Thursday, July 5, 2012

Episode Review: July 5th, 2012

Shyam tries to defend his actions by saying that it was all for a client.  He asks both NK and Khushi for more proof (physical) as they must have some since they have been following him around.  While NK begs everyone to believe him and Khushi, Shyam questions Khushi on what she will attain by telling lies.  Just then, Payal speaks up and claims that Khushi is not lying.  She also makes it a point to remind Shyam that she too along with Khushi know who he really is.  When Payal attempts to defend herself, Mami tells he to be quiet, shocking Khushi.  NK then decides to go get the pen drive to prove that he and Khushi are not lying.  He states that the pen drive has the soft copy of the sign Will papers which has Arnav's signatures.  Instead, Shyam hands him the so called pendent pen drive and NK attempts to open it.  When it doesn't open, he realises that Shyam switched them.  NK informs Shyam that both he and Khushi opened his pen drive and even know the password, stating to everyone that it is "I Love You Khushi", shocking everyone.  Anjali asks for both NK and Khushi to stop with their nonsense talking and refuses to believe them.  NK asks for Khushi to play the recorded phone message but tells him that Shyam took her phone away.  Having enough of this, Mami questions Khushi's concern for the family, bringing up the fact that Khushi asked Shyam to divorce Anjali.  Khushi states she didn't want to do any of it but had to in order to get Shyam to sign papers stating he had no control over Arnav's property.  When Mami asks for the papers, Khushi goes to retrieve them and remembers they were in her purse, which went missing when she went to free Arnav.  Shyam then states that Khushi has no physical evidence to back up her statements but instead has plenty of excuses.  When Shyam states that he would never leave Anjali, Mami questions him on his response.  He admits that he did say yes to signing the papers but only did it so Khushi would keep quiet and leave him alone.  Throughout this whole ordeal, Arnav is seen listening and observing.

What worked: Secrets coming out.  It's about time all secrets came out.  From what the Will said, to Shyam's password, to him saying yes to signing the divorce papers.  All these secrets coming out are giving Shyam a hard time trying to talk his way out of them as he is bound to screw up.  The only secrets left are how he deceived the Gupta family and his past with Khushi. Let's see how these come out.

What didn't work: Some minor bloopers.  Khushi did indeed lose her purse but it happened somewhere when she was tied up by Shyam.  Originally, she did pick up her purse.

Highlight: Mami bringing up the divorce conversation.  Everything Shyam has said could easily been digested by the family and they would easily believe.  When Mami brings up the divorce topic from that morning and gets Shyam to admit that he did say yes to signing the papers, it shows the beginning of him digging his own grave.  This is one situation he can't talk his way out of.  If he's going to say that he only signed the papers to get Khushi to leave him alone and try to make it look like Khushi is after him, he better be careful as Arnav knows that this is a lie.  Shyam is digging himself into a bigger grave and unfortunately, he can't see it.

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