Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Episode Review: September 4th, 2012

After consoling him, Khushi tells Arnav that he is not a failure as he has always kept his sister happy and that sometimes, some things that happen are not in our control and there's nothing we can do about it.  Khushi then tells Arnav that he needs to go and see Anjali as she needs his support the most.  Arnav states that he can't as he won't be able to see Anjali in that state.  Khushi encourages him to go anyways and says that she will always be with him.  Shyam enters the hospital and makes his way to Anjali's room.  When Shyam enters her room, he asks her what happened and then pretends to break down in tears, upset at the loss of their child.  Shyam acts like he is upset and comforts a broken hearted Anjali.  Soon, Anjali begins to cough and he decides to go get a doctor to make sure everything is okay.  As he goes to exit the room, Arnav and Khushi approach the room.  Arnav opens the door and is shocked to find Shyam in her room.  As he gets angry, Khushi tells him to calm down so he grabs Shyam by the collar and drags him out as Dadi watches.  Arnav asks Shyam how dare he come near his sister but Shyam pretends to act upset over the loss of his child.  Arnav tells Shyam to stay away from his sister but Shyam states that he will never leave Anjali, especially after what happened.  Angry at what he said, Arnav proceeds to punch Shyam in the face, to only be stopped by Khushi.  As Shyam leaves, Dadi tells him that she will bring him back to the house but Shyam says to himself that he will return on his own.  Dadi is upset with how Arnav treated Shyam but Arnav is afraid for his sister.  He goes back to Anjali's room and tells the doctor that he is taking his sister home and that her treatment can continue at home.  The next morning at the Raizada house, NK and Akash are comforting Nani and Mami.  Akash calls up Arnav but he does not answer the phone.  Just then, the family sees that Arnav has returned home.

Arnav and Khushi return to the house with Anjali in a wheelchair, surprising everyone.  Nani asks why Anjali was brought home as she still does not look well and Dadi tells her that Arnav thinks Anjali should get better at home and not in a hospital.  As Dadi continues to point out what Arnav is trying to do, he stops her and then asks Khushi to come with him as he takes Anjali to her room.

As they lay her on her bed to rest, Mami asks what happened in the hospital to cause Arnav to bring Anjali home.  Before him or Khushi can answer, the nurse tells them they need to let Anjali rest and they all leave her room.  Outside, Arnav makes an announcement to everyone.  No one in the house is to ever bring up the topic of bringing Shyam back into the house.  He makes this point very clear to Dadi as he stares at her while making this announcement.  Later, he returns to Anjali's room and as he looks at her, he remembers the time when Anjali told him he was becoming an uncle.

What worked: N/A

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: Arnav and Shyam's confrontation.  Just yesterday, Arnav felt defeated and helpless as he felt that there was nothing he could do to take away his sister's pain.  After seeing Shyam in Anjali's room today, Arnav Singh Raizada has a reason to fight.  He threw Shyam out of their lives to prevent what happened to his mom from happening to his sister.  Unfortunately, Shyam has weaseled his way back into their lives (unbeknownst to most through his meetings with Anjali) and will now have a stronger reason to re-enter the house.  Today's confrontation is just a preview of what's to come in the future as these two men battle it out.  Things are about to get interesting.

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