Thursday, September 13, 2012

Episode Recap: September 13th, 2012

Arnav apologises to Khushi for whatever he said to her the previous day and Khushi too apologises to Arnav for going against his wishes and not talking to him before hand.  Arnav tells her that as long as Anjali is happy, nothing else matters and thanks her for what she did.  As the two stare at each other, Khushi places a kiss on Arnav's cheek, putting a smile on his face.  As she goes to kiss his other cheek, Buaji calls Khushi to return home.  Arnav grabs Khushi's hand, stopping her from leaving and tells her that if he lets go of her hand, he won't hold onto it again.  Upset at what he said, she tells him that she didn't like what he said and to not do it again.  Arnav states that he was just kidding and says he won't say anything like that and the two share a long, cute hug.  Buaji calls Khushi again and Arnav asks her if they should go downstairs.  In her room, Anjali is being fed by Shyam who tells her that Arnav and Khushi are made for each other and that their wedding should be done big.  Just then, Dadi comes in and tells Anjali to get some rest.  Dadi then informs Shyam that she needs to speak to him.  Downstairs, Khushi and Buaji are on their way out and Nani tells Buaji that the haldi ceremony should be done in a unique style.  Just as Khushi is about to leave, Arnav calls her back.  He again thanks her for returning his sister to him but informs her that he still does not trust Shyam.  Khushi says she knows that and comforts him by placing her hand on his cheek.  He tells her that him and her will always be, with Khushi finishing his sentence, together.  Leaving, Khushi mumbles that he can't even express his feelings in hindi, calling him Laad Governor, which he smiles about.  After she leaves, Arnav begins to return to his room until he sees Shyam entering Dadi's room.  Arnav goes by the room to listen in on their conversation.  Dadi tells Shyam that she does not like Khushi and does not want this marriage to take place but in order for that to happen, she needs his help.  Noticing that Arnav is at the door, Shyam says that he will no longer come up with any plans and will redeem himself.  Arnav hears this and is still confused, as he didn't hear the entire conversation, but leaves anyways.  After he leaves, Shyam closes the door and tell Dadi that together they will think of a way to stop the wedding.  The next morning at the Gupta house, Khushi is complaining over her mehendi not being dark enough, blaming Arnav for not really loving her.  Buaji and Garima joke around with her and try to get her to relax but it doesn't work.  At the Raizada house, Arnav wakes up to find his ring missing and quickly searches his room for it.  Anjali, Mami and NK enter and he tries to explain what he was doing when he utters Khushi's name.  Knowing what he was doing, Anjali finds his ring and returns it to him.  Akash and Payal enter and are surprised that Arnav is not ready for the haldi ceremony yet.  Arnav asks if Khushi has arrived and NK pokes fun at him for missing her.  Anjali tells him that they will be doing the haldi ceremony at Buaji's instead, as part of a surprise and warns everyone not to say a word.  At the Gupta house, Khushi is all decked out for her haldi and Buaji and Garima are beaming with joy.  Before they can start, they are surprised by the Raizada family who walks in, stating that both haldi ceremonies will be done together.  As everyone gets settled, Khushi stares at the door waiting for Arnav to come.  Noticing this, NK tells her that Arnav will not be coming today as he does not like all this haldi stuff.  Instead, he said to apply haldi to NK in his place. 

Upset, Khushi tells NK to go tell Arnav that she will marry Salman Khan instead.  As soon as she says this, Arnav walks in, asking her what she said.  She repeats herself and Arnav sarcastically tells her that she should go do that and that Salman Khan is waiting for her by the Laxsmi Nagar signal.  Still upset with her mehendi not being dark enough, she walks away mad, with Arnav wondering what kind of girl she is.  Buaji is glad that Arnav has arrived as well and wonders if Dadi has come to.  Nani tells her that Dadi went to the temple to get water needed for the pooja.  Khushi goes to her room to retrieve boxes, while still complaining.  Arnav tries to help her but she refuses.  He ends up stopping her and tells her that her nose is red, with her telling him that it's because he doesn't really love her.

She tells him that she's serious and shows him her mehendi.  She tells him that if he really loved her, the colour would have been darker and walks off saying he was lying.  Angry, Arnav grabs her by the arm and tells her to never dare repeat that again.  He tells her that his love for her doesn't need any proof.  Khushi said she mean it in that way and apologises for making him upset.

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