Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Episode Review: July 24th, 2012

Khushi enters the house and Buaji is surprised to see her there.  When Buaji asks her as to why she has come here, she distracts Buaji by feeding her a laddu.  On his way back home, Arnav notices that Khushi left her phone in his car and finds this a good opportunity to go back and see her.  At Buaji's house, Khushi informs her that she will do the cooking for the day.  When she goes to throw something outside, she notices Arnav at their door.  Just then, he rings the bell and Buaji goes to answer the door.  Just as she is about to answer it, Khushi stops her and asks her to check on the rice in the kitchen.  After making sure that Buaji has left, she opens the door, grabs Arnav's collar and pushes him against the porch railing.  As she asks him why he's here, he stares at her hand that's clutching his collar.  When she goes to remove her hand, he says that it's okay and that since she's his wife, she has the right over him.  She informs him that she just put Buaji to sleep and he tells her that she forgot her mobile and he came to return it.  When Arnav returns home, Nani and Payal ask him if he met Buaji.  When he says no, they ask Arnav to call up so they can speak to her.  He calls up Khushi, asking her to let him speak to Buaji as Nani and Payal want to talk to her.  Khushi pretends to be Buaji over the phone to both Nani and Payal.  However, when Buaji catches her talking in a funny way and questions her, Khushi makes up an excuse of talking to a friend.  Arnav gets a phone call about a Mumbai deal and informs Akash that since he can't make it, he will have to cancel it.  However, Akash tells him that he will go instead.  Before leaving, Arnav asks him if everything is okay with him and Payal and he says yes.  Akash asks Payal to come with him to Mumbai and Nani agrees that it's a good idea.  Before Payal can tell Akash yes, Mami makes a comment on the fact that Khushi has gone to her maternal home and now Payal will be going on a trip with her husband.  After hearing this, Payal tells Akash that he will not go with him and looks disheartened.  Arnav tells the family that he will drop Akash to the airport and then go visit Buaji.  Khushi is unpacking her things when she begins to remember the time she was at the house with Arnav.  She tells herslef to snap out of it and Buaji comes in asking who she's talking to. Just as Buaji is about to call Arnav, Khushi states that they should go and eat chaat as she hasn't eaten properly since the morning.  They are outside eating gol gappas when Khushi tells Buaji about the landlord calling up.  She states that since she's here, everything will be fine and Buaji wonders why she said that.  Before Buaji can ask her anymore questions, she stuffs a gol gappa into her mouth.  Just then, she hears a car and feels that Arnav may be around.

What worked: Khushi's comedy.  She was absolutely spot on today from pretending to be Buaji over the phone to going to eat gol gappas.  Sanaya has amazing comic timing and she really showed it in this episode.  It was also great to see the old Khushi return: the bubbly, spunky and mischief girl.  A return to her old self reminds us all on how different her and Arnav are.  They may be poles apart but are perfectly made for each other.

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: Khushi pushing Arnav by his collar.  She is really acting like a wife and he's enjoying every minute of it.  Before when she would attack him or by accidently grabs his shirt, he would have stopped her or scolded her.  Now, he actually enjoys being held and pushed around by his wife.  With Arnav Singh Raizada in love, there is much more fun to come.

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