Thursday, September 6, 2012

Episode Review: September 6th, 2012

Everyone is looking at Anjali, shocked at what she just asked for.  Arnav tries to explain to Anjali that what she wants is not possible but she won't hear any of it.  She tells Arnav that she accepted everyone of his decisions and never said anything against him because she loved him but today, he will have to agree to what she wants.  Anjali ends up passing out and the family takes her back to her room.  There, Dadi again emphasizes the need to bring Shyam back to the house and states that even Anjali has asked for him to return.  As he leaves the room, Arnav reiterates that Shyam will never return to the house and Akash and Mami wonder if Arnav is making the right decision, based on Anjali's current condition.  Nani and Dadi then have a conversation over the issue where Dadi states that whatever happened 14 years ago is happening again, but this time Khushi is the other woman.  She blames Anjali's current situation on Khushi but Nani defends Khushi saying she was not at fault at all.  Dadi recalls the time she met the other woman but the audience does not see her face.  Nani tells Dadi not to compare Khushi to the other woman but Dadi refuses to listen and leaves.  Later that evening, Arnav is reflecting over the events that just occurred; thinking about how Anjali lost her baby to how she asked for Shyam back to what Shyam told Arnav the night of Payal and Akash's wedding.  Angry, he throws a vase to the floor, which startles Khushi who walks in.  She quietly begins to pick up the pieces and Arnav, realizing what he just did, calms himself down and helps her pick up the pieces.  He asks her if she wanted to talk to him and she tells him that she is going home.  He asks for her to stay but knows that she can't, but she agrees to sit for a few minutes by his side.  Khushi returns home and informs Garima and Buaji about Anjali's condition.  In her room as she is removing her bangles, she looks at her mehendi and remembers Arnav teasing her.  Arnav too sees his mehendi dot and remembers the good moments before the accident.  The next morning, Dadi goes to Anjali's room and is upset to find Khushi there with the rest of the family.  Khushi tells the family that Anjali has not eaten since the previous night and tells them to get some rest as she will take care of her.  As Nani hands her the juice, Dadi snatches it away and states that she will take care of Anjali. 

After Khushi leaves the room, Dadi attempts to get Anjali to drink the juice but instead, she clearly refuses, and asks for everyone to leave her alone.  Downstairs, Khushi is arranging flowers when Arnav notices her.  He asks her if everything is okay and she says yes.

He then notices a tear on her face and realizes she's upset.  He places a kiss on her forehead to tell her everything will be alright.  Khushi informs Arnav that Anjali has not eaten anything since the previous night.  The rest of the family find the two and tell them that Anjali refused to drink the juice.  Arnav suggest that they make something while he convinces Anjali to eat.  Khushi offers to make kheer but Dadi says she will make it.  After everyone leaves, Arnav notices a hurt look on Khushi's face.

What worked: N/A

What didn't work: The pace.  Right now, IPKKND has been working on showing Shyam's entrance into the house.  Some of the episodes hav been fabulous in showing how Shyam is no longer human and will stoop to any level just to return to the house.  However, the current pace of the show seems very agonizing to watch.  For at least three weeks, we've constantly heard Dadi rant on and on of how Shyam should be brought back to the house.  This for me is getting annoying to the point that it's predictable.  The constant  "bring Shyam back into the house" is getting quite repetitive that it's beginning to drag the storyline.  Recently this year, the IPKKND team seemed to lose its stamina to deliver the show without it being agonizing to watch.  They either dragged the storylines unnecessarily, like when Arnav was kidnapped or right now, or they quickly rushed through the storyline, like with Arshi's remarriage.  Yes, very show needs a villain and Shyam is bound to return to the house.  So instead of dragging his return, just bring him back.  His return is important to the show as all his evil deeds must be revealed for anyone to move on in their lives.

Highlight: Arnav telling Khushi not to go.  This scene might have been small and simply but it gives us tremendous insight into the state of their relationship.  His simple "don't go" said it all; he fears losing Khushi in his life.  Right now, Arnav needs Khushi by his side and knows that she will be there but there is this fear in him that he will lose the one person he loves the most.  He's hurting on the inside and has been hurt in the past before but Khushi has promised to stay by his side; which was beautifully depicted when she said that she could sit with him for a while.  This goes to show that even though they are not officially together, they have each other's support and will always be there for one another.

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