Thursday, September 27, 2012

Episode Review: September 27th, 2012

Arnav is on his knees crying out his pain.  When he turns around, he notices a rose being crushed under a broken bench.  He carefully picks up the rose and has a flashback of his mother.  His mother is gardening and she is pricked by a thorn.  A young Arnav notices that his mother is hurt by the thorn and throws the flower pot to the floor wanting to break it.  His mother tries to explain to him that it was the thorn that hurt her, not the flower yet the flower is getting the punishment.  She uses this example to teach Arnav not to punish those who are innocent for anyone else's mistake.  She especially tells him to never punish the one's he loves or those who love him.  Arnav then remembers how Khushi had reminded him to not be late for the wedding.  With that, he leaves the garden.  Khushi is still waiting for Arnav at the mandap and remembers what he said to her while they were at the garden.  Garima goes up to Khushi and apologizes for everything that happened.  She says she tried to not let her past ruin Khushi's future but she failed.  Khushi says she doesn't have to apologize and that nothing is ruined because Arnav will come, shocking Garima.  While NK tries to call Arnav again, Payal goes to reason with Khushi to get her to come home.  Buaji joins her doing the same but Khushi refuses to move, continually stating that Arnav will come for her as he promised he'd come.  When Mami begins to insult Garima and Khushi, Anjali begs her to not say such things.  Buaji and Garima pull Khushi to her feet but now she is visibly upset.  She states to them that she is not leaving and that she has full faith he will come.  She says that if Arnav comes and sees that she's not here, he'll think she broke her promise, so she has to stay.  Wanting her to snap out of her illusion, Buaji slaps Khushi and tells her to face the truth and that he won't come.  Buaji tells her that the fire has become ashes but Khushi notices a small flame still alive.  She sits back down and says that she won't leave the mandap until the fire is completely out.  Arnav is driving recklessly through the streets.  While driving, he begins to flashback through all his memories.  These include: the memories from his past, when he met Khushi for the first time, their fights, the time when they started having feelings for each other, their forced marriage, his kidnapping and escape and their recent romantic moments.  In the end, he remembers the truth Dadi revealed to him and is frustrated.   Just then, he remembers the incident of Khushi falling off the cliff.  As he remembers this, a truck is driving towards him.  He suddenly calls out Khushi's name, swerves the car to avoid the truck and crashes into a tree, passing out.  Khushi senses that Arnav called out to her and begins to run to him.  When NK stops her, she says something has happened to her but NK begs her to calm down.  Arnav comes to his senses and says "Ma".

Just then, Khushi notices the sacred fire going out and runs back to the mandap.  She sees that the fire has completely gone out and is shocked.  She falls to her knees devastated and the families feel horrible for her.  Unable to see her pain, Nani goes up to her and comforts Khushi, telling her that Arnav will come.  In a lost and oblivious state, Khushi gets up and begins to walk away from the mandap.

Garima calls out to Khushi who turns around and starts to walk back to her mother.  Just then she stops, realizing that someone is holding onto her.  She turns around to see a hurt and bleeding Arnav holding onto her dupatta.  She and the rest of the family are shocked at his state.  Khushi says to him that she knew something bad happened to him and goes to put her hand on his face when he suddenly backs away, shocking her and the family.  Arnav states to the family he was looking for the answers that he hasn't found.  He tells Khushi that when he fell in love with her, he didn't know their pasts were connected and that the one past he was running away from would come to greet him on his wedding day.  He then tells her that today, he is in this situation because of her where he has nothing but pain, lies and betrayal.

What worked: The entire episode.  From the acting to the direction to the cinematography, everything about this episode was perfect.  Out of all the 352 episodes the show has, not only is this episode by far the best, it's the first one to actually make me tear up.  My heart ached for Khushi and Arnav throughout the entire episode.  The pain they were enduring; I felt it.  The heartache they were experiencing; I felt it.  The dilemma they were encountering; I felt it.  Khushi's undying faith and Arnav's torturous dilemma are the two things that drove the emotion in the episode.  I don't think there's a person who didn't want to reach through their screens and just give them a hug.  After watching today's episode, I can confidently say that the show's magic and charm is finally back.  The cast and crew, take a bow.

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: Khushi's pain.  My heart literally ached for her today.  She was in pain, she was hurting and yet she still had faith that Arnav would come for her.  As the signs started to point that he wouldn't, she was refused to move, knowing that she had to keep her promise to him.  When he called out her name, she felt his call and knew he was in trouble, that something had happened.  When she saw the fire go out, her heart sank, not wanting to believe that he wouldn't come.  Even though everyone tried to convince her that he wouldn't come, Khushi believed in her love, her faith in Arnav.  At this point, Khushi was in a delirious state.  Such a state that all you wanted to do was go to her, give her a hug and tell her that everything was going to be okay.  Sanaya has had several amazing performances on the show since it began but her performance today was by far her best to date.  She is such a versatile actress with the ability to portray a variety of emotions to perfection.  She truly is one of the most versatile and talented actresses on screen today.

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