Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Episode Review: September 25th, 2012

Arnav is stunned upon hearing Dadi's accusations and is further shocked after seeing the picture.  Dadi asks him if, even after knowing all this, will he still marry Khushi knowing that her aunt was the one responsible for his parent's death.  She asks him if he's ready to take 7 pheres with Khushi and live the rest of his life with her after knowing this truth.  Back at the hall, everyone is waiting for Arnav to arrive and various family members try to call him up, but he is not answering his phone.  Back at the Raizada house, Dadi lies to Arnav stating that she discovered this truth today after receiving this picture.  After she continues to ask him if he is still willing to go through with the wedding, Arnav takes a moment to reflect.  He remembers the night his mother died and then remembers the happy times he spent with Khushi.  Full of shock and confusion, Arnav walks off, leaving Dadi with an opportunity to cause more damage.  Back at the wedding, everyone is still wondering why Arnav has not arrived yet.  Just then, his car pulls up and everyone is relieved.  Khushi heads downstairs to yell at him for making her wait however, she is surprised when only Dadi steps out of the car.  The entire family asks her why Arnav has not arrived but she remains quiet.  She then asks Garima directly if she thought that Arnav would still come to his wedding after everything she did.  The family is confused as to what Dadi is saying and Khushi asks her for clarification.  Garima realizes that Dadi lied to her about forgiving her and Dadi reveals that she wanted Garima to feel what it felt like for them on that day.  Dadi then reveals to everyone there that Garima was the other women in Arnav's father's life.  Everyone is shocked.  She tells everyone that Garima is the reason as to why his parents died and why their family was destroyed.  Khushi does not believe this and asks Garima if it's true.  Unable to control herself, she admits what Dadi is saying is true.  Anjali asks Garima why she did this to their mother, as she was at no fault.  Garima tells everyone that she didn't know he was married with two kids and says that if she had known, none of this would have happened.  However, Dadi cuts her off and states that she knew everything and that she is nothing more but a cheap women.

Upset at her mother being insulted, Khushi tells Dadi to stop saying those things about her mother.  She says that she believes her mother and says that whatever happened was not her fault.  Babuji and Garima look at Khushi with proud eyes as she defends her mother.  She says that if her mother says she didn't know about him being married, then she didn't know and she believes her fully.  Anjali then asks Garima why she didn't reveal this fact to them beforehand and Nani asks the same thing.  Garima states that she wanted to tell them everything but didn't want to take either of her daughter's happiness away, so she kept quiet.

Khushi tells everyone that she understands what pain they are going through as she too knows very well the pain of losing one's parents.  She then again states that her mother is not to blame for this situation but Mami states that she is and is responsible for her sister-in-law's death.  When Akash tells his mother to be quiet, she scolds him.  At this point, Payal tells Akash to not take their side and goes to stand with her mother.  She stands up for her mother too and says she did what any mother would do for her daughter's happiness.  Dadi states to both of them that she doesn't care if they knew about the truth or not but Garima is responsible for the death of Arnav's parents.

What worked:  Arnav's no show.  With Arnav a no show at his own wedding, it gives Dadi the opportunity to finish what she started.  She reveals Garima's past in front of the rest of the family, including her own, and then begins to insult her and Khushi.  Arnav's absence has done one good thing; given Dadi and the rest of the family members the opportunity to speak.  Without Arnav present, several family members were able to ask the questions they needed and Garima was allowed to give some defense in her name.  Also, Khushi and Payal were given the opportunity to stand up and speak for their mother.  Had Arnav been present, he would have quickly shut people up and would have gone on his angry rant.  Thankfully, Arnav is taking his time to think about everything that has happened instead of making a decision based on emotion.

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight:  Khushi and Payal standing up for Garima.  I wouldn't expect anything less than this from either of them.  Payal and Khushi both know the pain the Raizada family is going through but they also have a tremendous amount of faith in their mother.  A mother who not only raised them as her own, but accepted them as her own even if they were not related by blood.  Payal and Khushi fully trust their mother as they know based on the customs she taught them, that she could never have done such a thing like this.  What happened to Garima 14 years ago is the same thing that happened to Khushi recently.  She knows the pain and suffering of being accused of something you didn't do, so she will definitely stand by her mother and will help to uncover the real truth.  Bravo to both Payal and Khushi.  Today, you have really made your parents proud of you and blessed enough to call you both their daughters.

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