Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Episode Review: September 18th, 2012

As the two get up to leave the garden, Khushi notices Arnav's sadness.  As he goes to wipe her tears, she asks him to promise her that they will return to the garden after their wedding to take his mother's blessing.  Arnav is touched by this and the two share a hug.  Garima continues to plead with Dadi, trying to get her to understand her point of view.  She says she regrets with what happened to their parents and that loving his father was her mistake that she still regrets to this day.  Dadi says that she will not let Khushi ruin Arnav's life the way Garima ruined her son's life.  She says that the marriage will no longer happen and goes off to inform Arnav of Garima's past.  Garima on the other hand is worried what will happen to Khushi if Arnav finds out as she knows Khushi won't be able to live without him.  Throughout the whole confrontation, Shyam looks on and is happy with what he sees.  The rest of the family is in NK's room playing charades when Dadi comes in looking for Arnav.  They says he went out with Khushi but Nani notices that Dadi is looking tensed.

Garima is worried with what Dadi will do so she decides to tell Khushi the truth before Dadi can tell Arnav.  She begins to call her phone but gets no answer.  Nani comes by and asks her if everything is okay and Garima reassures her she is okay but Nani notices that she too is tensed and wonders if anything happened between Garima and Dadi.  Dadi is in her room, pacing angrily and thinking about what just happened and what to do next.  Arnav and Khushi return home and NK tells him that he is not allowed to be with Khushi is private just yet.  Khushi informs NK that they did not break any rituals but instead lived up to them and that they went to go meet the most important person for this wedding.  Shyam informs Dadi that Arnav has arrived and Dadi seems like she's decided what to do.  Garima pulls Khushi to the side to talk to her.  Before she can say anything to her, Dadi interrupts.  She approaches Khushi and takes her hand from Garima.  Everyone is shocked at what Dadi is doing.  Dadi tells Khushi that there is still time before she becomes Arnav's wife but before that, she wants to tell her something.  Just then, she places bangles on Khushi's hands, welcoming her to the family and shocking the entire family.  She tells Khushi that these bangles are from their ancestors that are passed from one generation to the next and now that she is about to become the daughter-in-law, she has a right over the bangles.  Dadi then gives Khushi her blessings and then returns to her room.  This pleases everyone but leaves Shyam shocked and stunned by her actions.  Garima on the other hand is confused over Dadi's actions.

Anjali tells Shyam that she is really happy with what Dadi did and that now, this wedding will be perfect.  Dadi goes to pray Devi Mayya and Garima goes there to.  She thanks Dadi for not punishing Khushi for her mistakes and says she has a big heart.  Dadi informs Garima that whatever she did, she did so that history would not repeat itself.  She says that this marriage will not break as she only wants happiness for the family and won't take it away because of a women like her.  Dadi says that she can't see her grandson upset .  Shyam overhears all this and is angry at Dadi's actions.  When Garima asks if she's been forgiven, Dadi tells her to return to her family and leaves.  Garima thanks Devi Mayya for saving Khushi from heartbreak.  The Gupta family gets ready to leave and NK and Mami tell them that they have a surprise for them for the sangeet ceremony.  As Arnav says bye to Khushi, he notices that something is on her mind.  She tells him that is scared after receiving so much happiness in one day, from Dadi giving her the bangles and blessings to her meeting his mother.   He calls her crazy but tells her that he is happy too.  Before she leaves, she jokingly says that she is scared seeing Laad Governor smile, leaving a smile on his face.

What worked: Dadi "accepting" Khushi as part of the family.  This part has left me surprised and confused.  Did Dadi really mean it when she accepted Khushi as part of the family or is it part of a much larger plan.  Does she plan to reveal the secret at another time or is she willing to put the past behind her for the sake of Arnav's happiness.  A lot of these questions will be answered in the next few weeks but it was a touching moment to see Dadi "accept" Khushi as part of the family.  Hopefully in the future when everything has been fully sorted out, Dadi will be able to fully and whole heartedly accept Khushi as the bahu of the family and treat her with the respect she deserves.

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: No one being able to get in touch with Arnav and Khushi.  This is the reason as to why their phones were left behind and why such emphasis was put on it.  Time and time again, Arnav and Khushi's moments together were always being ruined by either a phone call or someone interrupting them.  The fact that Garima nor Dadi was able to get in touch with either of the two to inform them of the happenings in the house gives us a new twist.  With Dadi unable to get in touch with Arnav right away to tell him about Garima being the other women from the past, it gave her time to think and reflect on what she was going to do.  This gave her the opportunity to actually think through what might happen if she revealed the secret.  Instead of revealing it to him now, it looks like she'll reveal this truth later on, giving the audience the chance to watch many more cute Arshi moments.  Had Dadi been able to get in touch with him and tell him about Garima being the other women, who knows what would have gone down in the house.  One thing that will be very interesting to watch is whether or not Dadi's master plan (if she has one) will succeed or will it just backfire on her.

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