Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Episode Review: July 31st, 2012

Khushi is shocked to see Arnav there.  He says he came in through the window and Khushi wonders why he took the trouble to come all the way there if he needed anything.  He says that all he needs is sleep and he tells her to go to sleep.  Ecstatic, she immediately falls asleep on the chair, much to Arnav's surprise.  He carries he to her room where he places her on her bed.  As he tries to leave, she grabs his hand and tucks it under her cheek.  Unable to leave, Arnav lays down next to her and falls asleep.  In the morning, Arnav is surprised on how she sleeps here as at the Raizada house she sleeps differently.  When he poses that question to her, she replies back on how she never asks why he holds her hand while sleeping.  He reminds her that 24 hours are not up yet and before leaving, tells her to go back to sleep.

At the Raizada house, Anjali is looking for Arnav but HP says that he went to Buaji's late last night.  Khushi is awoken by Arnav's call who tells her to go and open the front door.  She finds a man there who hands her the 24000 Rs for her 24 hours of work.  As she gloats to Arnav about earning this money on her own, he hangs up on her but she is glad that she has the rent money and that Buaji did not find out.  Just then, the landlord comes and asks for the rent.  Khushi hands him the 24000 Rs but the landlord says its only half the money.  The new owner of the company now charges for maintenance and has doubled the rent.  The landlord tells her she has to give him the money right now but Khushi first wants to meet this new owner.  She reaches the office and demands to meet the boss.  The secretary comes to tell her that the boss said that if she wants her rent lowered, she will have to go with him to his house.  Outraged at the boss's request, she storms into the boardroom and begins to yell at the boss telling him that she is married.  Before she can finish her sentence, the boss finishes it for her and turns around: it's Arnav Singh Raizada.  He tells everyone to leave and then Khushi asks what he is trying to get from this. He says that he wants her to come home but she still refuses.  So he says that he has no other choice and Buaji's house will be demolished.  Khushi tells him to go ahead and demolish the house and she begins to mess up the boardroom.  One of the office staff calls Khushi an item and upon hearing that, Arnav slaps the guys and says that she is his wife.  Nani and Anjali are talking and Anjali is preparing for Rakhi.  She reflects on her recent conversation with Arnav and tells Nani that she does not need anything as long as Arnav is always with her.  NK comes by and lightens the mood a bit by asking Anjali to also make him a friendship band.  Anjali tells him they are not friendship bands but Rakhi's and Nani and her continue to correct his Hindi.  Just then, Anjali gets a phone call but she disconnects it, leaving Nani and NK a bit suspicious.  Khushi is having a nightmare on what Arnav had said and wakes up to her Amma saying that there is no water, at 7:00 am.

Buaji, Amma and Babuji are getting ready to leave for a bit when they wonder if the water will be back in time.  Khushi tells them not to worry.  Before leaving, they tell Khushi to make sure she packs her things as she should return to the Raizada house.  Khushi turns on the TV hoping to find news on why there is no water when the power goes out.  She goes outside to fix the electricity box when she meets a neighbour who asks what she is doing.  Khushi is surprised to hear that the neighbours have both their electricity and water still on and only their house has been cut off.  Just then, she remembers Arnav's words and figures out this is his doing.

What worked: N/A

What didn't work: A standstill storyline.  We're still stuck on the Gupta house rent issue and it's becoming a bit dragging.  Yes, this is probably the best way to get Khushi to come home but they writers could have made it a bit more interesting or lengthen the 24 hour period.  I'd like to see Arnav try another tactic other then this to win her back.

Highlight: Their "adaats" (habits).  They both stated it perfectly, it's their habits.  It's Khushi's habit to run from Arnav, it's her habit to be selfless, it's her habit to want the happiness of others and it's her habit to hide the truth from her family.  It's Arnav's habit to constantly challenge her, it's his habit to care for her if she's hurt, it's his habit to yell, taunt and threaten her and it's his habit to do whatever it takes to get her back.  They may have their little habits while sleeping but they also have much larger, impactful habits too.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Episode Review: July 30th, 2012

