Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Kidnapping Track: The Good, The Bad and the Ugly

So now that the kidnapping track has wrapped up and the story has taken a new turn, lets take a look back at the kidnapping track as a whole, instead of on a episode per episode basis.

The Good

Brought love for Arnav and Khushi
The track made Arnav and Khushi realize one thing; despite all the hate, misunderstandings and negativity in their relationship, they truly and deeply love each other.  The distance apart, the joy and finding each other to only be pulled apart and the determination to reunite shows how much they truly love each other.  Arnav's time apart from Khushi also made him realize one more thing: that Khushi meant something to him; she was important.  He solidified that feeling even more when he declared it in front of the entire family.

Development of Mami and NK
Mami and NK have been seen as the over the top, not the brightest characters but the kidnapping track allowed for us to see a different side of them.  We got to see the caring, concerned and determined side of Mami who would stop at nothing to find her nephew.  She even showed compassion to Khushi during that time, getting a first-hand look at what Arnav's distance and troubles were doing to her.  NK's development was nicely done, showing him not only as a supporter but as a true friend.  He stood by Khushi through thick and thin, even assisting her in revealing Shyam's true identity.  NK's intelligent side was shown beautifully as he came up with ideas to find information and trap Shyam.  All in all, new sides to both NK and Mami have been shown to us so now lets wait and see how these new sides are used with the current story.

Conclusion of the track  
The conclusion of the kidnapping track was nicely done.  It had action, drama, suspense and romance: just like a Bollywood film.  It kept audiences to their seats and eager to find out what happens next.  The revelation of secrets and exposal of Shyam helped to conclude the track and push the story in a new direction.  Lets see how the writers use this new twist to bring Arnav and Khushi together.

The Bad

Direction of the story
At times, it felt as if the story was a bit all over the place.  At first you see Khushi miserable and missing him, then she's determined to find him, then she was hating Shyam, then trying to get him to trust her, etc.  It just seemed that there were too many things going on at once and they weren't quite sure where they were going to take the story.

Character inconsistencies
Many people have noticed an inconsistency in some of the characters.  Primarily for me was Khushi and Anjali.  Khushi is suppose to be this strong, determined, find the positive side kind of girl.  What irritated me was how at the beginning of the track, they made her this depressed, miserable, always crying girl.  Then there were times they showed her first as very impulsive and then they showed her carefully thinking things through.  On the other hand, Anjali's inconsistency were clearly shown.  Not once did she ever suspect anything between Shyam and Khushi and now all of a sudden she starts to suspect them.  Really?  Had the writers shown this suspicion build up prior to the kidnapping track and a bit throughout the track, instead at the end of it, it would have made more sense.

The Ugly

Wasted opportunity: Payal and Akash
This track provided an amazing opportunity for the writers to do something with Payal and Akash.  Give them a storyline, show development in their characters and relationship, etc.  Instead, they chose to put in Bubbly; which was pointless.  Then they made Payal all of a sudden insecure about herself with Akash, which again made no sense.  They also didn't even finish that attempted storyline.  With Barun gone for awhile, I was hoping for a Payal-Akash storyline that would solidify them as a couple.  Instead, that didn't happen.

The Pace
I understand that Barun's absence may have caused some discrepancies on when he would be back full time on the show.  Also, rumours about Daljeet leaving didn't help either.  However despite all that, the pace of the track could have been better.  Sometimes, the pace of the story was great and other times you could feel it dragging.  It would feel as if two episode could have been put into one.  There were also times where the story felt like it was going in circles and going nowhere.  You could tell they were trying to kill time until Barun returned.  This would have been a great time to develop other characters, give other characters storylines (ex. Payal-Akash, even Nani) to make it feel less dragging.

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