Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Episode Review: September 26th, 2012

Dadi continues to insult and blame Garima for what happened to her son and daughter-in-law and says that Garima will have to be punished for her sins.  Garima agrees for any punishment as long as her two daughters do not have to suffer.  However, Dadi states that just like how Arnav and Anjali suffered because of her, Payal and Khushi will have to suffer for Garima's mistake.  She then takes back the bangles she gave to Khushi as tells her that her relationship with Arnav and the family is no more, hence breaking the wedding.  Garima begs her not to vent out her anger on her daughters but Dadi says she will take her anger out on Khushi and Payal.  As Garima falls down crying, Nani tells her that she lost her daughter that day and doesn't know if she would be able to forgive Garima for this but might have if she revealed it earlier.  Mami also blames Garima and Payal states that if no one believes Garima and Khushi is not welcomed in their house, then she too has no place at their house.  Just then, Khushi goes to stop Dadi from putting out the sacred fire.  She tells her that Arnav will come today and that she has full faith and trust in him.  Dadi tells her that she knows her grandson and that he won't come at all.  Khushi says their love is being tested today and she will wait for him to come.  As she sits at the mandap waiting for him, she remembers his proposal to her and the promise she made to him.   While waiting, the fire goes out and suddenly becomes scared.  Anrav is outside in a garden thinking about both Khushi and the truth Dadi revealed to him.  As Khushi waits for his arrival and Arnav thinks about his decision, they both remember the recent romantic times they spent with each other and are visibly in tears.  Anjali is then seen crying and Shyam pretends to console her, even though he's enjoying what's going on.  As she wonders why this is all happening, Shyam brings up the topic of how Arnav must be coping with the news.  NK and Akash attempt to call him up but they still receive no answer.  Payal goes to Khushi and asks her to stop being stubborn but Khushi refuses to move saying that Arnav will come for her.  As Payal tries to get her to calm down, Akash comes by and comforts Payal.  He then goes to comfort Nani who wonders how Arnav is reacting to hearing the news.  When Mami blames the Gupta family for causing their family so much pain, NK beg her to not say anything else that will hurt the family as everyone is going through a rough time and instead of blaming each other, they should support each other.

Garima begs Babuji for forgiveness for what she did in her past.  She says that when she thought she lost everything, he gave her love and respect and married her.  Babuji places his hand on her hand, forgiving her and trusting what she said.  Buaji too forgives her but brings up a very important point.  Even if they forgive her, will Arnav forgive her too and believe in what she says.  She looks over to see Khushi reassuring Payal that Arnav will come for her and says that she never knew that her past mistake would cause so much pain and heartache for Khushi.

Khushi continues to wait for Arnav while everyone else is being consoled.  When Payal doesn't reassure her that Arnav will come, Khushi begins to get scared.  She then remembers the time he told her that once he lets go of her hand, he won't hold it again, and begins to fear that he may not come.  She then asks Payal what she will do if Arnav doesn't come for her.  Arnav continues to think about what Dadi told him and begins to get very angry.  He gets angry enough that he ends up breaking the benches and screams out his pain and frustration.  He then drops to his knees, crying and in pain.

What worked: Khushi's faith that Arnav will come for her.  Khushi has always had faith and trust in the people she cares about the most and this was very well shown today.  Khushi believes that Arnav will come for her.  She believes in their love and their trust and has faith that he will come for her, even though signs point to him not coming.  She may be stubborn, she may be resiliant but she has faith in her love and that's all that mattered to her at that point.  She knows that Arnav may be going through a rough time but knows that he won't abandon her after everything they've been through.  The mystery now lays in whether or not Arnav shows up.  What will happen to her faith if he does not arrive?

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: Arnav and Khushi's pain.  My heart ached for these two throughout the entire episode that I just wanted to give them both a big hug.  Barun and Sanaya was absolutely amazing today, portraying both Arnav and Khushi's respective pain brilliantly.  This has been their best performance till date.  Khushi is hurting over the fact that she doesn't know if Arnav will come for her or not.  She keeps telling herself that he will come but keeps remembering the time he joked about letting go of her hand.  Arnav on the other hand is probably in the worst pain since his parent's death.  He is torn between the mother he loves and the woman he loves.  He doesn't want to hurt his mother's memory but he can't live without the love of his life.  This decision is so consuming, so painful that it brought the great Arnav Singh Raizada to his knees, crying.  Hats off to Lalit Mohan for another amazing episode.

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