Sunday, September 16, 2012

Maha Episode Review: September 15, 2012 (For StarPlus viewers) or September 16, 2012 (For ATN viewers)

After Payal and Mami cover Garima's face with haldi, Dadi is unable to get a good look at her.  When she realizes that Dadi can't recognize her, she and Dadi exchange best wishes and apply a small amount of haldi on each other.  In her room, Khushi and Arnav are alone and Arnav tells her that he has to do so much just to bring her room.  He asks if they can just skip the rest of the rituals but Khushi tells him that it's not a film song you can just fast forward.  She begins to explain what the different rituals mean and when she starts talking about the haldi, Arnav interrupts her.  He begins to romance her by saying where the haldi was placed and then placing his hand on her cheek.  At that moment, Khushi's heartbeat begins to race and she turns away from shyness.  He then places his hand on her back and her heartbeat continues to race.  Just then, she turns around and places a small bit of haldi on his nose.  He then grabs her by the waist and brushes his cheek against hers.  Garima has retreated to her room where she opens a box and begins to look at something that makes her very emotional.  Shyam ends up passing by there and notices her behaviour.  As he tries to get a better look, he ends up making a sound to which Garima hears.  She quickly puts the box away and Shyam tells her that Buaji was calling her.  Shyam wonders what the box contains and vows to be the one to uncover it's contents.  Outside, Dadi states to the family that she is tired and wishes to go home.  Shyam offers to take her but Akash says he will instead but Shyam insists Akash stay back while he takes Dadi home.

Before she leaves, Buaji tries calling Garima to come meet her but she ignores her calls.  After she leaves, Buaji finds Garima coming out of the bathroom and asks her why she didn't come out when she was calling her.  She states that she was trying to wash off the haldi and was making sure there was enough water left.  With that said, Buaji tells everyone to wash off their haldi before the water stops.  Still in her room, Khushi tells Arnav that they should return back to the function as everyone must be wondering where they went.  Arnav tells her that if the family is wondering where they are, they must have figured it out by now.  Before they can kiss, Buaji calls them to wash off their haldi and Khushi tells him they should go clean up.  They get to the bathroom to wash off but Mami insists she go first and they allow her to.  While, waiting, she gives Arnav a towel and Mami comes out.  Just as he is about to go in, Akash takes the towel and goes in instead.  When he comes out, Arnav suggest Khushi go first but when she is about to go in, Payal tells her to let her go as she has a lot of work to do.  The two find the situation somewhat funny.  Just as Payal comes out, she states that the water has stopped.  Khushi and Arnav are shocked and state that they still have to clean up.  Khushi then says that there is still a way but Arnav knows what she's thinking and says no.  It's either Happy Singh's garage or the hand pump and Khushi pulls him out.  Back at the Raizada mansion, Dadi tells Shyam that she noticed how everyone was treating him so badly but he tells her to give them time as he will definitely win their hearts.  He tells Dadi that he knows that whatever Khushi did was wrong but in this day and age it's okay to make mistakes.  He says that even though she may be bad, her family is very nice, especially her masi.  Dadi tells Shyam that she hasn't even meet Garima properly yet and Shyam begins to recollect how Garima behaved when Dadi arrived at the haldi.  Dadi retreats to her room for rest and Shyam wonders why after so many rituals, Garima and Dadi still have not met properly and wonders what could be the reason behind this.

In the evening at the Raizada house, everyone is eating dinner.  After Anjali returns to her room, Shyam attempts to serve Arnav, who refuses to take anything from him.  Shyam tries to make amends with Arnav but Arnav reminds him that he is only in the house for Anjali's sake.  As Arnav gets up to leave, Dadi tells him not to talk to Shyam that way.  She tells him to forget the past and forgive him but Arnav tells her that he will never forgive Shyam.  Dadi then states that Arnav is behaving just like before, when he didn't forgive his father.  Angry, Arnav leaves the dining room, while Shyam continues to think.  Back in Anjali's room, Shyam tells her about how because of him, Arnav was yelled at by Dadi.  He explains to her what happened and she tells him not to worry.  She then tells Shyam of how her parents committed suicide the night of her wedding because her father had an affair with another woman.  Hearing this, Shyam is shocked and begins to comfort a crying Anjali.  He tells her he will never bring up this topic again.  As they hug, he is now certain that Garima was hiding from Dadi because of some connection to this horrific past.  Shyam then goes to Dadi's room and tells her not to be angry at Arnav because of him.  Shyam informs her that Anjali told him everything about the past and says that Arnav is repeating the same mistake.  She says that his mother did nothing to stop his father from going to another woman and because of that woman, their family was destroyed, just like Shyam's life is being destroyed.  She says history is repeating itself where today, Khushi is responsible and back then, Garima was responsible.  On hearing Garima's name, Shyam is shocked.  Dadi states that she doesn't know what she'll do if she sees that woman again and Shyam says to himself that if it is true and Garima did have an affair with Arnav's dad, he will definitely win this battle.  The next morning, Arnav goes to the Gupta house to bring everyone to the Raizada house.  Garima tries to get out of going, saying that it's not good for Babuji to be travelling so much.  Arnav tells her they won't be going far and he won't let them stay back.  As they leave, Shyam sneaks into their house through an open window.

