Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Episode Review: September 19th, 2012

Khushi and the rest of the Gupta family arrive at the Raizada house for the sangeet ceremony.  Khushi notices the hidden stage and wonders what the family is hiding.  When she questions them, they refuse to tell her anything and Buaji tells her that it's a surprise.  Upset that they won't tell her anything, she goes to Arnav to complain.  She tells him that they are conspiring something for their sangeet ceremony and Arnav tells her to relax.  She takes him to Akash and again asks to see what's behind the stage.  Akash refuses to let either of the two see the surprise and then asks for the show to begin.  NK and Mami appear on stage and welcome everyone to the sangeet.  They then introduce the bride and groom and the guests come up to congratulate them.  In her room, Dadi sees the picture of Garima and her son and becomes upset.  Shyam comes there and tells her that he found out about Garima being the other women.  He said that he had a suspicion after Dadi told him the women's name was Garima and how Garima was hiding from Dadi during the haldi ceremony.  He asks her why she hasn't revealed the secret to anyone and yet she gives Khushi bangles.    Dadi tells Shyam that whatever she is doing, she is doing for a reason and has a much bigger plan.  She tells Shyam that she won't forgive Garima and will make both her daughters suffer; especially Khushi but Arnav wants to do something now instead of waiting for Dadi to do something.  The ceremony officially begins with NK and Mami describing Arnav and Khushi's personalities.

The first performance starts with Buaji and Payal performing to a song, poking Arnav for the fact that he can't change a tire, can't light a diya lamp or stop working.  Right after, NK and Mami perform to the same song, but this time poking fun at Khushi for the fact that while walking she still trips, she wears her clothes backwards and spills hot tea.  Both Arnav and Khushi are surprised at the act, but thoroughly enjoy it.  Dadi comes to the sangeet and sits next to Garima who looks very worried.  Garima gets up to leave but Dadi holds her back and makes her sit down.  She reassures her that everything is okay but Garima is still worried.  Shyam also arrives to the sangeet and receives an envelope from HP.  Shyam opens the envelope and finds the restored picture of Garima and Arnav's father.  He calls up the guy he had the job done and yells at him for sending the photo home, with the fear that someone could have seen the photo.  Shyam vows to use the photo to his advantage.

Anjali spots Shyam out at the sangeet and goes up to him.  She asks him to join in on the fun but he says he has work to do.  She gets upset that he's always working and takes the envelope from his hand, places it on a table and takes him into the festivities.  Akash now appears on stage for the next act.  The curtains close and two puppets start off the next act.  NK and Mami then appear on stage dressed as Arnav and Khushi and begin to retell their love story, from how they met to how they fell in love and even about their almost kiss by the poolside.  The family joins in at the end and Arnav and Khushi enjoy the act.

What worked:  Dadi revealing to Shyam that she has a much bigger plan in mind.  Just like Shyam, Dadi is not one to forgive so easily.  She is hell bent on make Garima suffer for what she did and to do that, she will destroy both Payal and Khushi's life.  Based on the promo, it looks to be that Dadi will reveal the truth to Arnav on the day of his wedding, hoping for him to leave Khushi at the mandap.  However, it is yet to be seen what Arnav's decision will be.  How Dadi plans to execute her master plan and hat else she has in store for Payal and Khushi is going to be interesting to watch.  Let's hope that Arnav and Akash stand by their wives during this time and prove to Dadi and Shyam that love is much stronger than hate.

What didn't work:  N/A

Highlight:  The sangeet ceremony.  So far, the sangeet ceremony has been enjoyable to watch, especially with the families poking fun at Arnav and Khushi.  NK and Mami's re-enactment of their love story, from how they met to how they kept fighting and meeting to even how they fell in love (including their almost kiss by the poolside too) was hysterical to watch.  Their sangeet is indeed different from Payal and Akash's sangeet, but then again, Arnav and Khushi are very different people too.  Best part has to be NK's acting of Arnav; he was spot on.  Let's see what else the families have planned for the sangeet.

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