Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Episode Recap: September 11th, 2012

After Anjali thanks Arnav for bringing Shyam back, she retreats back to her room with her husband and the family follows them too.  Khushi tries to explain to Arnav what she did but he instead grabs her by the wrist and drags her to their room where he begins to yell at her.  He asks her how dare she bring Shyam back into the house knowing how much he hates that man.  He tells her that if anyone else had brought him back he would have accepted it but was surprised that she did it.  She tries to explain to him that whatever she did, she did for Anjali's health because it was deteriorating.  Arnav tells her that she broke his trust and that he never should have let her come so close to him.  He then tells her to leave and hurt by his words, she leaves the house.  In her room, Anjali is now eating and the family watches on as Shyam feeds her.  Shyam tells the family that he has not only come here to take care of Anjali but to also ask for everyone's forgiveness too.  As he tries to ask for their forgiveness, NK interrupts him telling him not to put on an act, but he too is quickly shut down by a happy Dadi.  The family then leaves the room to let Anjali rest and Dadi states that, for once, Khushi did something right.  Shyam tells the family that he has to make things right and talk to Arnav.  Arnav is working on his laptop by the poolside thinking about Shyam, when Shyam himself walks into Arnav's room.  He attempts to ask for forgiveness and says that most of what happened was a misunderstanding.  When Shyam utters Khushi's name, Arnav becomes enraged and grabs Shyam by the neck, pinning him against the door.  He tells him to never say her name ever again and Shyam escapes him by faking a cough.  Arnav reminds Shyam that he is only here until Anjali gets better and then after that, he will throw Shyam out of the house.  Later that night, Arnav and Khushi are thinking about each other and what transpired between them earlier that day. 

In the kitchen, Shyam helps Anjali in making kheer.  He tells her about the rift between Arnav and Khushi because Khushi brought him back to the house.  He suggest they do something to fix it, only really trying to win everyone's hearts again.  The next morning as he tries to work, Arnav becomes distracted thinking about what happened yesterday.  He tries calling Khushi up, who is making jelebis.  Seeing his call, she gets happy but then remembers what he said to her yesterday and disconnects his call.  When he calls again, she disconnects the call again and hides the phone is a pile of vegetables.  Angry that she's not answering his calls, he throws his phone on the couch and heads downstairs. 

Nani and Dadi return from the temple to find people decorating the house.  The family wonders what's going on and Anjali explains to them that the decorations are for the upcoming wedding.  She says that they should all move on from what happened and look towards the future.  When Arnav comes down the stairs and sees the decorations, he quickly gets upset and tells all the workers to leave.

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