Thursday, September 6, 2012

Episode Review: September 5th, 2012

As Arnav sits beside a sleeping Anjali, Khushi tells HP to remove the baby cradle from the room.  As he does that, Anjali wakes up and notices the cradle being taken away and begins to cry, with Arnav trying to console her.  Buaji and Garima talk about what happened to Anjali and feel very bad for her.  Buaji suggest they go meet Anjali in the hospital and are about to leave until they get a phone call.  Khushi informs them that they brought Anjali home and suggest they come the next day to meet her as she needs a lot of rest.  As Arnav exits Anjali's room, Khushi tells him that he will be able to make everything right and return Anjali's happiness as she believes that he can.  Dadi then interrupts them saying that until Arnav brings Shyam back into the house, nothing will be okay.  Arnav reminds her that he will never let that man enter the house again and Dadi tells him that she has seen the love in Shyam's eyes for Anjali.  When Dadi says this, Arnav starts to question how Dadi knows so much about Shyam.  He questions her on how she knew that Shyam had so much love for Anjali since she only met him yesterday at the hospital and since she's been living in the Ashram for 14 years, she's never met him.  Arnav asks her if Shyam came to meet her in the Ashram and she says yes.  She says that Shyam came and told her everything and that all he wanted was to live with his wife and child.  She tells the family that she has come back to make everything right again.  Angry with her statements, Arnav asks her with what right did she come back with as she had left them 14 years ago.  He tells her that every since that incident, he's been taking care of his sister and can continue to take care of her in the future.  He reminds the Dadi that she did nothing for them over the last 14 years so there is no way she'll do anything for them now.  As he leaves, he reminds the family that Shyam will not enter the house and that he will also take out a restraining order against Shyam to prevent him from coming back to the house.  In her room, the nurse attempts to feed Anjali but she refuses to eat.  Just then, Shyam enters and tells the nurse he just wants to spend a few minutes with Anjali.  Anjali reassures the nurse that he is her husband and she leaves the two of them alone.  After Shyam feeds Anjali, she asks him to return to her as she needs him the most right now.

Shyam tells her that he loves her very much but that Arnav won't allow them to be together as he hates him a lot.  He tells her that it doesn't look like he'll be able to be with Anjali so he tells her to take care of herself.  Anjali then tells Shyam her idea.  If she refuses to eat anything from anyone unless it's him, hopefully she'll be able to get him back in the house.  Delighted to see his wife willing to do anything for him, he tells her it's a bad idea (hoping she still goes through with it) and tells her that he will come to meet her secretly every day. 

Back in Arnav's room, Khushi brings him his medication and tells him that he has to take care of his health first in order to be able to take care of everyone else.  She then expresses her opinion on the idea of bringing Shyam back into the house and asks Arnav to consider it for once.  She tells him that when she saw him at the hospital, she felt as though he had changed, after hearing about the loss of his child.  Arnav, surprised at Khushi statement, tells her that a man like that will never change and that she should not bring up this topic again.  As Khushi agrees, Anjali stumbles by their room.  Everyone is happy to see that Anjali seems to be better and Arnav asks her if she needs anything.  She asks Arnav to bring Shyam back to her and everyone is shocked to hear that.

What worked: Anjali's delirious state.  Anjali is oblivious to the world around her.  She doesn't understand how evil her husband is and her delirious state is making her situation worse.  Her delirious state is helping to bring in problems, drama and a lot of arguments to make the story more interesting.  The fact that Dadi is encouraging her in her delirious state makes the plot a lot more interesting as when she comes to know of Shyam's real truth, she herself will feel really guilty for helping to push Anjali to this state.

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: Anjali's willing to do anything to get Shyam back into the house.  This is the definition of a woman blinded by love.  What makes it worse is when that woman refuses to accept any of the facts stated by her family and decides to believe the one man who betrayed her.  Over the last few weeks, we have seen Anjali lie to her family, keep secrets and sneak around just for Shyam's sake.  Today, we see that she is willing to do anything to get her husband back in the house and that includes refusing to eat, making her family worry more about her.  What Anjali doesn't know is that Shyam is only using her to exact his revenge on Arnav and Khushi, the two people who are trying to protect her from the evil that lurks.  We'll definitely see more of Anjali's stubbornness and possibly lies just to get her husband back and that should definitely make the brother-sister relationship very interesting.

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