Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Episode Review: September 17th, 2012

The episode begins with a repeat of the pillow passing game where Khushi accuses Arnav of cheating but then agrees to do as he says.  Arnav takes Khushi to his room and locks the door.  He whispers something in her ear but she refuses to do it.  Arnavv tells her that since he won, she must do it.  Dadi begins to head downstairs to return Garima the medicines while Garima frantically searches for them.  Arnav ties a blindfold on Khushi and begins to touch her face, with a mischievous smile on his face.  Soon after he brings her downstairs, still blindfolded.  She wonders where she has been brought and tells him that she is removing the blindfold.  Just as she takes off the blindfold, the rest of the family begins to laugh at her, with her wondering why they are doing so.  Just then, Arnav shows her a mirror and she sees a drawn on moustache.  While blindfolded, Arnav drew a moustache on her face.  He jokingly says that it's to protect her from evil eyes and says she is still beautiful.  Not pleased at his prank, she begins to chase him around the room, even throwing a pillow at him.  The fun comes to an end when she almost collides with Dadi who requests some peace and quiet for her to pray.  The family leaves the room and Khushi is about to go upstairs until Dadi asks where her mother is.  Khushi points to Garima, who is still searching for the medicines, and then leaves.

As Dadi begins to approach Garima, she continues to look for the medicines.  Just then, Dadi calls out her name and Dadi hands her the medicines.  Garima turns around and shocked to see Dadi and she too is shocked to see Garima, while Shyam watches from afar.  They both flashback to the scene where Dadi yells at a young Garima for having an affair with a married man.  This time in the flashback, we see Garima trying to tell Dadi that she didn't know Arnav's dad was married and that he hid this fact until she met her.  We return to the present day where Dadi is surprised that Garima is Khushi's aunt.  Before Garima can explain herself, Dadi slaps her.  In his room, Arnav is wiping off Khushi's moustache.  He again teases her about poking fun at her and she gets scared thinking he's doing something else.  She states to him that the next time he tries to do anything like that, she'll run away so fast that he won't be able to stop her.  Angry at what she said, he tells her to never repeat it and she promises to never leave him.  As the two share a hug, he tells her he wants to show her something and the two sneak out through the back, leaving both their phones behind.  They arrive to a garden area and Khushi is curious as to why he brought her here.  The two get out of the car and walk up to a large tree, hand in hand.  Here, we see a flashback of a young Arnav and Anjali with their mother.  Their mother is explaining to both of them what planting is and how the sapling will give us life when it becomes a tree.  He also remembers planting the tree with his mother and sister.  He tells Khushi that when they were really young, they would come here during their summer vacations with their mother.  He says that they used to wait all year until they could come back to see if the sapling had grown into a tree but his mother had always told him to be patient.  Finally, that sapling has become a tree.  As they continue to walk hand in hand through the garden, they come across a rose bush.  Khushi asks him if this is the reason why he likes to plant and he says yes.  He tells her that his mother loved gardening and that every time he does gardening, he feels like he is close to her.  Dadi and Garima's confrontation continues.  Dadi tells her that she should have realized that she was that other women when she was avoiding to meet her.  She tells Garima that because of her, Arnav and Khushi lost their parents and she lost her son.  She says that now she has sent both her daughters to the house to ruin her grandchildren's lives.  As all this is happening, Shyam continues to watch from the poolside.  Dadi tells her that since she ruined her children's lives, she will now ruin her and her daughter's lives and Shyam is happy upon hearing this.

Khushi and Arnav sit on a bench and she notices his hidden sadness, so she places her hand on his.  He tells her that all the rituals they are doing to become husband and wife have their place and meaning.  However for him, today Khushi is his wife and his mother's daughter-in-law and nothing else matters to him.  Just then, she realizes that the red rose he gave her on her birthday was grown here and she is filled with emotion.  Dadi tells Garima that because of her, her daughter-in-law committed suicide and she lost her son too.  Now, she wants to watch Garima suffer.  Garima begs her not to ruin either Payal or Khushi's life based on her past.  She swears to Devi Mayya that she did not know he was married and that Arnav and Anjali were his kids until she met Dadi that day.  She begs for forgiveness and asks for Dadi not to drag her kids into this mess but Dadi says she will.  She says that this marriage will no longer happen.

What worked: The confrontation between Dadi and Garima.  The much awaited confrontation has finally happened and with it, it brings new light to the past.  Garima swears she didn't know Arnav's father was married with children but Dadi thinks she is lying.  Whatever happened to Garima in the past happened to Khushi as well, except Khushi never had feelings for Shyam.  With Dadi knowing that Garima is Khushi's aunt she will be hell bent on making her and Khushi's life a living hell, especially since she thinks Khushi tried to steal Shyam away from Anajli.  Even with this confrontation, some things are a bit unclear.  Exactly what happened 14 years ago that caused his mother to commit suicide as seeing her husband with another women could not have been just it.  What actually happened between Garima and Arnav's father?  With so many unanswered questions, we expect a lot of drama to unfold.  Let's see what Dadi does next.

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: Arnav sharing a memory with Khushi.  Arnav's fondest memory is the time he spent with his mother.  This memory and the garden are such an important part of his life that he's never shared it with anyone; not even his own sister.  As they get closer to their wedding, Arnav continues to open up to Khushi about his past and Khushi is now understanding why he is the way he is.  She's beginning to understand his pain, his suffering, his fear.  When he asked her to promise to never leave him, he revealed to her his biggest fear; being left again by someone he loves.  His mother left him when he was 14 and that departure destroyed his life.  The only other person that has come as close to him as his mother did is Khushi and losing her would make him suffer the same pain, the same agony all over again.  These various moments where Arnav and Khushi open up to each other about the pain they've suffered, continues to make their relationship stronger day by day.

On a side note, the prank pulled by Arnav was hilarious.  I'm surprised Khushi didn't realize what he was doing but it was cute to see him tease her.  A bonus was watching her chase him around as that is really not like him in anyway.  I guess love can really change a person.

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