reach the stairs.  As she gets closer and closer to the live wire and Shyam attaches the electrical wires outside.  Just then, Anjali touches the live wire on the staircase and receives a huge shock of electricity.  She cries out in pain as the entire family looks up to see her about to fall.

After receiving the shock, Anjali loses her balance and begins to fall, as Arnav tries to quickly save her.  An ambulance rushes her to the hospital and the family wheels her to the OR.  As they wait outside, everyone is visible upset at what happened.  Arnav and Khushi remember how Anjali was when she pregnant and Khushi tries to console a shocked Arnav.  As the doctor exits the OR, the family questions him on her condition.  He tells them he is very sorry as only either the mother or child could be saved.  Hearing this, Arnav approaches the doctor and in a angry tone demands to know what the doctor means.  The doctor tells him that Anjali is fine but they were unable to save the baby, leaving everyone shocked.

Everyone in the family is shocked at the news, not believing what they hear; especially Arnav.  Anjali is then wheeled out of the OR and taken to the room as the family looks on.  The doctor expalins to them that the fall was so severe, it proved fatal to the baby.  The family then reflects on the happier times when Anjali was pregnant and wonder how this could have happened to her.

What worked: Anjali's pain.  Anjali's pain in this situation and in the upcoming story will turn the story in a new direction.  With Anjali losing her child, this acts as derailment to Arnav and Khushi's remarriage storyline, as no one would want to have any sort of celebration after an incident like this.  Arnav and Khushi's marriage delay is actually a good thing.  This allows for all the problems, all the secrets, and all the misunderstands to be cleared before they fully become husband and wife.  It looks like the story is gearing up for Shyam to return to the Raizada mansion full time, with the help and Anjali and Dadi.  With his re-entry, his revenge on Khushi and Arnav will begin.  He may even use Garima's secret to further separate the two and possibly create a wedge.

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: Shyam's plan.  This is the first plan of Shyam's that got me completely off guard and actually succeeded.  I did not expect that, even from him.  This man is no longer human but instead a monster.  I have never seen a villain like him on TV before and I commend the writers for creating such a demon, monstrous person.  Shyam wants his revenge on Arnav and Khushi so bad that he is willing to kill his own child to do so.  This part surprises me the most as I would never have expected Shyam to do anything like this.  For the first time since watching the show, I am truly surprised at what just happened.

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