Friday, September 21, 2012

Episode Review: September 20th, 2012

At the sangeet, Shyam is talking with the guest but has his eye on the envelope.  Just as he is about to go retrieve it, Anjali brings one of the guest to meet him and she asks him some advice on an issue since he's a lawyer.  Shyam attempts to listen to her but his concentration is elsewhere.  As he speaks with the guest, Nani ends up finding the envelope.  Before she can open it, Payal calls her over to introduce her to someone and she takes the envelope with her.  After the guest leaves, he tells Anjali in a bit after he makes a phone call and he goes to retrieve the envelope.  To his surprise, it is no longer there and he frantically searches for it.  Arnav and Khushi are still seated after enjoying the last act.  Arnav wonders if it is over yet and requests for Khushi to put an end to it.  She says that she won't and that the sangeet is actually fun, but Arnav thinks it's a punishment.  She then holds his arm and tells him that when the two of them are old, they will look back at the sangeet and say "what times were those".  She even says that he will still be saying "what the" in his older years.  Arnav asks Khushi if she knows anything else about their future and she says yes, but refuses to tell him anything so that they can enjoy the moments together.  When he places his hand on hers, she understands that he too is waiting to live those precious moments with her too.  Just then, NK appears on stage and tells Arnav that the show is not over yet.  The next act has Mami and NK dancing to " Pehla Pehla Pyar Hai" re-enacting Arnav and Khushi's Teri Meri dance.  As the performance goes on, a dream sequence occurs with both Arnav and Khushi dancing to the same song.  Once the performance is complete, NK tells everyone that Arnav has not proposed to Khushi yet and should propose to her right now.  Arnav wonders why he should do that, since they are getting married in a few days but Khushi tells him that he never asked her approval and should propose to her.  When Arnav refuses, Khushi gets up and tells NK that Arnav is not that type of person and would never do it and Arnav looks at her with a thought going through his mind.  The envelope continues to get passed around and reaches HP who goes to give it to Arnav.  Just then the lights go out for a quick second before they return.  Shyam asks HP where the envelope is but he has no idea where it went when the lights went out.  Khushi notices that Arnav is no longer in his seat.  Just then, the lights on the stage go on and Arnav appears on the stage.  He announces to everyone that today he realized something he didn't know before; that love can reduce anyone to anything.    Just then, he begins to dance to the song "Mujhse shaadi karoege", even copying some of Salman Khan's steps.  He brings Khushi up the stage, gets down on one knee and asks her to marry him.  She says yes and the two share a hug on stage and everyone applauds the performance.  Shyam finds Dadi holding the photo and she warns him not to do anything like this again.  She vows to punish Garima for what she did but says she will do it in her own way.  After she leaves, Shyam says to himself that he doesn't care who gets punished or not but that he is just using her to get to his ultimate goal.

The next day, Akash and NK are lounging around in a room until Arnav comes in.  NK and Akash go through a check list of all the rituals completed so far; engagement, mehendi, haldi and sangeet.  NK asks what is left and Arnav sarcastically tells him the wedding.  NK states to Arnav that before the wedding, they must have a bachelor's party.  Akash tells NK that the family won't allow them permission to have a bachelor's party but NK insists they have one to celebrate Arnav's last moments being single.  Arnav tells NK that there is no way they are having a bachelor's party and Khushi comes in saying they should.

Surprised at what she said, Arnav asks her if she knows what a bachelor's party is.  She says she does and that's why she's insisting he go for it.  She says that if the guys want to have a party together, what's wrong with that.  She leaves the responsibility of the party to NK and leaves the room, handing Arnav his jacket.  In Arnav's room, Khushi is showing Payal a necklace.  When Arnav comes in, she leaves the two alone.  Arnav again asks her if she is okay with the bachelor's party and she says she is fine with it.  If he can dance like Salman Khan for her, then she can at least do this for him.  She encourages him to attend and have fun at the party and he says okay with a smirk on his face, knowing that she does not know what she just got herself into..

What worked:  Arnav's confession about love.  On stage, he states to everyone that "Love can reduce anyone to anything".  This, coming out of the mighty, powerful ASR is quite surprising but very welcomed.  After his mother died, Arnav shut love out his life and became ASR.  With Khushi entering his life, he learned to live again, he learned to laugh again, he learned to love again.  Throughout the wedding celebrations, Arnav has surprised everyone from participating in the rituals, from going to the mandir, to getting haldi applied to dancing at his sangeet.  Arnav is right with his statement and he is living proof of it.  His love for Khushi has made him willing to do anything to put a smile on her face and make her his wife.  If you look back a year ago, Arnav would've never thought about love this way and the fact that he does now, really shows how much he has grown.

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight:  Khushi encouraging Arnav to go to the bachelor party.  Oh Khushi.  Naive and oblivious Khushi, you have no idea what you've just gotten yourself into.  Khushi thinks that a bachelor's party is just a party for the guys to relax, but little does she know what it's really about.  He oblivious to what a bachelor's party is is not only shocking to Arnav but also very adorable.  He knows that she doesn't know what it is and still agrees to go because he knows that when she finds out what it really is, she'll definitely try to either stop it or crash it.  Knowing ASR, he's waiting for her to try to crash the party, knowing it'll be fun to watch.

On a side note, Arnav proposal to Khushi was really sweet.  He did it in his own style, dancing to a Salman Khan song to put a smile on her face.  Barun did a good job with his performance, since dancing is not his cup of tea.  The fact that he got down on one knee and asked her to marry him was really touching and sweet.  How much more romantic can these two get?

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