Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Episode Recap: September 10th, 2012

Khushi arrives at the Raizada house and goes to meet Anjali but Dadi stops her and says that she is sleeping.  Together, her and Payal make something for Anjali, while Buaji and Garima arrive.  Garima is afraid she might run into Dadi and Nani said she is glad that they came.  Mami informs them that Dadi has gone to the temple to pray for Anjali and Garima is relieved to have escaped yet again.  Nani informs Buaji on how Anjali didn't eat anything yesterday and then all of a sudden, decided to eat; while Khushi nervously looks around knowing exactly she ate.  They take the food up to her and attempt to feed her but she refuses to eat.  Mami and Buaji attempt to feed her but again she refuses.  Anjali states that she doesn't want to eat or take any medicines but wants to be left alone.  Buaji and Garima decide to return home.  While getting into the richshaw, Garima spots Dadi coming and tells the driver to drive quickly.  The nurse informs the women that Anjali's condition is deteriorating and that her stomach is hurting as well.  Khushi notices that she is constantly looking outside and at the time and Khushi tries to reason with her again.  She continues to tell them that she does not want to eat and wants to be left alone and soon begins coughing.  The nurse tells them her condition is getting worse.  Anjali tells the family to stop pretending to care and if they really care, they would bring Shyam back to the house.  Afraid at what Anjali is doing to herself, Khushi decides to talk to Arnav about the matter.  In his new place, Shyam is certain that since Khushi saw him leave the house, she must have put together that Anjali will only get better with his help.  He wonders who will come and ask him to return home when there is a ring at the door.  He is surprised at who he sees.  At the Raizada house, Nani and Mami wonder what to do about Anjali's condition as she is getting worse, and Arnav and Akash overhear this.  They express their concern over her health to them, which gets Arnav thinking.  In her room, Payal, Dadi and NK try to get Anjali to eat something but it doesn't work.  As Arnav goes to check up on Anjali, Shyam returns to the house and everyone is surprised.  As Shyam walks into the house, Arnav stops him asking him how dare he return to the house.  Arnav asks him who allowed him to come back and Khushi replies that it was her, leaving Arnav shocked and speechless.

Arnav is shocked that Khushi brought him back to the house and she tries to explain to him why he brought her back.  Upstairs, they hear Shyam's voice and Anjali wakes up hearing his voice.  She gets up and makes her way downstairs where she actually sees Shyam. 

She is happy to see him and quickly hurries down the stairs to see him, while Arnav is left stunned.  Seeing Shyam, Anjali hugs him while the family looks disgusted.  Nani considers it a miracle that Anjali's health recovered as only a few moments ago she looked so ill.  Before Shyam takes her to her room, Anjali thanks Arnav for bringing Shyam back to her.

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