Knowing that they'll all be at the Raizada house, Shyam goes to Garima's room to see what was in the box.  Outside, Garima realizes she forgot Babuji's medicines so Khushi goes to retrieve them.  Inside, Shyam finds a photo of Garima with a man but doesn't know who he is.  Just then, he hears footsteps and quickly hides.  Khushi comes in and gets Babuji's medicines, not seeing Shyam at all.  After she leaves, Shyam vows to learn who the man in the picture is and promises to reveal this past secret to everyone.  Back at the Raizada house, NK tries to cheer Dadi up but that doesn't work.  Just then, Arnav arrives with the Gupta family.  Seeing everyone present, NK suggest they all go play a game and Arnav tells them to have fun as he is not joining them.  NK tries to convince him to stay but he refuses.  Khushi tells NK to let him go as Arnav is scared of punishments and fears what Khushi will make him do if he loses.  Hearing this, Arnav decides to stay and he and Khushi make a bet with each other that if they lose, they will do what the other tells them to do.  The game begins and it is a passing the pillow (hot potato) game.  Everyone is happy until Shyam walks in.  Anjali asks him to join in to and soon notices everyone's disapproved faces at her suggestion.  Instead, Shyam tells her he will be back soon and goes to meet Dadi.  The game continues and the music stops at Payal.  Nani tells her to acts like Mami to which Payal does perfectly.  The game continues on with many of the members becoming out.  In the end, Arnav and Khushi are left to battle it out.  As the music plays, they pass the pillow to each other.  During the passing, Arnav signals something to Khushi.  He then places his hand on his nose and then she checks to see if there's anything on her nose.  However, the music has stopped and she has the pillow in her possession.  She claims that Arnav cheated by looking at her and putting his hand on his nose.  Knowing there's no way out of this, she agrees to do what he says but Arnav tells her but he says not here.  As he takes her hand to leave, NK pokes fun at the two.  Garima goes to the kitchen to make Babuji's medication.  Shyam notices them there and asks if he needs to rest then she can take him to his room.  Garima refuses and Shyam uses this opportunity to take Babuji's medication when she's not looking.  Just HP takes Dadi's medicine upstairs, Shyam asks him to make him a cup of tea.  While he does that, he switches the two medicines.  Garima notices the medicines are missing and searches for them frantically while Shyam decides to help her.  Arnav brings Khushi to his room and locks the door.  As Khushi begins to worry, he tells her that he won and she will have to do what he says.  He goes behind her and whispers something in her ear, to which she says no to.  Arnav tells her that she will have to do it and asks if she has faith in him.  Dadi is about to take her medicine when Shyam stops her, saying that they must have been switched with Babuji's by accident.  Shyam offers to return it but Dadi says she will as it will give her a chance to finally and properly meet Garima.  Shyam is pleased at how his plan is turning out.  As Dadi comes downstairs, Garima continues to look for the medicines.

What worked:  Shyam's discovery of Garima's secret.  It's no surprise that Shyam is the one to figure out the connection between Arnav's past and Garima's strange behaviour.  It's also obvious that he would use this secret to his advantage to exact revenge on Arnav and Khushi.  Shyam is cunning, smart and very observant.  The fact that he noticed the wierd behaviour at first glance shows how smart of a person he is.  He quickly put the pieces together and has now set his plan in motion to have Dadi and Garima finally meet.  The best part of this plan is that even though this is Shyam's doing, not a single person can say he did this as physically did not bring them to meet.  Yes, he did it through manipulation and cunning tricks, but that's how he works and he's gotten better at it since his exposal.  With his plan in motion, let's see if it succeeds and if it does, how does it affect Arnav and Khushi's remarriage.

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight:  Arnav and Khushi's romance.  Whether it was their sizzling alone time at the Gupta house to the passing the pillow game, their scenes were great.  Barun and Sanaya do a fabulous job in portraying Arnav and Khushi's relationship; whether it is a romantic scene or a challenging scene, they nail it every time.  Their interaction throughout the whole Mahaepisode was amazing and we even got to see that they knew each other too well, especially when Arnav knew what she meant by another way of washing the haldi off.  All in all, they were amazing and I'm curious to know just exactly what Arnav is going to make Khushi do.

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