Buaji and Amma walk in to find the on the ground.  They help them get up and suggest Khushi take Arnav inside.  Arnav says he is fine but Buaji tells him that he must be hurt so she will massage him, which Khushi happily agrees to.  Arnav says there is no need and he doesn't want to cause her so much trouble.  Amma tells Buaji there is no need as Khushi is there and she will give Arnav a massage, the which he happily agrees.  In their room, Khushi brings in the oil and Arnav begins to take off his shirt. Khushi questions him on what he is doing and he replies to her that the problem is not with the shirt but with his back.  Khushi reluctantly helps him take off his shirt and he then asks her where her smile is.  He says that it's his 24 hours and he'll decide what to do with them, so all she has to do is smile.  Arnav then lays down on the bed and Khushi begins to massage him.  As she is massaging him, he says to her that she must be happy that he fell.  He says she must have thanked Devi Mayya for punishing him for what he is doing.  She then asks Arnav what he thinks so, he gets up and pulls her down onto the bed with him.  He tells her that when she is quiet, her eyes say everything.  The two stare at each other and Arnav points out that her nose has become red again.   

After the massage, Buaji and Amma leave for a while.  Just then, a delivery arrives at the door.  Arnav tells them to put the boxes inside while Khushi looks confused.  He says to her that she wanted to make money, so he's got work for her to do.  She must pack all the gifts in 40 minutes.  As she starts to pack them, Arnav makes her job a little harder by purposely turning on the fan.  Halfway into completion, he checks up on her and tells her that the tape should not be here (on her face) but here (on her mouth).  As he leaves, he puts his hand in a box and takes something out.  She ends up finishing the packing with time to spare but Arnav shows her a cup that has been left out (he took it out purposely).  He tells her to find the box it's missing from and to place it back in it.  She unpacks all the gifts to find the one with the cup missing, but now she must repack all the gifts again.   

At the Raizada house, Anjali is in her room and is surprised to see Arnav come by.  She asks him why he is not at the Gupta house and he tells her that since she made kheer and he wasn't there, he knew she wouldn't eat either.  They feed each other kheer and Anjali tells him how it felt to see the CD of the baby.  He promises her that he will be there for her.  Khushi thinks Arnav forgot about their deal and her celebration is interrupted by his phone call.  He tells her that she has to stay awake all night as he could need anything at any moment.  Fed up with him taking advantage of her, she decides to give him a piece of her mind.  As Arnav is going to sleep, Khushi calls him up seeing if he needs anything, to which he says no.  Throughout the night, she constantly calls him up seeing if he needs anything, disturbing his sleep.  When he turns his phone off, she calls on the landline.  He tells her to let him sleep.  With his phone turned off and the landline engaged, Khushi sends the manager over to Arnav's house.  He tells Khushi to stop disturbing him and that she should go to sleep.  She tells him that if he doesn't put his phone back on, she will send everyone in the office to his house.  Khushi is watching TV and drinking chai to keep awake.  She begins to call Arnav again when her phone is snatched away by Arnav.

What worked: The original characters of Arnav and Khushi.  It was great to see them back to their old selves.  Arnav irritating and making life difficult for Khushi and Khushi taking all his challenges in stride and irritating him right back.  It was this Tom-Jerry bickering that brought the two lovebirds together in the first place.  With the return of the bickering, hopefully it will bring the two together for good this time.

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: Khushi constantly calling up Arnav.  Like the saying goes, "You reap what you sew.”  It was the classic Arnav-Khushi relationship we we're all used to seeing: each of them taking turns to irritate the other.  Arnav's plan to have Khushi stay up all night backfired on him as she kept him awake too.  To a point, Arnav still underestimates Khushi's ability to turn a situation around in her favour.  Not only did she follow his orders, but she also taught him a good lesson: be careful what you ask for.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Episode Review: July 27th, 2012

