Friday, September 14, 2012

Episode Recap: September 14th, 2012

With the two in each other's arms, Khushi and Arnav stare at each other.  He takes Khushi's hand and is about to place a kiss on her palm when they are interrupted by an embarassed Payal and Akash who escort the two to the haldi ceremony.  Arnav and Khushi arrive and NK pokes fun at them, stating they were probably too busy with each other.  Arnav and Khushi then take their seats across each other for the haldi ceremony.  Just then, a blue dupatta is raised between the two, surprising them.  When Arnav asks what that is all about, Anjali informs him that since they are doing both haldis together and not separate, this dupatta partition is needed.  The priest begins the ceremony by placing a tikka on Arnav and tying a thread on Khushi.  Shyam attempts to serve Nani and NK but they ignore him, with Anjali noticing this.  He reassures her that he is okay and decides to film the haldi ceremony to calm her down.  Just then, the Babuji is brought in and Shyam becomes freightened.  He wonders if Babuji will ruin his plan if he gets better.  Babuji is not happy with Shaym being back but Garima tells him that he has changed and is now taking good care of Anjali.  Khushi takes her blessings from her father and Babuji then begins the haldi ceremony by applying a small bit of it to her arm.  He is then escorted back to his room but gives Shyam a dirty stare before leaving.   

Both families begin applying haldi to Arnav and Khushi.  Anjali applies only a small amount to Arnav, who questions what she is doing.  She wonders if she applied to much and he says that she hasn't applied it in the same way that has been applied to Khushi.  Not wanting to let the moment go, Anjali applies a generous amount of haldi onto Arnav and everyone is surprised.  The families then continue to apply haldi and joke around with each other, saying that Arnav and Khushi are already having a competition between them.  Buaji then states that Khushi is like the moon while Anjali says that Arnav is like the sun (prince).  On hearing this, Buaji gets Khushi to wear a pair of sunglasses and the families have a laugh.  During the ceremony, Shyam is disgustingly filming and watching Khushi, with NK noticing as he gives Shyam a dirty look.  Buaji keeps asking on the whereabouts of Dadi and Nani informs her that she is on her way.  Hearing this, Garima is scared and Shyam notices Garima's odd behaviour every time Dadi's name is taken.  Dadi finally arrives to the house and Garima is stricken with fear.  As Dadi applies haldi to Arnav, Garima turns around to see her but escapes her view as Dadi had knelt down.  Petrified that she'll see her, Garima decides to hide and Shyam is curious as to why Garima is acting this way.  After applying haldi to Khushi, the ceremony is completed.  To end things, Buaji applies haldi to Mami; as a way of "taking care of her"; and Mami responds by applying haldi back to her too.

Arnav lifts his hand and begins to lower the dupatta to see Khushi when NK re-lifts it.  He tells Arnav that the priest said the two cannot see each other and that the two of them must remain like this.  To get rid of NK, Arnav tells him that Buaji is behind him and that he should save himself.  NK believes Arnav, dropping his end of the dupatta.  Akash complements Arnav on his tactic but warns him it won't work.  Arnav points out to Akash that he should use his mind and go spend time with Payal as everyone is so busy and she must be alone, instead of standing and holding a dupatta.  Seeing his point, Akash agrees and leaves the two alone.  When no one is watching, Arnav grabs Khushi's hand and the two retreat to a room.

Buaji talks to Nani and Dadi and tells Dadi that she will finally meet Garima.  She calls out Garima's name but Garima refuses to respond and ignores her calls.  Instead, Buaji and them go closer to Garima and Buaji informs her that Dadi has come to meet her.  Stricken with fear, Garima slowly begins to turn around to face her when Mami and Payal start to apply haldi onto her face, blocking Dadi's view.

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