Friday, September 28, 2012

Episode Review: September 28th, 2012

The episode continues where it left off yesterday with Arnav stating that he is only here because of her but is standing where there is nothing but pain, lies and betrayal.  Khushi begins to feel dizzy and begins to faint, to only have Arnav catch her.  As the two look at each other, he tells her that she has answered all of his questions by making him stand before her.  Worried by the way things are going, Shyam calls someone up.  Just then, a small drop of blood from his wound falls onto her forehead (close to her maang).  When she touches it, she realizes what this means.  He carefully gets her to stand on her feet and then apologizes for making her wait.  He says he may be a bit late but he had to come.  He then looks over to Anjali who gives him a supporting nod and he tells Khushi that he still wants to marry.  He wants to spend every moment of his life with her.  Happy at his words, the two share a long and emotional hug as the families look on, extremely happy.  She tells him she knew he would come and would not leave her alone and he reminds her that he can't live without her.  Not wanting to see the two happy, Shyam goes to Anjali and asks her if this marriage is a good idea, considering the truth.  Anjali tells Shyam that Arnav and Khushi's love is strong; so strong that it can handle any hurdle.  Nani tells Arnav she supports his decision but wants to make sure that he means it as she does not want to see Khushi hurt in the future.  Arnav tells Nani that he wants to move forward in his life and not live in the past. 

As Arnav takes Khushi's hand and walks toward the mandap, Dadi holds Khushi's hand, stopping the two.  Dadi asks him how he can still marry Khushi after knowing the truth.  Arnav tells Dadi that the only truth in his life is that he is in love with Khushi.  Dadi reminds him that Garima ruined their family but Arnav stops her to correct her.  He states that Garima did not ruin his family but infact, his own father, Dadi's son ruined their family as he knew he was a married man and yet betrayed two women.  To make matters worse, when he couldn't face the truth, he took his own life.  Arnav states to Dadi that he wants to forget his past and move on in his life and suggest she do the same thing.  When Dadi doesn't agree, Arnav suggest that if she's not willing to change her mindset, she might as well leave.  Feeling insulted, Dadi begins to leave but Khushi goes to stop her.  She tells Dadi that she is the eldest of the house and without her blessings, their wedding would not feel complete.  Dadi tells Khushi that because of her, she is being separated from her family and warns them all that they will all regret their decision.  Arnav tells Khushi to let Dadi leave and when she does, he takes her hand again and walks towards the mandap.  NK stops them for a brief minute to call the priest who will marry them. 

Arnav is now cleaned up and the two are standing at the mandap.  Arnav places a garland around Khushi and his family couldn't be happier.  Before she can place her garland around him, Akash jokingly lifts him up but then puts him down, to which Khushi quickly puts her garland around him.  As the two sit down, Anjali ties their cloths together and the priest begins the wedding mantras.  As the mantras proceed, Arnav continues to stare at Khushi with a smile on his face.  Arnav places a mangalsutra around Khushi and then puts on the sindoor.  They then begin to take the pheres, with them both remembering what Khushi said about not being married until the pheres were completed.  With the pheres completed, Khushi begins to tell Arnav something but he interrupts her saying he knows.  He then says that he loves her too, kisses her forehead and the two share a beautiful hug.  They are now officially married.  Shyam does not look happy at all, especially since he had to witness their wedding.  Khushi and Arnav walk down from the mandap and begin to take the elders blessing.  After Garima gives them her blessings, she apologizes to Arnav for everything she did in the past.  Arnav tells her that he has no complaints about anyone and says that she too should move on with her life and forget the past.  Shyam still does not look happy with the way things are going.

Everyone returns home from the wedding and the house welcoming ritual begins to take place.  Nani takes the aarti of both Khushi and Arnav and then Nani presents Khushi with a present.  Payal convince Mami to present the other present to Khushi by saying to consider both her and Khushi as her daughter-in-laws.  Mami hesitantly gives Khushi the present but says she's only doing this for Arnav's happiness.  NK notices Arnav smiling and tells him that this is the house welcoming ceremony and is nothing to smile about (he is also corrected by Akash on his poor Hindi again). 

Khushi tips over the urn with her right foot and then enters the house, leaving her footprints behind.  As she walks into the house, Akash stops her and reminds Arnav of the family's tradition.  Confused, Khushi asks what the family tradition is but Anjali says to ignore it as Arnav won't be able to do it.  Akash and NK states that since its a tradition, it must be completed.  Payal jokingly tells them to stop teasing Khushi and Khushi asks Arnav what family tradition they are talking about.  Just then, Arnav picks her up in his arms, surprising Khushi.  She tells him to put her down since he's hurt but he tells her that he is not that hurt that he can't pick up and carry his wife.  With that said, he walks into the house carrying her in his arms.

Everything was absolutely perfect in today's episode; from Arnav's decision to their wedding to them finally coming home.  Everything was just perfect.  All five episodes this week have been absolutely amazing, delivering power packed performances and a lot of intense drama.  This week returned the show we all fell in love with and reminded us all of why we fell in love with Arnav and Khushi.

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