At the Gupta house, Khushi is collecting and counting the money she saved up.  She realizes she doesn't have enough to pay the rent so she decides to make a few calls.  She calls up her business partner from her dabba service and asks to borrow 24000 Rs.  He tells her that he can't do that since his current state is not too well.  He then tells someone else that he had to lie or else he would lose his job.  Khushi then goes to Happy Singh and asks for a job.  He too denies her a job and says that he can't help her.  Once she leaves, he says to himself that he had to lie as Arnav said this would bring him and her closer together.  At his office, Arnav is reading a file and counting down the time until Khushi arrives; and she apparently arrives on schedule.  He asks her what happened and as she tries to tell him, he interprets her words in a different way.  She asks if he enjoys seeing her in this condition to which he relies yes.  She says that she'll work for him for a month if he pays the rent however Arnav has other plans.  He says that she does need to work for him for a month but instead only for a day.  For 24 hours, she must do everything he tells her to do and he'll pay the rent.  Khushi agrees to the deal.  Arnav shows up to the Gupta house on the excuse of being there for some business and Buaji and Amma are glad he's staying for awhile.  Anjali returns home from her doctor's appointment and pulls out the sonography CD of the baby.  Just then, she gets a call from Arnav who checks up on her to make sure everything is okay.  He then asks her if i'ts okay that he stay at Buaji's for the night to which she says yes.  After the phone, she stares at the CD and begins to cry.  In their room, Arnav sets some rules for Khushi to follow during their deal which include the fact that she cannot get angry and that she must always be smiling.  When he tells her that right now he is her boss, she wants to call him "Laad Governor" but he says Arnav is fine.  He then tells her that he wishes to watch TV but wants her to entertain him.  She starts off with a stock market newscast, mocking his company's stocks falling, then switches to music and then to news, scaring him with a report about a wife giving her diabetic husband tea with sugar in it.  When he asks her to dance, she ends up twisting her ankle.  He then applies bam on her ankle and notices her payals.  He asks her if she wears them all the time and she says yes as they are her mothers. She then tries to get up to go do some work but Arnav refuses to let her.  However, Khushi wants to do the work by herself so Arnav carries her there instead.  On the way, he slips on water and the two end up falling down.

What worked: Arnav's tactics to woo Khushi back.  Like the saying goes: If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.  Arnav has done exactly that.  He can't beat Khushi's plan of constantly going to Buaji's to push him away so instead, he'll join in on her plan.  Arnav tactics or using irritation, annoyance, deals and challenges to win his wife back are not surprising.  Arnav has changed since falling in love but he has not lost his ASR personality.  These tactics were in fact the way the two fell in love in the first place.  If they worked the first time around, they're bound to work the second time too.  The only snag in his plan is that he has 12 days to complete it or else one of the most important people in his life will walk out forever.

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: Anjali's progress.  It's nice to see the writers making progress with Anjali's character.  They have slowly begun to show the more happier side of her (ex, her talking to the rest of the family members again) and also remembered to show that she is still coming to terms with what has happened to her (ex, her crying at the sonography CD).  The fact that Anjali allowed Arnav to stay at Buaji's overnight and cared for her health shows that the loving, caring and understanding side of her is still there. 

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Episode Review: July 26th, 2012

Arnav wants to know why Khushi has lied to everyone just to come to Buaji's but she refuses to answer.  After Arnav keeps demanding an answer, she tells him that she had to lie to everyone to come here; she wanted  a change.  Arnav asks her why she didn't just ask him and she reminds him of what happened on her birthday.  She apologises to him for lying and says that everything will be fine in 13 days.  Confused, Arnav asks why 13 days but she gives no replay.  Arnav tells Buaji he is leaving. Before going, he tells Khushi that he is with her and questions her on what is wrong but she says that nothing is wrong.  At the Raizada Mansion, Mami notices Anjali taking to herself and is both confused and surprised.  She wonders what is going on with Anjali as she looks like a ghost and does not seem herself.  Scared of the whether outside, she goes to Payal's room and asks her to come sleep with her in her room.  Arnav returns home and finds Nani and Payal awake.  Nani points out that time has flew by and Payal reminds her that in a few days, her and Akash would have been married for 6 months.  Nani then points out that both her grandchildren would have been married for 6 months, stunning Arnav.  He makes an excuse of feeling sleepy and leaves.  In his room, he reflects on the words Nani just said, the words he said to Khushi the night of their wedding and how he stopped her from leaving the house.  He suddenly realises why Khushi returned to Buaji's house; because the contract marriage will soon be expiring.  Khushi is seen speaking to Devi Mayya saying that another day has passed and that after 12 more days, she will no longer be Arnav's wife.  Arnav says to himself that he has only 12 days to win her back but that when he does, she will forever be Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada.  He states that she may think herself as smart, but he is Arnav Singh Raizada and everything now will happen according to him.  Khushi then has a dream about Arnav placing money in a plate ontop of her head.  She suddenly wakes up from the dream glad that its only a dream.  Just then, her parents return home and she is glad to see them.  They too ask her why she is here and Buaji tells them that she's been asking her that questions but that she just doesn't give an answer.  There is then a knock at the door and Khushi sees its the landlord.  He asks her for the rent money and Khushi tells him that her husband had paid him.  The landlord informs her that her husband has stalled the check and that if she does not pay him within 24 hours, they will have to evacuate the house.  At the Raizada Mansion, they continue to receive blank calls and Mami brings this up to Nani.  They then ask HP where Anjali is and he informs them she has gone out.  When they call her up, she tells them that her doctor's appointment was early and she didn't want to disturb anyone.  She even refuses for anyone to come pick her up.  Khushi goes to Arnav's office where she finds him talking on the phone.  She tries to talk to him but he is constantly on the phone.  Angry that he is not listening to her, she takes the phone away and demands he listen to her.  She asks why he stalled the check to which he points out to her that she got upset when he gave the money and now she's getting upset because he took the money back.  She then tells him the landlord only gave them 24 hours to pay the rent.  Arnav asks her if she needs his help.  Khushi states that she does not need his help and that she will figure this out.  Before she leaves, he states that he's heard this line before from her and that he has a feeling she will come back to him for help.  As she leaves. He says to himself that she will return to him before the contract ends.

