Monday, September 3, 2012

Episode Review: September 3rd, 2012

The nurse informs the family that Anjali has woken up and they all go in to see her, except for Arnav.  Anjali wakes up to see the entire family looking at her all worried.  She tells them that she is okay and for them not to worry.  Mami tells her that she lost her baby but Anjali refuses to believe it.  Khushi confirms what Mami said was true and Anjali still refuses to believe it.  She tells the family that her child is okay and that she still has a lot to do with her child.  All the while, Arnav is watching from the outside, unable to see his sister in pain.  Anjali then sees Arnav outside, crying, and then realizes that what everyone is telling her is true.  Suddenly, she clutches her stomach and breaks down in tears, not wanting to believe what happened.  As the family tries to console her, Arnav wants to go in, but just can't get the courage to do so.  Khushi goes outside to Arnav and tells him that he needs to go be with Anjali and she needs him the most at this moment.  He tells her that he can't see his sister in pain and just doesn't have to courage to go in.  Just then, they meet the doctor who informs him that Anjali will have to stay overnight under observation as she lost a lot of blood.  The family then comes out of the room and Arnav suggest they all go home, but Dadi and Khushi decide to stay back.  Both Dadi and Khushi help Anjali go to sleep as Arnav paces around in the waiting room, upset at the situation.  Khushi comes by to see him and he is in tears.  He tells her that he promised his sister that he would take care of her but ended up failing.  He says that Shyam kept deceiving her and he couldn't do anything to stop it and now she is in pain again.  He tells her that he couldn't even do anything the night his mom died.  Arnav then goes into a flashback, retelling what happened that night.  As Anjali's wedding was about to take place, his mom confronted his dad about him having an affair with another women, as she saw him with her own eyes.  His dad is shocked at the allegations but his mom won't let him explain.  There is then the gunshot.  He tells Khushi that his dad committed suicide after his mom died, feeling responsible for her death.  In addition, he says that the so called "other woman" also came by to see his dad's face for the last time but he did not see who the woman was.  The only thing he knows is that this other woman and his dad are responsible for his mother's death.

Arnav says that he then picked up the pieces of that fateful day and promised his sister that they would be happy again.  However, Shyam entered their lives and did the same thing his dad did.  He says that he married Khushi in order to save his sister's marriage and threw Shyam out of their lives to solve the problem but they are still here with Anjali crying and in pain.

Arnav says that every time he sister happy, he thinks that everything has become okay but then everything seems to go away; mom, dad, husband and now child.  Arnav just feels like a failure and Khushi consoles him by giving him a hug.

What worked: The current situation.  A lot of drama is currently brewing on the show and more is to come with the return of Shyam to the Raizada mansion.  Recently, we saw how Shyam planned Anjali's miscarriage and succeed, causing a halt to the wedding celebrations and him one step closer to returning to the house.  In addition, we constantly see Garima try to avoid meeting the Dadi, with the fear that her past will ruin her children's lives.  With so much going on, let's see what the writers have in store for us.

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: Arnav breaking down.  For the first time ever, we saw the great Arnav Singh Raizada break down in tears feeling helpless and defeated.  This, from a man who thrived on power and money and cared about nothing more in the world was finally brought to tears.  Barun Sobti did an amazing job portraying Arnav's emotions; he was at his best.  Furthermore, Khushi is the only person that Arnav opens up to.  As he opens up to her, he feels relieved knowing that he no longer has to carry this burden with him and that someone will always be by his side.  Khushi's support to Arnav is key at this time as he will not only be supporting his sister, but will also be protecting his family from any further pain, which will be difficult as Dadi wants Shyam to return at any cost.

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