Monday, October 1, 2012

Special Episode Review: Arshi Wedding

Everything was absolutely perfect in today's episode; from Arnav's decision to their wedding to them finally coming home.  Everything was just perfect.  All five episodes this week have been absolutely amazing, delivering power packed performances and a lot of intense drama.  This week returned the show we all fell in love with and reminded us all of why we fell in love with Arnav and Khushi.

Arnav truly showed what a real man is and that he is nothing like his father.  Unlike his father, he was not going to leave, abandon or desert the woman he loved.  Instead, he was going to stand by her and be faithful to her, just like he promised.  Arnav's arrival at the wedding sort of scared me, based on the previous episode but like everyone else, we're glad he came.  When he proclaims to everyone that he wants to move on from his past and begin to live his life with happiness, it brings a smile to everyone's face as that is what they have all wanted from the start.  Arnav has lived his life for the last 14 years in his past; hating whatever happened and carrying that baggage with him constantly.  Today, he chose to finally drop that baggage and start a new life as he wanted to be happy, be with someone he cared about and who cared about him too.  Throughout the wedding, you could not wipe that smile off his face.  It was like new life was breathed into the angry young man and he was reborn again on his wedding day.

I could not have been any happier for this girl today; she finally got the happiness she deserved.  After months of misunderstands and being treated with disrespect, the only she loves the most made her his wife, respectful and with all the traditions.  Khushi's undying faith that Arnav would come took her love for him to a new level.  Despite everything that was happening, she didn't think once that he wouldn't come, even though everyone told her differently.  Khushi finally got her dream wedding and was returned her happiness by the man who took it away.  Just as eager as she was to marry Arnav, we were all just as eager to watch them get married.  Khushi has definitely brought happiness into Arnav's life and I'm glad that he could bring that same happiness into her life too.  The girl is one tough cookie but she proves to all of us that will faith, trust and love, anything is possible.

Now that's a supporting and loving sister.  Anjali has always supported Arnav and Khushi's relationship and she proved that today as well.  She tells her dead beat of a husband that Arnav and Khushi's love is so strong that it can overcome any hurdle.  She refuses to help her husband stop their wedding and for the first time, she does something her husband doesn't want her too.  Let's hope we continue to see this kind of Anjali, who takes decisions for herself and not let her slime of a husband make them for her.

Akash and NK
These two are absolutely amazing together.  Just add Arnav to the mix and things get better.  True to their roles as younger brothers, they tease and taunt Arnav on his wedding day; a day nobody thought they'd see.  Let's see what else these two do to bother Arnav and his new bride.

She's a lucky woman to have such an understanding family and such a forgiving son-in-law.  Garima too has carried this part of her past with her but has never allowed it to enter her present life till recently.  Arnav doesn't blame her for what happened and that provides a relief to her.  Hopefully, she can forgive herself for what happened and move on with her life, just like Arnav has decided to do so.

Even Dadi was great in the episode.  She is called back by Shyam to stop the wedding again by reminding Arnav that Khushi's aunt is responsible for the death of his parents.  This woman has been determined to seek revenge for her son's death, not realizing that he chose death over facing the consequences.  Swati Chitnis who plays Dadi did a wonderful job in portraying the stubborn and narrow-minded grandmother, a character that was hated by a lot of fans.  Dadi's last attempts to stop the wedding didn't work, with Arnav choosing to forget his past instead of taking revenge.  With no ammunition left, she leaves the house and the show....possibly for now.

Just when he thought everything was going his way, Arnav has to surprise him.  Shyam is even willing to poison Anjali's ear against this marriage to stop it but it doesn't work this time.  Just watching his face throughout their wedding was priceless.  The frustration and anger at the fact that his plan to separate them didn't work and the fact that he now had to witness their wedding was very enjoyable to watch.  To make matters worse, Dadi's last attempt to stop the wedding didn't even work, leaving him up the river without a paddle, and probably a boat too.

Oh how I love Nani.  She is one of the most patient elders I've seen on TV.  She's willing to let her grandchildren speak and make their decisions.  She gives them their space but is also there to comfort them and give them advice.  I loved how she asked Arnav if he thought his decision through because she didn't want to see Khushi hurt in the future.  She knows Arnav and his anger and wants to make sure that Khushi no longer has to bear the brunt of his anger.  She knows that Khushi has suffered a lot in the past and doesn't want her emotions to be toyed with again.  She has full faith in Arnav and his reassurance of his decision makes her a proud grandmother.  Dadi can learn something from her.

The Wedding
Unique, simple and beautiful.  These words not only describe Arshi as a couple but also describe their most anticipated wedding.  It was a beautiful wedding, full of love and trust.  The wedding truly portrayed Arnav and Khushi's own individual style.  It had the full scale rasams and celebrations that Khushi wanted and also had the minimum number of guests which Arnav enjoyed.  The most anticipated wedding of television went off in its own unique style, staying true to the magic and charm of the show.  September 28, 2012 is one day that the fans will cherish and remember forever.  Congratulations to Mr. And Mrs. Arnav Singh Raizada.

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