What worked: The mystery building up around Anjali.  Who could Anjali be taking to and who could those blank calls be from.  Could it be Shyam trying to reconnect with Anjali?  Only time will tell but this adds a new turn to the show, instead of always showing Anjali as depressed.

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: Arnav's plan to win her back. Oh Khushi, you really don't know your husband.  So now that Arnav has figured out why Khushi has returned home, he's going to use her own game plan against her.  He knows what irritates her and he knows what she'll do but his plan this time isn't to anger her or to accept defeat.  Instead, all he wants is for her to come back and fully accept him as her husband.  Let's see if Arnav's plan works this time.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Episode Review: July 25th, 2012

Khushi then sees Arnav walking up the stairs and onto the porch.  She quickly tells Buaji to go and drink water while she calls up Arnav.  She informs him that they are at a hospital and tell him to come pick them up.  She hides from Arnav, waiting for him to leave.  Once he's gone, she takes Buaji back to the house.  Once inside the house, she calls up Arnav and tells him that her and Buaji have returned home and that he doesn't have to pick them up.  Confused as to how she is acting, he questions her on what the doctor says. Khushi makes up an excuse of not meeting the doctor but states that Buaji needs a lot of rest.  After the phone call, Arnav decides to call someone up.  Back at the Raizada mansion, Nani and Mami are sitting around when they receive a call.  When they answer they call, there is no response.  The phone rings again but there is still no answer.  Just then, Anjali says that she is going out but does not want anyone to come with her as she wants to be alone right now.  Back at the Gupta House, Buaji has fallen asleep and Khushi is pleased that she is not awake.  Just then, the doorbell rings.  When she answers it, she finds a doctor and Arnav.  Arnav had called the doctor to check up on Buaji.  In order to not get caught, she makes an excuse of Buaji sleeping but the doctor states he can still do a check-up even if she is asleep.  They go inside and are start to do a check-up on Buaji when Khushi tells the doctor to check her stomach.  After Arnav leaves, Khushi makes up a story about Buaji having a hard life and losing her son.  She claims that as her only niece, she comes here to make Buaji happy but her husband (Arnav) keeps asking her so many questions.  The doctor falls for the story and promises Khushi to handle Arnav's questions.  As the doctor leaves, he tells Arnav that Khushi should stay here for a few days.  Khushi leaves to get the medication but Arnav takes it from her and says he will get it.  As she struggles to get it back from him, he asks her to do one thing, which is already known to her.  He leans in to kiss her but before he can, she grabs the prescription out of his hand and pushes him away stating that he lost the bet.  He them comes up to her, places his arm around her shoulder and kisses her on the check, surprising her.  He says that he does not lose bets and then departs.  Back at the Raizada Mansion, Mami sees that Anjali is talking to someone.  When she calls out her name, Anjali quickly attempts to close the door and begins to act like she's talking on the phone.  Just then, her phone rings.  She pretends to redial it to re-schedule the conversation.  Mami wonders who she was talking to as she wasn't on the phone before.  Back at the Gupta house, Buaji and Khushi are having tea when the phone rings.  Khushi picks it up and it happens to be the landlord calling.  Before she can speak to him, he says something to her that upsets her.  Before she can tell Buaji what it is, there's a knock at the door.  She opens it to find Arnav there, demanding to know why Khushi did this, with her asking the same question.  Buaji invites Arnav into the house and he begins to tell Buaji about a sad story he heard.  He retells Khushi's made up story to the doctor and Khushi begins to panic.  She then takes Arnav away on the pretense of wanting to speak to him.  In her room, Arnav demands to know why Khushi lied to him about Buaji's health but she demands to know why he paid the entire rent amount.  She corners him against the door, stating that she does not want any favours.  This angers him to which he corners her against the door and states that she is his wife and that he too has a relationship with this house.

