Friday, July 13, 2012

Episode Review: July 13th, 2012

At the house, Khushi is sitting upset by the poolside reflecting on Arnav's words.  A hurt Khushi feels that Arnav may be right about everything being her fault.  Arnav rushes back home to apologise to Khushi and finds her packing her bag.  When he asks what she is doing, she states that he was right and that everything that happened in the house was her fault.  Had she not come into their lives, none of this would have happened.  Arnav tries to apologise to Khushi that he didn't mean to say what he said but Khushi is adamant on leaving the house as she cannot see anyone else in pain because of her.  Unable to nicely pacify his wife, Arnav resorts to the only thing he can, threatening her.  He reminds her that she cannot leave as their contract marriage is not up yet and she can only leaved after.  Khushi is shocked at his statement, calling their marriage still a contract, after everything that has happened.  He says that if she leaves, he promises to do what he said on their wedding day.  She agrees to stay but also lets him know one more thing, that he has not changed.  He is still Arnav Singh Raizada, the monster, who cares about no one other then himself.  As she leaves the room, Arnav consciously apologises for what he just said to her but he had no other way to keep her around.  Payal informs Akash that she is going to check up on Khushi but that upsets him.  He reminds Payal that whatever happened that day happened with Anjali and that as the daughter-in-law, she has more responsibilities to the house then to her own sister.  Payal then finds Khushi hiding from Anjali and the two share a hug, consoling each other.  Back in her room, Khushi reflects on how Arnav stopped her from leaving.  He notices that she's looking at the stars and feels immense guilt.  He again consciously apologises for what he said and admits that he caused her a lot of grief and sadness.  He vows to win her back and make her a part of his life forever.  The next day, Arnav wakes up to find Khushi missing.  As he searches the house for her, he accidently ends up asking Anjali if she had seen her.  Nani tells Arnav not to worry about Anjali and informs him that Khushi went to Buaji's house early in the morning, causing an angry Arnav to storm off to get her back.  At Buaji's house, Buaji is wondering if everything is ok as Arnav did not accompany her.  She informs her that he had some work and was busy.  Khushi jokes around with her saying that she didn't inform anyone that she was here.  She then prays to Devi Mayya asking for forgiveness to the fact that she did not inform her parents or Buaji of what happened at the Raizada house.  As she prays, Arnav walks in and begins to question her as to how she dare defy him.  As he questions her, Buaji and her parents walk in to see him.  Buaji informs him that every year on her birthday, she comes running to her house to eat jalebi and rabri made specially by Buaji's hands.  Hearing that today is Khushi's birthday leaves Arnav shocked and speechless.

What worked: Arnav's guilt.  His guilt sets the stage for his redemption.  The fact that he felt sorry for not only blaming her but for also forcing her to stay back by bringing up the contract marriage shows how much of a tight spot he is in.  He's in a position where he can't have his cake and eat it too.  Right now, Anjali and Khushi can't both be happy under the same roof but Arnav does not want either of them to leave.  Hearing him feel guilty for causing her a lot of pain and then vowing to win her back sets up the story nicely for the audience to see how Arnav exactly plans to woo his wife back.

What didn't work: N/A

Highlight: Payal's concern for Khushi.  At least there is someone else in the house who's realizes that Anjali is not the only one who is suffering.  I'm glad the writers are going showing the strong relationship between Payal and Khushi.  Payal's concern for Khushi is justified in the fact that she too was hurt by the incident and worse off, felt helpless she couldn't tell anyone about it.  Their hug was beautiful as it showed that the bond they share is immensely strong and that they will always be there for each other, no matter what their husbands think and say to them.

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