What worked: N/A

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: Khushi attempting to get away from Arnav.  Whether it was getting him to drive from place to place to making up a false story, Khushi just can't seem to get rid of her husband.  Arnav Singh Raizada has turned from the arrogant, rude business tycoon to the loving and caring husband and son-in-law.  He's determined and relentless in making sure that her and her family are okay.  It was cute to she what other ways she would come up with just to get rid of her relentless husband.  The fact that he kept coming back to her house is a sign that in the future, she won't be able to get rid of him that easy.  The more she tries to run from him, the harder he will pull back.  Whether it is him calling the doctor to giving her a kiss on the check, Arnav has made one thing clear to Khushi: he's here to stay, forever.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Episode Review: July 24th, 2012

Khushi enters the house and Buaji is surprised to see her there.  When Buaji asks her as to why she has come here, she distracts Buaji by feeding her a laddu.  On his way back home, Arnav notices that Khushi left her phone in his car and finds this a good opportunity to go back and see her.  At Buaji's house, Khushi informs her that she will do the cooking for the day.  When she goes to throw something outside, she notices Arnav at their door.  Just then, he rings the bell and Buaji goes to answer the door.  Just as she is about to answer it, Khushi stops her and asks her to check on the rice in the kitchen.  After making sure that Buaji has left, she opens the door, grabs Arnav's collar and pushes him against the porch railing.  As she asks him why he's here, he stares at her hand that's clutching his collar.  When she goes to remove her hand, he says that it's okay and that since she's his wife, she has the right over him.  She informs him that she just put Buaji to sleep and he tells her that she forgot her mobile and he came to return it.  When Arnav returns home, Nani and Payal ask him if he met Buaji.  When he says no, they ask Arnav to call up so they can speak to her.  He calls up Khushi, asking her to let him speak to Buaji as Nani and Payal want to talk to her.  Khushi pretends to be Buaji over the phone to both Nani and Payal.  However, when Buaji catches her talking in a funny way and questions her, Khushi makes up an excuse of talking to a friend.  Arnav gets a phone call about a Mumbai deal and informs Akash that since he can't make it, he will have to cancel it.  However, Akash tells him that he will go instead.  Before leaving, Arnav asks him if everything is okay with him and Payal and he says yes.  Akash asks Payal to come with him to Mumbai and Nani agrees that it's a good idea.  Before Payal can tell Akash yes, Mami makes a comment on the fact that Khushi has gone to her maternal home and now Payal will be going on a trip with her husband.  After hearing this, Payal tells Akash that he will not go with him and looks disheartened.  Arnav tells the family that he will drop Akash to the airport and then go visit Buaji.  Khushi is unpacking her things when she begins to remember the time she was at the house with Arnav.  She tells herslef to snap out of it and Buaji comes in asking who she's talking to. Just as Buaji is about to call Arnav, Khushi states that they should go and eat chaat as she hasn't eaten properly since the morning.  They are outside eating gol gappas when Khushi tells Buaji about the landlord calling up.  She states that since she's here, everything will be fine and Buaji wonders why she said that.  Before Buaji can ask her anymore questions, she stuffs a gol gappa into her mouth.  Just then, she hears a car and feels that Arnav may be around.

What worked: Khushi's comedy.  She was absolutely spot on today from pretending to be Buaji over the phone to going to eat gol gappas.  Sanaya has amazing comic timing and she really showed it in this episode.  It was also great to see the old Khushi return: the bubbly, spunky and mischief girl.  A return to her old self reminds us all on how different her and Arnav are.  They may be poles apart but are perfectly made for each other.

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: Khushi pushing Arnav by his collar.  She is really acting like a wife and he's enjoying every minute of it.  Before when she would attack him or by accidently grabs his shirt, he would have stopped her or scolded her.  Now, he actually enjoys being held and pushed around by his wife.  With Arnav Singh Raizada in love, there is much more fun to come.